Title: From 12 many to 121: the role of music
1From 12 many to 121 the role of music
- Mark Coenen
- General director Radio, VRT
2Radio is the sound salvation, Radio is cleaning
up the nation. (Radio, Radio, Elvis Costello,
3The power of (traditional) radio
- Radio is a combination of feelgood and update
- Radio makes your day follows the rhythm of
your day - Radio has a live-feel
- Radio is a guide
- Radio is no hands no eyes
- Radio is mobile
4Children of the revolution
- 1997 audiostreaming listener decides when he
wants to listen. - 2005 podcasting listener decides when he wants
to listen and on wich device (ipod/mp3-player/comp
uter) - New generation internet radio listener decides
what he wants to listen to and assembles his own
5Frankie says (in 1971)
6In the future 6 million station managers in
Flanders alone?
- Mass customisation,
- mass personalisation
- mass contribution
- People take control, traditional media lose
7Big difference
- DIY-radio is mostly on demand
- DIY-radio has no live updates, weather, traffic
- DIY-radio isnt really mobile
- DIY-radio doesnt follow the rhythm of the day
- DIY isnt a guide but a statement
8Some other sidenotes
- Only 1 in 600 visitors of Youtube actually link
up videos. The rest are traditional
mediaconsumers. From couch potatoe to internet
potatoe. - 90 of weblogs are dead after 6 months
- Majority of new bands still needs the power of
tradional media. There arent that much Arctic
Monkeys. - Age is important under 35 you want to find out
yourself, over 35 you want to come home.
- Majority of the people still want to find, not to
search - Too much choice scares most of the people
- People want to share their musical taste
- Birth of new communities of taste
- Broadband revolution is not a danger but an
opportunity for traditional radio.
10The long tail the VRT way
- Still heavy focus on big radiobrands
- Much more room for extra content more choice
- Making room for personalization, without losing
touch with the radiobrand
12More choice new forms of radio
- Thematic music stations ( Donna Hitbits, Klara
Continuo, - Podcast (literature, musical subgenres..)
- Audiostream (via radioplayer)
- Webradio (Radio 2 100 Flemish, Radio 1/World..)
- Tailormade (events festival radio on DAB)
- Archive(d) radio (compilations of award winning
13For example
14Targetting the young audience if you cant beat
the join them
- Demopoll on Studio Brussel (website where young
bands can upload their bios and songs and where
people can vote) - Hype channel radioshow that only broadcast
unsigned (alternative) internet-bases bands - Most popular presenter (Peter Vandeveire) has his
own Myspace-page - TV-campaign for Studio Brussel also uploaded on
youtube - Radio Dada every weeknight in july and august
young presenters can do their DIY-thing on Studio
Brussel (22-23u)
15Myvrtradio your own DIY-radio with a VRT-twist
- You get what you want customize your musical
content - Insert live update news, weather, traffic,
culture - Play whenever you like as much as you like
16Ive seen the future and it works
17 18Issues
- Rights management
- Radio must be fully digitalized
- Metadata are vital
19Any questions?