Title: Environmental Policy
1Environmental Policy Decision Making
- orWhy cant people make up their minds?
2Changing Environmental Views in the U.S.
Gaylord Nelson Earth Day Founder
3Changing Environmental Views in the U.S.
- Early 1970s Interest in environment
- increases
4Changing Environmental Views in the U.S.
- Mid 1970s Interest in environment
- declinesenergy crisis
5Changing Environmental Views in the U.S.
- 1980s Little government interest in
- environment
Dismissed acid rain proposals as burdensome to
Slashed EPA budget
Increased leases on national lands
If youve seen one tree, youve seen them all.
Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do.
6Changing Environmental Views in the U.S.
- 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill sparks
- renewed interest in the environment
7Changing Environmental Views in the U.S.
- 1990s High interest in the environment
Set aside millions of acres of land as National
Increased funding for National Parks
Expanded Safe Drinking Water Act
Accelerated clean-up of toxic wastes
8Changing Environmental Views in the U.S.
9U.S. Environmental Legislation
National Environmental Policy Act 1969
10U.S. Environmental Legislation
Clean Water Act 1972
Safe Drinking Water Act 1972
11U.S. Environmental Legislation
Endangered Species Act 1973
12U.S. Environmental Agencies
- Environmental Protection Agency
13U.S. Environmental Agencies
- Department of the Interior
Bureau of Land Management
Bureau of Reclamation
14U.S. Environmental Agencies
- Department of the Interior
Office of Surface Mining
Bureau of Indian Affairs
15U.S. Environmental Agencies
- Department of the Interior
Minerals Management Service
United States Geological Survey
16U.S. Environmental Agencies
- Department of the Interior
Fish Wildlife Service
National Park Service
17U.S. Environmental Agencies
United States Department Of Agriculture
U.S. Forest Service
Natural Resources Conservation Service
18New Challenges for a New Century
- Increased democracy
- Technological advances
- Increased cynicism loss of faith