Title: The Nixon
1The Nixon Years
And the Ford Years
The Crisis of Authority
21968 Election
- Dem Hubert Humphrey
- Rep Richard Nixon
- AIP George Wallace
3(No Transcript)
4(No Transcript)
5- Background
- Republican
- 1969 - 1974
- Domestic Policy
- Foreign Policy
- Watergate
- Evaluation?
Richard M. Nixon
6Moving from the 60s to the 70s
Nixon Had Campaigned to Bring Us Together
Were We Apart? In What Ways? To What Extent?
Should Nixon Attack Domestic or Foreign Policy
7Would He Fulfill His Pledge?
8Or Turn His Back on a Troubled Nation?
9Domestic Policy
Key Issues...
- The Social Fabric
- The Lib/Cons Thing
- The Economy
America Was Turning More Conservative
10A Conservative Agenda
- No Real Agenda, But
- Consensus-Building
- Ready for Re-Election in 72
- Used Accommodation
- AndBenign Neglect
- Southern Strategy A Key to His
- 72 Landslide
- How to Win Over the South?
11- Nixon Argued for a
- New Federalism
- Called for Revenue Sharing
- Tried to Reform Welfare
- Family Assistance Plan
Why Only Limited Success?
12Nixon and Civil Rights
- How to Slow Things Down?
- Ordered Justice Dept. to Stall
- a Desegregation Plan in Miss.
- Withheld Funds for Desegregation
- Blame the Courts!
- Opposed Forced Busing
- Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg
13The Message?
And Nixon Could
Blame the Courts!
14Domestic Unrest...
- Urban Violence, Break Down of
- Law Order, Values
- Blamed It on the Liberal SC and
- Judicial Activism
- So Many Liberal Decisions
15A Few Key Cases
- Engle v. Vitale (Prayer in School)
- Roth v. U.S. (Pornography)
- Griswald v. Connecticut (Birth
- Control)
- Baker v. Carr (Apportionment)
- Reynolds v. Sims (One Man, One
- Vote)
16- The Swann Case (Busing)
- Escobedo v. Illinois (Rights)
- Gideon v. Wainwright (Legal Rep.)
- Miranda v. Arizona (Accused)
How to Reverse the Liberal Trend?
17- Nixon Tried to
- Pack the SC!
- Congress Did
- Not Approve
- Nixon Could Then
- Blame Congress!
18- Nixon Did Get to Re-Shape the
- Court Somewhat
- Warren Burger
- New Chief Justice
- Several Other SC
- Appointments
19(No Transcript)
20The Economy
Rising Deficits!
What Was Causing the Deficits?
21Where the Money Goes...
See Any Trends?
By the 70s, We Had
- Both Recession Inflation?
- Named It
23Game Plan
- Attack Recession or Inflation?
- Settled on a Three Part Plan
- Managed by C.O.L. Council
- Phase 1 - Price and Wage Controls
- Phase 2 - Gradual Loosening
- Phase 3 - Voluntary Guidelines
- Impact?
- By 74 Nixon Recession
- (Unem. 6, Inflation 12)
24Foreign Policy
- End the Vietnam War
- -Vietnamization
- 2) Détente with the Soviet Union
- and China-relaxation on tensions
- 3) Middle East Issues
25Henry Kissinger -helped shape Nixons
foreign policy
T h e T e a m
Used Linkage w/ USSR/China
26- Definition
- Purpose
- Application
27What Did Nixon Inherit in Foreign Policy?
28Trumans Role?
Ikes Role?
JFKs Role?
LBJs Role?
What Did Nixon Inherit?
29Nixon and Vietnam
- Peace with Honor
- Vietnamizationgradual
- withdrawal of U.S. troops
- -increased bombings of N.
- Vietnam in 1970
- Withdrew 25,000 Troops
- Dec Ended the Draft!
- Replaced It with the Lottery
30Was This Enough?
To Quiten the Antiwar Protestors?
31(No Transcript)
32A n t i - W a r P r o t e s t s C o n t i n u e d
. . .
Were the Times A-Changin Again?
The Fallout?
April, 1970
34Criticism from Abroad
And at Home
35Kent State (Ohio)-May 1970
36(No Transcript)
37Four Dead in Ohio
38Jackson State (Two More Protesters Killed)
39- Congress Repealed the
- Tonkin Gulf Resolution
- By End of 70
- 335,000 Troops in VN
- More Bad News
- Lt. William Calley
- Found Guilty
- My Lai Massacre
- Vets Against the War
- Demonstrated
40(No Transcript)
41- Published in 1971
- Daniel Ellsberg
- Proved govt. lied to
- public and Congress
- about warhad
- details of decisions
- during Johnsons
- presidency
- Years End
- 157,000 Troops
42Getting Out
- 1972 a Critical Year
- Oct Peace Is at Hand
- Talks break down by December
- U.S. begins Christmas Bombings
- Most destructive air raids of war
- 12 days of bombing by B-52s
- January 1973both sides agree to
- peace
43- Not So Easy!
- NVN Reneged!
- Response
- The Christmas
- Bombings
- The End
44Paris Peace Accords
How Did We Greet the Returning Troops?
- Ceasefire
- U.S. Withdrawal within 60 Days
- P.O.W. Exchange (650)
- M.I.A.s (2300 Did Not Return)
- 1973-War Powers Act
- -reestablish limits on exec. Power
- -Pres. Had to inform Congress of any
- troop movement
45Did Nixon Achieve Peace with Honor?
After the Peace
46The Ho Chi Minh Offensive
471975 Fall of Saigon
48So, Did We Lose a War?
49What Lessons Did We Learn from the War?
According to Our Leaders
50- Should We Know Our Enemy?
- Is Democracy Easily Exportable?
- Anything Else?
- In the Aftermath
- Did the Dominoes Fall?
- Congress Tried to Regain
- Lost Powers
- 1973 War Powers Act
- Since the Fall
51Vietnam War Memorial
52Effects of the War
- 170 billion spent
- 58,000 Americans dead
- Over 300,000 wounded
- Over 1 million South and North Vietnamese dead
- Caused isolationist feelings in many
- Americans
53Nixon's Diplomatic Revolution...
With the PRC USSR
The Heart of Realpolitik
54 The Message?
55Nixon and China
- US did not
- recognize Rep.
- Of China since
- 1949Why?
- Lifted trade
- And travel
- restrictions
56What Happened?
In 1972, Nixon Visited China
58Nixon and Chairman Mao Zedong
59Nixon and Premier Chou En-Lai
60- Began the
- Normalization
- of Relations
- Signed the
- Shanghai
- Communiqué
- What Next?
61Détente with the USSR
- SALT I Treaty-
- Strategic arms
- Limitation Treaty
- Plan to limit
- nuclear arms
With Leonid Brezhnev
62SALT I Treaty
- Limits on ICBMs
- An Agreement on ABMs
- Lots of Loopholes
- No Provisions for
- New Systems
- Still
63By Decade's End...
64How Did Nixon Pull It Off?
What Was the Impact of His Diplomacy ?
Where Next to Slay Dragons?
Third World Still Volatile
65The Middle East
66- What Had
- Happened There
- 1948?
- 1956?
- 1967?
- 1973?
67Arab-Israeli Wars
- Israel Added More
- Arab Territory
- Sinai Peninsula
- Golan Heights
- Gaza Strip
- West Bank
68Nixons Policy
- Six Day War Leftovers
- 1970 Jordan Kicked Out the
- Palestinians (the PLO)
- Went to Lebanon (Stay Tuned)
69- Oct., 1973
- E S Attacked
- During the High
- Jewish Holiday
- --Role of OPEC?
Yom Kippur War
70Nixons Response
- Shuttle Diplomacy
- OPECs Role
- 1974 Sinai Accords
- Did Ideology Matter After All?
- Aid to F. Marcos in Philippines
- Brazil, Argentina, South Korea,
- Nicaragua, Iran Got Our Aid
- All Had Military Dictatorships, But
- In Chile
72Salvador Allende
Augosto Pinochet
73How Would You Rate Nixon's Foreign Policy?
- Vietnam Policy?
- US-USSR Relations?
- US-China Relations?
- Middle East
- Latin America
- Overall Score?
74The Fall of a President
- Nixon Resigned in 74
- Was It His For. Policy?
- His Domestic Policy?
- Blamed for the State
- of the Economy?
- Then Why Did Nixon
- Fall from Power?
75What Is This Place?
- Roots in Vietnam
- Leaks, Pentagon Papers, Etc.
- How to Stop Leaks?
- Created the Plumbers
- Compiled an Enemies List
77Watergate Chronology
- 1972 CRP-Comm. for the
- Re-Election of the Pres.
- The Break-In (6/17/72)
78The Break-In
A Team of Burglars, Led by
Broke into the Dem. National Headquarters (Waterga
James McCord
79How Did This Man Affect History?
Log Entry
Frank Wills
80The Cover-Up
Planned the Following Morning
How to Keep the WH Out of the Investigation?
811972 Election
Did Nixon Get His Landslide?
Richard Nixon
George McGovern
83The Unraveling
Some Key Players
84Woodward Bernstein
85John Dean
T h e W H G u y s
Berlin Wall
John Mitchell
- Archibald Cox Sp. Prosecutor
- who tried to force Nixon to give
- up the secret tapes
- Senate Hearings looked into
- liesled by Sen. Sam Ervin
87More Players
Archibald Cox
John Sirica
88Sam Ervin and Committee
89- The Case of the Tapes
- Alexander Butterfield-WH aide told of
- tapes from WH conversations in July 73
- Nixon pleaded for
- executive privilege to
- keep tapes secret for
- nat. security reasons
90More problems-Late 1973
VP Spiro Agnews Resignation -took bribes as
gov. of Maryland and as VP Who
would be VP? Gerald Ford
92(No Transcript)
93and the Street Protests
94How Unpopular Was Nixon?
95The Fall... from Power
- Mar Indictments
- Nixon Unindicted
- Co-Conspirator
- Text of Tapes
- Released
96Leon Jaworski, The New Sp. Prosecutor
Demanded the Tapes Themselves!
97In the Summer...
U.S. v. Nixon
Comm. Decided to Impeach Nixon, or Officially
charge Him with pres. misconduct
98The End
- House Judiciary Committee
- 3 Articles of Impeachment
- Obstructing Justice (cover-up)
- Misusing Power (fed. agencies)
- Defying Congress (refusing tapes)
- Aug 8, 1974 Nixon Went on T.V.,
- Announced His Resignation
99(No Transcript)
100The Good News
10140 People Would Go to Jail!
102Following the Resignation
- Pol. Fallout
- View of Pol?
- Mild Reform
- Campaign Laws
103W h a t W a s t h e M o o d o f t
h e N a t i o n i n '7 4 ?
A Malaise A Crisis of Confidence
104Gerald Ford
- Background
- 1974 - 1977
- Republican
- Began with
- Im a Ford
- Not a Lincoln
- His Presidency
105 106- Ideology?
- Mr. Veto
- 39!
- 16 Overridden
- No Accom-
- modation!
107Domestic Policy
- Reform ActsWake of Watergate
- The Economythe Big Issue
- Ford Went on T.V.
Whip Inflation Now
108- Project Independence
- Tried Tightening Money Supply,
- then Loosening It
- Great Recession by 75
Who Would Get the Blame?
109Foreign Policy
- Overview
- Kept H. Kissinger
- Vladivostok Summit (SALT II)
- Helsinki Accords Human Rights
- Saigon Question (75)
- Mayaguez Affair
110(No Transcript)
111Did Ford Deserve A Turn of His Own?
Why or Why Not?
B i c e n t i n n e a l
An Election Year
113Return of T.V. Debates
Carter Ford
114(No Transcript)
115Our Last Unit... Before TAKS
The Carter Reagan Presidencies...