Title: National Children
1National Childrens and Adult Services
ConferenceWhat Next for Personalisation?
- David Pearson
- President of the Association of Directors of
Adult Social Services (ADASS) - Corporate Director, Adult Social Care, Health and
Public Protection, Nottinghamshire County Council
2What are we trying to achieve?
3Key Principles of the Care Act
- Health and wellbeing of individuals and carers
- Continued move towards personalisation of
services enshrined in Personal Budgets, Direct
Payments and co-produced assessment and
commissioning - Joining up public services
- Creating communities and businesses that are
sensitive and supportive through social action
in neighbourhoods and communities
4The approach for those with longer term needs and
- Good advice and information
- Prevention and early intervention and helping
people in crisis - Assessment of health and care needs and outcomes
and support planning - Providing a personal budget, through a managed
budget or direct payment - Building community capacity
5Advice and Information
- About...
- Managing the circumstances of disability and ill
health to remain independent - Sources of informal help and advice
- Entitlement to formal services
- Costs of care
- The way the system works
- Navigating the system
- Managing the crisis
6Prevention and early intervention
- Reablement
- Housing options with access and support
- Support for informal carers
- Assistive technology and telehealth
- Early diagnosis and support for people with
dementia - Falls prevention
- Preventing and responding to strokes
- Public Health programmes
- Making all public services and communities
sensitive and accessible to people with
7Assessment, support planning and personal budgets
- Co-producing the assessment
- An indicative budget, using resource allocation
systems - Support planning taking account of the options
in the market - Person centred approaches leads to new services -
personal assistants, shared lives and different
arrangements for respite care and day care - Much closer involvement of informal carers
- Setting personal budgets
- Supporting arrangements for Direct Payments, e.g.
accounts and payments - Review
8Building Community Capacity
- Much better and clearer strategies for support to
carers in caring, employment and supporting
health and wellbeing - Campaigns to develop awareness and sensitivity
towards disability - Encouraging voluntary effort through social
action and corporate responsibility Local Area
Co-ordinators, Circles of Support, Neighbourhood
network schemes
- Joining up public services, health, housing and
community services - Initiatives include dementia awareness,
loneliness (AgeUK) and encouraging voluntary
9Personalisation Survey 2014
- 80 of all people using community based services
on a personal budget - 24 of people have a direct payment
- 37 of younger adults and 15 of older people
have a direct payment - Variation in regions 21 in South West to 30 in
the East Midlands - 4.428bn 70 of total community based spend on
personal budgets - High take up of making safeguarding personal 80
10Personalisation Survey 2014 Some areas for
- Addressing variation Care Act compliance
- Market development such as micro commissioning
and supporting growth of providers - Training and development of staff on outcomes
based and asset based approaches - More users and carers in service design and
quality assurance - Investing in social capital and mapping assets
- Market position statements and local accounts
sharing progress
11Where next?
- The Care Act compliance
- Moving from numbers to quality issues
- More work in regions to follow up personalisation
survey and national PB survey results in more
detail - Extending to more people who have extensive
needs, e.g. more people with Dementia - Personal health and care budgets are a huge
development - Work across information and advice, service
design and market development, training and
12(No Transcript)
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