Title: Fashion of the 1940s
1Fashion of the 1940s
2Casual Womens Wear
In the 1940s, womens clothing was colorful and
stylish. The flapper age was over, and women were
aiming for a more sophisticated look. For casual
wear, women often wore simple, patterned dresses.
If going out, they may choose to wear a jacket
and hat.
3Evening Wear
For evening wear, women often choose a simple or
patterned dress. They then may dress it up with
gloves, jewelry, and hair accessories.
Some of the favorite accessories for women were
purses, shoes, hats, and jackets. For men, shoes
and hats were often the trend.
5Mens Wear
Men not in uniform would often be found in a
trendy suit and a hat.
6Mens Wear
Mens Swimsuit
Mens PJs
7Fashion Icons of the 1940s
Fashion icons of the 1940s were Elizabeth Taylor,
Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Billie Burke, Judy
Garland, and many other Hollywood Stars.
8This project was done by Lauren Stockman, Robin
Duffie, and Brittney Raucci. Special thanks to
www.google.com, www.imdb.com, and
www.davenportandco.com for the images seen
throughout the power point.