Title: Marketing Tourism Products
1Marketing Tourism Products
- What is marketing?
- Bridge between producer and consumer
- Traditional vs Tourism Marketing
- must understand product characteristics
- Must understand where located on product life
cycle - Distribution channel is inverted
2Selling the Destination
- Macro levelwholesalers, tour operators, travel
agents - Micro level---done directly with consumer usually
once tourist is at the destinationresembles
service when done right
- Macro levelMalaysia
- Micro level--Icelandair
4Marketing plan
- Situational Analysis
- What type of product is being sold
- Environmental setting which includes economic
conditions, laws and regulations, and technology - Example of laws and regulationsairline
deregulation - Who is the consumer
5Marketing plan cont
- Understand competitor
- More competition the better comparison
advertising - Non-comparison builds brand awareness
- Price
- price can be used to convey product quality
- discounting is good during off season (U.S to
Europe flights in winter)
6Marketing plan cont
- Set objectives
- Budgets
- evaluation
7Target Marketing/Market Segmentation
- Each member of a segment must a trait in common
which is absent from members of other segments - Each segment must be substantial
- Each segment must be exploitable
8Types of Segmentation
- Geographic
- Demographic
- Psychographic
- Combinations
9Market Research
- Problem identification
- Review of available information
- Develop methods of analysis
- Data collection
- Data Analysis
- Interpretation
- Report writing and presentation
10Types of Market Research
- Assessment
- Monitoring
- Product positioning
- Forecasting