Title: 2005 National Sunflower Association Survey
12005 National Sunflower Association Survey
- Project Leader
- Dr. Duane R. Berglund, NDSU Extension Agronomist
and Professor of Crop Science
22005 Sunflower SurveyTeams
3Crop Survey Teams
4Crop Survey Teams
5Crop Survey Teams
6Crop Survey Teams
7Confection and Oilseed Sunflower-2005
8Sunflower Non-Irrigated or Irrigated-2005
9Sunflower Yield and Plant Population 2005
10Sunflower Plant Population 2002, 03, 05 and Av
11Row Spacing Sunflowr-2005
12Tillage 2005 Sunflower
13Number 1 Yield Limiting Factors-2005
15Disease Sclerotinia- 2003
16Disease Sclerotinia- 2005
17Other Diseases- 2003
18Other Diseases- 2005
19Red Rust in Sunflower- 2005
Rust Severity Estimated for Fields Where
Incidence Reported
20Bird Damage 2002, 03 05
21Insect Infestation-2005
22Seeds Damaged- 2005
Brown Spot Damage is for Confection Only
23Incidence of Broadleaf Weeds ND/MN 2005
24Incidence of Grassy Weeds ND/MN 2005
25Incidence of Broadleaf Weeds South Dakota 2005
26Incidence of Grassy Weeds South Dakota 2005
27Incidence of Weeds Kansas 2005
28Incidence of Weeds Colorado 2005
29Worst Weeds in 2003
30Worst Weeds in 2003
31Worst Weeds in 2003
32(No Transcript)