Title: Resources: Working With Families
1Resources Working With Families
- Joane Scholefield
- Family Support Facilitator
- IL PBIS Network
- joane.scholefield_at_pbisillinois.org
2It has been said that information is power.
- ..so let us begin to
- make more people powerful!
3Whirlwind tour of websites
- To help you help
- Students
- Colleagues
- Families
4Positive Behavior and Intervention
- www.pbis.org
- www.pbisillinois.org
- www.pbis.org/files.behaviorshape.doc
- Spanish
- http//csefel.uiuc.edu/briefs/wwb7-sp.html
6Illinois State Board of Education
7Illinois State Technical Assistance Center
8Illinois Autism Training andTechnical Assistance
- www.illinoisautismproject.org
9PACER Center
- www.pacer.org
- Champions for Children with Disabilities
10National Dissemination Center for Children with
- www.nichcy.org
- English and Spanish
- Free e-newsletter
11Current Brain Research
- www.dana.org
- www.brainsrule.com
12Harvard Family Research
- www.hfrp.org/
- Free e-newsletter, plus much more
13Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional
Interventions for Young Children
- www.challengingbehavior.org
- Scroll down left side menu to families
14Learning Disabilities
15Parent Teacher Associations
- www.pta.org
- www.pto.org
- www.nea.org
- www.aft.org
16Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
17Chapin Hall statistics for 77 Chicago communities
- http//cdhs-ycic.chapinhall.org/
18Youth Information/Community Mapping
- www.findyouthinfo.gov
- Interactive and dynamic source
- of info
19Autism Resource Center
- www.rush.edu/autism
- lists supports even dentists and salons that
have a proven successful track record - Also call 312.563.2272
- www.autismspeaks.org
- Also has an online database
20Search for materials available at our IL Public
21Beyond the Bake Sale Essential Guide to
Family/School Partnerships.
- Henderson, Johnson, Mapp and Davies. New Press,
22What Works Clearinghouse
- http//ies.ed.gov
- Top menu - go to Publications and Products
search Practice Guides
23Assisting Students Struggling with Math RtI for
Elementary and Middle School
- http//ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/pdf/practiceguides/rti_
24Promoting Resilience in Children Strengthening
the Human Spirit
- http//www.resilnet.uiuc.edu/library/grotb95b.html
appendix1 - Grothberg, E.H. (1995). The Bernard Van Leer
Foundation. Retrieved May 3, 2001, from
25Crisis Prevention/Intervention
- www.nasponline.org/resources/crisis_safety
- Handouts, fact sheets, and links on
- trauma, suicide prevention, and school safety.
26Cultural Competency
- www.nasponline.org/resources/culturalcompetence
- Materials and resources
- promoting culturally competent assessment and
intervention, minority recruitment, and issues
related to - cultural diversity and tolerance.
27IDEA 2004
- www.nasponline.org/advocacy/IDEAinformation.aspx
- Information, resources, and advocacy
- tools regarding IDEA policy and practical
28IDEA 2004
- http//idea.ed.gov
- Access to IDEA 2004 statute, regulations, and
helpful information.
29Success in School/Skills for Life
- www.nasponline.org/resources/toolkit
- Parent handouts that can be posted on your
schools website.
30National Center on Student Progress Monitoring
- www.studentprogress.org
- information and technical
- assistance to implement progress monitoring
31National Research Center on Learning Disabilities
- www.nrcld.org
- Research, recommendations and training
- See the article Understanding Responsiveness
to - Intervention in Learning Disabilities
- http//www.nrcld.org/publications/papers/mellard.p
32National Center for Learning Disabilities
- www.ncld.org
- resources on RTI and other school-related topics
- Free e-newsletter
- LD Basics
- In the Home
- At School
- College Work
33What Works Clearinghouse from the Department of
- http//ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc
- Information on evaluated interventions that are
geared towards improving outcomes in education.
34Child Trends Databank
- www.childtrendsdatabank.org
- Statistics on child-related outcomes in health
social and emotional development income, work
education and skills demographics and family
and community.
35The Human Brain and Learning
- www.youramazingbrain.org.uk/
- Check out www.youramazingbrain.org.uk/supersenses/
36National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
- http//nsse.iub.edu/index.cfm
- Information on conducting a survey on student
engagement in colleges and universities.
37High School Survey of Student Engagement (HSSSE)
- Information on conducting a survey on student
engagement in high schools - http//ceep.indiana.edu/hssse
38Helpful Stuff for Educators
- www.edhelper.com
- Create Puzzles
- Make Word Searches
- Math Puzzles
39Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice
- http//cecp.air.org
- http//cecp.air.org/familybriefs/
- docs/FCT_at_Home1.pdf
40Tools and Resources for Professionals and
Parents to Promote Positive Classroom Behavior
- www.interventioncentral.org
41Excellent articles, including book reviews
- www.teachermagazine.org
- Free e-newsletter
42Creating a Literate Nation by Harnessing the
Power of the Family
- www.famlit.org/families
- Free resources
- English and Spanish
43Stop Bullying
- www.stopbullyingnow.hrsa.gov/kids/
- Resources for families and children
44Ideas and practical solutions to unlock the
potential of all children who learn differently
- www.allkindsofminds.org
- Non-profit
- Free e-newsletter
45Information about special education law and
advocacy for children with disabilities
- www.wrightslaw.com
- Free e-newsletter
- From Emotions to Advocacy
46Education Resources Information Center
47Find and apply for federal grants
48Portland Research and Training Center
- http//www.rtc.pdx.edu
- Go to resources to see the Wraparound Guide For
49Library of Congress
- www.loc.gov
- Resources for...
- Kids,
- Families
- Researchers
- Teachers
50Council for Exceptional Children
- www.cec.sped.org
- Assists teachers, school administrators and
families with information regarding current
research and practices - Free e-newsletter
51Equity Alliance
- www.equityallianceatasu.org
- Funded by US Department of Education
- Promotes equity, access, and participation in
52Family Matters Parent Training and Information
Center of Illinois
53How Does Cultural Competence Differ From
Cultural Sensitivity/Awareness?
- http//cecp.air.org/cultural/Q_howdifferent.htm
54Center for Effective Collaboration and Practices
- http//cecp.air.org
- Left side menu miniwebs - wraparound
55Incentive Generator - Free and Fun!
- www.jimwrightonline.com/php/jackpot/jackpot.php
56Family Support in Illinois
- http//www.familysupportnetwork.org
57Family Resource Center on Disabilities in
Northern Illinois
58Free Antibiotics! Free Pre-natal vitamins!
- www.meijer.com/pharmacy
- Search left menu for details
59Illinois Health Insurance for Kids
60Identify and Access Resources
- www.benefitscheckup.org
- Geared to 55 and older
61Attention Deficit Disorder Organization
62Dedicated to the effective implementation of RtI
in school districts nationwide
- www.rtinetwork.org
- Free e-newsletter
63Access the federal governments
disability-related information and resources
- www.disabilityinfo.gov
- Free e-newsletter
64Culturally Responsive Response to Intervention
- http//nccrest.org/professional/culturally_respons
65Hamilton Fish Institute on School and Community
- www.hamfish.org
- Free e-newsletter
66Advocacy for the civil rights and human dignity
of those with mental disabilities
- www.bazelon.org
- Free e-newsletter
67The Southern Poverty Law Center
- www.splcenter.org
- The Center is internationally known for its
tolerance education programs - Free subscription to Teaching Tolerance Magazine
- Free e-newsletter and more
68Resources for families and schools to strengthen
school communities
- www.illinoisparents.org
- Searchable by your neighborhood
- Add your resources to the growing database
69Handbook of Positive Behavior Support
- http//books.google.com Search
- for Handbook of Positive Behavior Support
70Illinois Lifespan Resources