Title: LiteracyCommunication Language and Literacy
1BEAUCLERC INFANT SCHOOLAutumn Term 2nd half 2009
Rec/Yr1 Red Class
Science/Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Literacy/Communication Language and Literacy
Numeracy/Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
Light and Dark light sources, reflective
materials. Organising simple experiments
collecting evidence, making observations,
recording evidence, communicating results, making
simple predictions
Range Stories with predictable and patterned
language, Instructions, Pattern and rhyme.
Identifying fiction and non fiction texts. Rec
Yr1 Phonics (sounds and letters), blending and
segmenting words reading and writing.
Reading/spelling high frequency words. Yr1 -
Constructing sentences, adding interesting
words. Creating and following instructions.
Writing lists, letters, cards. Weekly Show and
Tell. Role Play Area Health Centre
Rec - Recognising, reading, writing, comparing
and ordering numbers. Using vocab more/less. Yr1
- Halves of small numbers. Comparing and ordering
numbers, using and understanding more/less vocab.
Addition number bonds to 10. Rec Yr1 Ordinal
numbers. Time. Collecting and handling data
pictograms and simple block graphs. Problem
solving describing ways to solve simple
I. C. T./Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Talking First Word Typing Creating cards and
invitations etc. 2paint programme. Faiths and
Celebrations CD ROM Using a digital camera
taking photographs independently.
History/Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Art/Creative Development
Close observational drawing (old/new toys).
Diwali Rangoli patterns Alien art
competition! Christmas display
Guy Fawkes and Bonfire night How are toys
different from those in the past?
Taking Care of Others
Thinking Skills
P.S.H.C.E./Personal, Social and Emotional
Design and Technology/Creative Development
Partner talk, Thinking hats White, Red, Green.
Learning partner agreement. Hot seating
Designing and making Christmas cards
SEAL Getting on and falling out Friendship
and working together, Listening well, Getting
angry and falling out, Friendship and making
up. Fire safety link to bonfire
night Remembrance Day Percy the Penguin adopted
Music/Creative Development
To learn a variety of new songs including
Christmas songs.
Guy Fawkes games 5th November Animal dress up
day! 13th November Phonics workshop 17th
November Christmas bazaar 27th
November Christmas Play 10th December Christmas
disco 11th December Pantomime trip 14th
December Class Christmas parties 15th
December Christmas dinner 16th December Break
up 2pm 18th December
Physical Education/Physical Development
Dance March, march, march, Jack and the
beanstalk creating dances independently, in
pairs and small groups Large apparatus Climbing
on and off the apparatus safely. To link a
sequence of movements. To evaluate the
performance of others.
Religious Education/Knowledge and Understanding
of the World
Why is Christmas important to Christians? Why do
we have celebrations?