Title: Assistance Plus January 2005
1Assistance PlusJanuary 2005
2Assistance PlusAgenda
- Assistance Plus
- District Improvement Plan
- Accessing the midyear report
- Completing the midyear report
- Submitting the midyear report
3Assistance Plus
- Required by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
(NCLB) - States are responsible for monitoring the
progress that schools and districts make in
bringing all children to proficiency in the core
academic subjects.
4Assistance Plus
- Title I schools that have not achieved Adequate
Yearly Progress (AYP) for two or more years will
be identified for school improvement (SINI). - Progressively more comprehensive interventions
after the second year are identified as
corrective action and restructuring.
5Assistance Plus
- SINI schools must make AYP for two consecutive
school years in order to exit SINI status.
6Assistance Plus
- When a school is identified for school
improvement status, the District must - Offer public school choice
- Conduct a peer review of the school improvement
plan - Develop and implement a District Improvement Plan
and Intervention and Assistance Plan
7Assistance Plus
- When a school is identified for school
improvement status, the school must - Complete the School Improvement Plan (SIP) on the
State template, respond to peer review
recommendations, and submit the SIP by the State
deadline - Complete a midyear report of the implementation
of the SIP
8Midyear Report is due
9District Improvement Plan and Assistance
Intervention Plan
- Required by P.L. 107-1116(c)(7)(A) and by PL
107-110 Sec. 1116 (b) - Distributed to SINI principals in a Memorandum
dated December 3, 2004
10District Improvement Plan and Assistance
Intervention Plan
- The plan includes
- scientifically based research strategies
- professional development
- specific measurable achievement goals and
targets - activities before school, after school, and
during the summer  - the responsibilities of the State and District
and - strategies to promote parental involvement.
11District Improvement Plan and Assistance
Intervention Plan
- The District Plan was developed in collaboration
with district staff, in consultation with
parents, school staff, and others.
12District Improvement Plan and Assistance
Intervention Plan
- The District Plan is located on the FDOE School
Improvement Web site at http//www.osi.fsu.edu
13Accessing the Midyear Report
- Go to the FDOE School Improvement web site
(http//www.osi.fsu.edu) and click on Quarterly
and Mid-Year Report Guidance Directions (PDF
14Accessing the Midyear Report
Report Format
15Accessing the Midyear Report
- Rename and save the 2004-2005 Quarterly Report
Format to a document that you will complete and
later attach to your on-line school improvement
16Completing the Midyear Report
- The report has eight sections
- Highly Qualified Administrators
- Teacher Mentoring
- Reading Goal
- Middle Grades Rigorous Reading Goal (Middle
Schools only) - Mathematics Goal
- Writing Goal
- Parent Involvement Goal
- Other
17Completing the Midyear Report
- For each section
- Describe what progress your school has made to
accomplish the goal. Provide data or other
evidence to support the progress to date.
18Completing the Midyear Report
- For example Reading Goal
- List baseline data collected in the fall and
winter of the 2004-2005 school year. - Describe student performance data trends as
determined by using comparable data. - Address specific performance objectives for the
subgroup/s that did not make AYP targets.
19Completing the Midyear ReportSample Narrative
Through the implementation of reading strategies
such as guided reading, shared reading, FCAT
Explorer, students have made significant progress
during the semester as shown by the test results
reported below. Grade 6 students made the
highest gains. Â The fall Scholastic Reading
Inventory (SRI) and the SSS Diagnostic Test were
administered in September 2004. The winter SRI
and SSS Diagnostic tests were administered in
December 2004. Â In addition, teachers
administered teacher-developed tests and common
assessments to assess students comprehension of
materials and identify individual student
weakness and areas of strengths. Â Specific
Performance Objectives for ESE and ESOL students
performing in levels 1 and 2 in Reading These
students will participate actively in class
reading and buddy reading. Specific attention
will be made to strengthen their phonemic
awareness, phonetics skills, fluency, vocabulary,
and comprehension at grade level. Progress will
be assessed by the teacher using a variety of
methods (FCAT like quizzes, informal reading
inventory assessments, Cloze test, Scholastic
Reading XL materials, FCAT Explorer data, etc).
Weekly assessments will track the students
progress. Â Each student is expected to make at
least two year gains, indicated by their SRI
lexile scores or score at least level 3 on the
2005 FCAT. Teachers have used the SRI lexile
scores to determine individual growth goals for
each student so they can monitor the students
progress toward their goal. Â
20Completing the Midyear ReportSample Baseline Data
- List strategies you have implemented to improve
subgroup performance for one of the content areas
below - Reading
- Math
- Science
- Writing
22Submitting the Midyear Report
- Go to the FDOE School Improvement web page and
log onto your SIP. - http//sip.osi.fsu.edu/sip_template/login.aspx
23Submitting the Midyear Report
- On the left-hand navigation bar on the first page
of your school improvement plan, click on
Quarterly Reporting.
24Submitting the Midyear Report
- In the Quarterly Reporting section,
Find Report for Quarter Ending in January
Click on the browse button and find the completed
midyear report for your school.
25Submitting the Midyear Report
- In the Quarterly Reporting section,
Select the midyear report and then click
Upload. The report is attached when the View
Attached File label appears.
26Viewing and Editing the Midyear Report
- To view the midyear report, click on View
Attached File. - To make edits to the report, open the original
Word document on your computer, and edit the
document and save. - Go into the SIP template and reattach the Word
27Department of School Improvement
For additional information please
contact Sharon Brannon, Manager 561-434-8848 bra
nnon_at_mail.palmbeach.k12.fl.us Elaine Persek,
Director 561-357-7642 persek_at_mail.palmbeach.k12.f
Training 02ep