Title: Mutually Interfering Relay Channels
1Towards Harnessing Relay Mobility in MANETs Rohit
Naini, Pierre Moulin - University of Illinois,
Relay Channel as part of a MANET
Mutually Interfering Relay Channels
- The relay channel with single interferer
though a good starting point , yields simplistic
solutions. - An actual Adhoc Network could potentially have
several interfering transmissions.
Locations Should be Jointly Optimized
Sensors (Accelerometers)
Processing Module
Mobile Relays
- Sensors measure
- user activity
- Convert activities
- to calories burnt
Compress and Forward rate vs Relay Position
Calculations Log on PDA
- Mobility should be viewed as a resource in an
Adhoc Network - Exploring the potential held by mobility in a
Relay Channel can provide valuable insights for
larger networks
optimal location
- This problem introduces aspects such as
inter-nodal cooperation in different parts of the
network. - The joint-mobility of several nodes entitles a
multiple objectives game-theoretic approach. - Solving this problem would give valuable
insight into interaction between coexistent
non-cooperating network blocks
Relay Position- Angular
Relay Position radial
- The transmissions from rest of the network are
assumed to be from unknown Gaussian codebooks - Correlation between noises at Relay and
Destination are computed based on Relay position
with respect to the position of interfering
nodes. - The throughputs of the three relay schemes are
evaluated by varying the relay location
Interferer Locations (0.7,45),(0.7,72),(0.7,135
Relay Channel with Single Interferer
- Relay Channel capacity is unknown but
surrogate performance metrics can be used - Cut-set Bound
- Decode-Forward Rate
- Compress Forward Rate
- A Gaussian Channel model is employed with a
corrected quadratic path loss - External Interferer emits Gaussian signal with
an unknown codebook - Subject to mobility restrictions, optimal relay
location/scheme can be chosen
Conclusion and Future Directions
Simulation Analysis and Discussion
- Interference management holds the key to
improving Adhoc Network performance - Mobility can be used to minimize the malicious
impact of interference between the different
parts of the network - The usually sub-optimal Compress-Forward scheme
proves helpful in a system marred with a high
degree of interference - Future Directions
- Understand the role of mobility in other adhoc
network blocks. - Devise mobility strategies for cooperative
multi-hop relaying
- The optimal relay locations vary significantly
based on the scheme being used - For a Decode-Forward scheme, it is optimal for
the relay to relocate itself away from the
Interfering nodes - For a Compress-Forward scheme, relay should
relocate itself to a point with higher
interference reception and good correlation to
Destinations Noise - Compress-Forward scheme exploits the noise
correlation to allow cooperation between the
Relay and Destination - Compress-Forward is well suited when there is
a relatively close interfering node with high
Node Polar Co-ords Source (0,0) Destination
(1,0) Interferer (0.5,45)
Cut Set Bound