Title: Focus Groups to
1- Focus Groups to
- Listen Learn
- Eleanor Long, MSPH (LAC/DPH MCAH)
- Sharen Anthony, MFCC, RD (PHFE/WIC)
- Cynthia Harding, MPH (LAC/DPH MCAH)
2Focus Groups to Listen Learn Eleanor
LongHealth Education CoordinatorLos Angeles
County Department of Public HealthMaternal,
Child Adolescent Health Programs
3Why Focus Group Research?
- Produces insights for outreach strategies
- Learn about target audience
- Inexpensive
- Easy to implement
4Focus Group Goals
- Understand factors underlying the obesity
epidemic among low-income women of color in Los
Angeles County - Learn how best to promote healthy eating and
encourage physical activity - Identify barriers to healthy weight
- Develop culturally sensitive educational
materials for African-American and Latino women
- Study Design
- Qualitative research
- Exploratory focus group approach
- Supplement post focus group surveys
6- Focus Group Participants
- 11 Focus Groups
- 38 Latina 14 African American women
- Aged 18 to 44 years
- Low income women
- Enrolled in Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
7- Sampling
- Convenience sampling
- Settings
- WIC sites in Los Angeles County
8African American Focus Groups Findings
9African American Focus Groups Findings
- Cultural norms
- overweight is accepted and desirable
- Physicians
- Only listen to African American doctors
- BMI charts
- Many questioned relevance of BMI charts
10- Barriers to Healthy Eating
- Fast Food
- Access and cost of quality foods
- Time
11- Barriers to Physical Activity
- Time
- Motivation
- Unsafe neighborhood
- Child care
12Major Implications African American Population
- Focus on perceived benefits of healthy eating and
physical activity - Craft messages to avoid exacerbating
sensitivities about overweight - Consider different perceptions about healthy
13African American Implications - 2
- Messages must be appealing and motivational.
- Accommodate womens needs
- provide childcare,
- make fresh foods accessible and affordable
- create safe neighborhoods
- Provide appropriate incentives
14Hispanic/Latina Focus Groups Findings
15Hispanic/Latina Focus Groups Findings
- Cultural assimilation (1st Generation)
- Adopting new lifestyles
- Developing a habit of eating out
- Acculturation (2nd Generation)
- Diminished cooking skills
- As children, developed a taste for fast foods
16- Family Norms
- Obesity runs in blood
- generation to generation
- Nutrition education
- Desired culturally appropriate nutrition
- education in a group session
- Preferred Spanish-speaking providers
17- Barriers to Healthy Eating
- Access
- Time
- Lack of cooking skills
- Lack of cooking appliances
- Fast foods
- Advertisements
18- Barriers to Physical Activity
- Time
- Exhaustion
- Lack of childcare
- Lack of access to safe parks
- Work schedule (late hours)
19Major Implications
- Build upon existing materials
- Teach health consequences of overweight
- Mobilize leaders
- Improve physical environment
20Implications - 2
- Access neighborhood parks
- Access fitness programs in community centers
- Access cooking classes - culturally appropriate
21Future Plans
- Continue Collaboration
- Empower
- Listen
- Share
- Acknowledge
- Develop Curriculum
- Support Health Policy
22- Our partners include
- State of CA Department of Public Health MCH/OFP
- Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
many programs - Promotora Organizations
- Special Interest Coalitions
- Demonstration Projects
- Kaiser Permanente
- California Medical Association
- Insurance Oversight
- University -UCLA
- Hospitals and Clinics
23Questions?To reach Eleanor213-639-6459elong_at_ph