Jackie's overview - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jackie's overview


Your email message can be intercepted easily and your information is being exposed! ... VMEgateway can Catch' any email with an attachment according to its ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jackie's overview

Meganet Corporation VME Gateway
Meganet Corporation
Meganet Corporation is a leading worldwide
provider of data security to Governments,
Military, Armies, financial institutions,
enterprise and large corporations around the
email Security Solutions
Sending an eMail is like sending a postcard.
? Are you sure no one else reads your emails but
Your email message can be intercepted easily and
your information is being exposed!!
Your Business Contracts
Your new products diagram
Private Personal Information
Communication with your Bank
Military and classified information
Private Medical Information
The Security Challenge
  • Emails carrying offensive messages or
    confidential corporate information can create
    immense inconvenience and expense for a company
    that has not equipped its mail server with the
    appropriate tools.
  • The same goes for spammers who use the email
    system at work to send thousands of unsolicited
    email messages.
  • And what about the vast damage and time-loss
    caused by email viruses, which seems to making
    ever more frequent appearances these days.

The Security Challenge
  • Various studies have shown how employees use
    email to send out confidential corporate
    information. Be it because they are disgruntled
    and revengeful, or because they fail to realize
    the potentially harmful impact of such a
    practice, employees use email to share sensitive
    data that was officially intended to remain

Types of Attack or Misuse Detected in the Last 12
CSI/FBI 2002 Computer Crime and Security Survey
Types of Attack or Dollar Amount of Loss by Type
(in millions)
CSI/FBI 2002 Computer Crime and Security Survey
The solution
VME Gateway
An automatic Policy Based email Security Server
Solution requirements
  • A robust e-mail delivery service provides
    rule-based automatic enforcement of enterprise
    policies in four dimensions
  • Integrity thru Authentication and non-repudiation
  • Confidentiality thru Encryption and Decryption
  • Protection thru Anti-Virus Scanning and Content
  • Longevity thru Logging, Archiving and Retrieval
  • The e-mail system must provide ubiquity,
    interoperability, universal support and


Today Corporate Without VME Gateway
Anti - Virus
VME Gateway
  • VME Gateway Policy Enforcement (the engine)
  • The VME Gateway Policy Enforcer manages policy
    enforcement decisions in real-time on each e-mail
    message routed to VME Gateway .
  • Policy enforcement decisions are made using rules
    stored in the VME Gateway Rule Base.
  • These rules specify the actions to be taken on
    each message according to its contents.
  • Rules are applicable to an e-mail according to
    its sender and recipient, its contents and
  • Once the rules that apply to a given e-mail are
    determined, the actions they state are performed.

VME Gateway
  • VME Gateway Policy Enforcement (the engine)
  • Primary actions include encryption, failing the
    message or taking no action.
  • When encryption is specified, the rule also
    indicates which encryption method should be
    applied and which encryption key to use.
  • Additional actions include generating log
    information, message archiving, return receipt,
    adding notes and rerouting the message.
  • Once VME Gateway security processing has been
    completed, the message is directed to the e-mail


Adding VME Gateway
VME Gateway
Anti - Virus
VME Gateway e-mail processing (Outgoing
VME Gateway
Recipient Alternatives
  • 1. No Client Software (self.exe encryption)
  • 2. Client Resident Software (.cry encryption)
  • 3. PKI (S/MIME encryption)

VME Gateway
Mail Security Policy You can set
general/selective rules for incoming/outgoing
emails. For example Catch and Encrypt all
emails sent from the CEO in New York to the CEO
in London, so only the 2 of them are able to read
the message.
Transparent to the end user The encryption is
done automatically. Both sender and recipient
need to understand nothing about encryption.
VMEgateway can encrypt in 2 ways Symmetric Both
sender and recipient share the same password for
encryption and decryption. A-Symmetric The
recipient holds a Private key with which he will
be able to open encrypted mails that were
encrypted by VMEgateway using his Public key.
Content Filtering VMEgateway can Catch any
email with an attachment according to its type or
size and decide what should happen to such an
email. For Example VMEgateway can be set to
block any outgoing emails that has an attachment
which its type is .Mpeg and which its size is
bigger than 3MB. More than that, you can ask
VMEgateway to block any email that its
attachment name is for example Virus.exe from
getting into your email system. In VMEgateway
also offer you more advanced content filtering
technology, such as word filtering ext.
  • Anti-Virus Check
  • VMEgateway will automatically Anti-Virus check
    your organizations incoming and outgoing emails
    and get updated with the latest updates
    automatically every day.
  • You can choose to work with
  • Aladdin esafe
  • Symantec Norton AV
  • CA Inoculate
  • McAfee
  • F-Secure F-Prot

Digital Signature VMEgateway can sign every
outgoing email, so the recipient can confirm that
the email sent to him was not tampered and
confirm the identity of the sender.
Encryption Key Management VMEgateway has an
internal database that holds the Symmetric and
A-Symmetric keys. Managing the keys is done very
easily. There is an option to extend the database
and work with an external database, such as MSQL
Public Key Auto Extraction When an external user
sends an s/mime encrypted email to one of your
people, VMEgateway will automatically extract the
public key from the message and keep it in the
key database. Next time when an email is sent
from your organization to that person, VMEgateway
will automatically use this public key for
  • Supported Standards and Protocols
  • X.509 V3 Certificates
  • Public Key - RSA
  • LDAP
  • SHA1 and MD5 Hashing Algorithms
  • Checkpoint OPSEC Compliant (CVP ELA)
  • Compatible with any SMTP Mail Server

A Quick Demo
Symmetric Auto Encryption Suppose we set
VMEgateway to automatically encrypt all emails
you send to your potential client in
Singapore. Lets say you sent him your new
proposal and you would like to make sure the
email is seen only by you and him.
1. Write and send your email.
2. Your potential client receives the encrypted
email as a small attachment.
3. He is asked to open the attachment and enter
the shared secret key (password).
4. Writing the right key (password) enables the
message to be automatically decrypted.
Confidential Sales Contract The Meganet
Corporation will
Thats it. That simple!
Additional Features
  • Strip Word and Excel document macros
  • VME Gateway can remove macros from Microsoft Word
    and Excel documents to prevent potentially
    hostile content from entering or leaving the

Additional Features
  • Interface with Active Directory
  • VME Gateway can interface with an LDAP server for
    online user and group information retrieval. The
    groups are managed on the LDAP server and VME
    Gateway downloads the groups contents

Additional Features
  • On-line retrieval of certificates
  • VME Gateway can retrieve user certificates online
    from LDAP servers. When a certain user
    certificate is required, VME Gateway can generate
    an LDAP query to one or more LDAP servers for
    retrieving the users certificate.

Additional Features
  • Detection of scripts, embedded files and links in
    PDF documents
  • VME Gateway can detects whether PDF files has
    java scripts, embedded files or links which might
    pose a security risk, and treats such a PDF file
    as if it contains a macro.

Additional Features
  • Text filtering
  • VME Gateway can apply rules to messages according
    to their contents. The message subject, text and
    attachments can be searched for predefined
    expressions and if found, can trigger specific
    actions. Expressions can be either in the form of
    a Boolean expression (cat and dog) or as a
    category. This feature is especially useful for
    catching sensitive information as it is being
    sent out or for blocking messages of specific
    type (junk mail, explicit content etc.)

Additional Features
  • Time objects
  • VME Gateway includes Time Objects which specify a
    time period (time of day, day of week, day of
    month) for which certain rules are valid. This
    allows for rules to be applied only during
    specific time such as weekends when security can
    be tighter.

Additional Features
  • Detection and stripping of HTML potentially
    hostile content
  • VME Gateway can detect HTML scripts, cookies and
    code references inside HTML content and can strip
    them to prevent potentially hostile content from
    entering or leaving the organization.

Setting up the remove suspicious HTML content
from HTML messages
Setting up the remove suspicious HTML content
from HTML messages
Setting up the remove suspicious HTML content
from HTML messages
Setting up the remove suspicious HTML content
from HTML messages
Setting up the remove suspicious HTML content
from HTML messages
Additional Features
  • E-Mail Simulation
  • VME Gateway includes a simulation tool used for
    policy verification. Using this tool, e-mail
    messages can be simulated and processed by the
    system without actually being sent out. The
    outcome of the simulated message is displayed,
    allowing the administrator to confirm that the
    system behaves as expected

Additional Features
  • Companion Decryption Software
  • VME Gateway include three client software
    packages that can be used for decrypting
    symmetrically encrypted messages created by VME
    Gateway .
  • These packages Decryptor, FileDecryptor and
    FileDecryptor2 are located in the Client
    Tools folders and can be freely distributed to
  • They are small and do not require any
    installation procedure so they can even be run at
    an arbitrary location from a floppy disk.

Additional Features
  • VME Gateway Security Client
  • The VME Gateway Security Client (GSC) is used for
    encrypting all outgoing messages from the users
    computer up to VME Gateway automatically and
  • The Client intercepts all outgoing SMTP traffic
    and S/MIME encrypts it using a single X.509
  • The destination VME Gateway identified the
    message and automatically decrypts it its private
    key and then processes it normally according to
    the rules and global options.
  • The GSC should be used when the communication
    between the client computer and the VME Gateway
    Wall machine is insecure (such as a traveling
    user which connects to the internet for sending
    messages and is not using VPN).

The e-mail Services Status
VME Gateway solution
  • Meganet Business model 3 main markets
  • Corporations Secure e-Mail servers.
  • Financial institutes e-Bill presentation.
  • ISPS/distributed - Secure delivery services.


VME Gateway Deployment (Corporate)

VME Gateway Deployment (e-Bill)

VME Gateway Distributed Deployment (ISP/ASP)
VME Gateway Distributed Deployment (ISP/ASP)
VME Gateway Distributed Deployment (ISP/ASP)
System Requirements
  • Windows
  • NT/2000/XP

Meganet Corporation Contact us
  • Meganet CorporationWorld Trade Center
  • 350 S. Figueroa St. 450
  • Los Angeles, CA 90071-1201 Sales
  • Phone 213-620-1666
  • Fax 213-620-1655
  • E-mail sales_at_meganet.com

  • Appendix
  • Creating a new rule

Creating A New Rule
  • To activate the rule, check the Active check box.
  • Open the Priority drop down list to select the
    rule priority.
  • Select to which messages the rule applies in the
    Apply To drop down list.
  • To specify additional criteria parameters, right
    click with the mouse inside the Criteria list

Creating A New Rule
From criteria
  • To add a From criteria, select the From item
    from the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

You can click the icon to open the E-mail
Addresses/Groups selections to help you select
the proper e-mail addresses and groups
  • Note The Search for field, the Search button
    and the Results list are only available if you
    are using a directory for storing users and
    groups information.
  • To search the directory, enter a search string
    (such as bob) and click the Search button. The
    results will be displayed in the Results list.
    Double clicking an item in this list will pop up
    a dialog with all available information retrieved
    from the directory server.
  • To add an e-mail address/group, select the e-mail
    addresses and click the Add button. Multiple
    addresses can be selected and added.
    Alternatively, type in an e-mail address in the
    E-mail field and click the Add button.
  • To remove an e-mail address or group select it in
    the selected Users or Selected groups list and
    click the Remove button.

To criteria
  • To add a To criteria, select the To item from
    the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

To/Cc limit criteria
  • To add a To/Cc criteria, select the To/Cc
    item from the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

  • The rule will apply if the total no. of visible
    recipients (i.e., recipients in the To and the
    Cc fields, not the Bcc field) exceeds the
    specified no. This is especially useful for
    catching a situation where the sender has
    mistakenly specified the recipients in the To
    or Cc fields instead of the Bcc field,
    thereby exposing the entire recipients list to
    all the recipients.

Attachments criteria
  • To add an attachment criteria, select the
    Attachment item from the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

  • Message contains attachments that are
  • If this option is set then messages without
    attachments will never match this rule.
  • Bigger/Smaller than XXX KB
  • Specify the size criteria. The size is checked
    against each attachment separately and not by the
    accumulated sizes of all the message attachments.
    If the message contains multiple attachments the
    rule is applicable when at least one attachment
    matches the given size.
  • And are of type/ And are not of type
  • Specify the attachment type. Attachment types are
    defined using the Attachment types window in the
    object tree.
  • Note If both size and type are specified then a
    single attachment must match BOTH criteria.

Text condition criteria
  • To add the text condition criteria, select the
    Text condition item from the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

Time object criteria
  • To add the time object criteria, select the Time
    object item from the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

S/MIME parameters criteria
  • To add the S/MIME parameters criteria, select the
    S/MIME parameters item from the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

After completing the definition of the Criteria
part, the rule may look something like this
  • Note that only those criteria which are set to
    non empty conditions are displayed to avoid
    unnecessary clutter. To edit an existing
    criteria, double click it or right click on it
    and select Edit. To delete an existing
    criteria, right click on it and select Delete.

Action section
  • To specify an additional action, right click with
    the mouse inside the Action list

Main action
  • To add the main action, select the Main action
    item from the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

Here is a description of the available main
  • Delete message
  • If this rule applies to a message, and the Main
    Action is not set yet, then the message will be
    deleted and no copy will be sent to any recipient
    or to the message sender.This action is
    typically used for messages that are classified
    as Spam.
  • Hands Off
  • If this rule applies to a message, and the Main
    Action is not set yet, then the message will not
    be failed or encrypted.
  • Notes can be added to this action. For example
    If the sender of an e-mail message is the
    President of the Corporation, do not touch it.

Here is a description of the available main
  • Fail to All
  • If this rule applies to a message, and the Main
    Action is not set yet, then the message will be
    failed to all recipients, even those that did not
    match this rule. The sender will receive a
    notification message on the message failure.
  • Failed to Caught Recipient
  • If this rule applies to a message, and the Main
    Action is not set yet, then the message will be
    failed to all recipients who matched this rule.
    The sender will receive a notification message on
    the message failure.

Here is a description of the available main
  • Encrypt
  • If this rule applies to a message, and the Main
    Action is not set yet, then the message will be
    encrypted according to the parameters defined in
    the Encrypt tab.
  • Not set
  • This action means that this rule does not set any
    Main Action, and the Main Action will be
    determined by the next rule which applies to the
    message (according to the rule priority

Additional Actions
  • For each additional action, the rule can specify
    which additional action to take if and only if
    that action has not already been set to Yes or
    No by a previous rule which applied to the

Additional Actions
  • Log Message action
  • To specify the log message action, select the
    Log item from the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

Additional Actions
  • Select Yes to add an event to the VME Gateway
    Log. The event will contain the policy and rule
    ID that generated the event as well as the
    message parameters.The rules comment is added
    to the log event to help clarify the rules

Additional Actions
  • Archive action
  • To specify the archive action, select the
    Archive item from the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

  • Select Yes to send a copy of the message to
    the e-mail archive. The Encrypt archive option
    determines whether to encrypt the message sent to
    the archive.

Return Receipt action
  • To specify the Return receipt action, select the
    Return receipt item from the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

Strip HTML action
  • To specify the Strip HTML action, select the
    Strip HTML item from the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

Notes action
  • To specify the Notes action, select the Notes
    item from the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

Add/Remove recipients action
To specify the Add/Remove recipients action,
select the Add/Remove recipients item from the
menu. The following dialog will be displayed
S/MIME signature - Sign action
  • To specify the S/MIME signature - Sign action,
    select the S/MIME signature/Sign item from the
  • The following dialog will be displayed

S/MIME signature Remove signature action
  • To specify the S/MIME signature Remove
    signature action, select the S/MIME
    signature/Remove signature item from the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

S/MIME signature Remove signature if needed
  • To specify the S/MIME signature Remove
    signature if needed action, select the S/MIME
    signature/Remove signature if needed item from
    the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

VME Gateway must remove the digital signature on
a message that needs to be altered. (For example,
when notes are added or for encryption).
Encryption parameters action
  • To specify the Encryption parameters, select the
    Encryption item from the menu.
  • The following dialog will be displayed

The Encryption parameters are used for rules
which have the Main Action set to Encrypt or
for the Base and Template rules.
  • When defining encryption rules the administrator
    must consider the following parameters
  • Message security.
  • How convenient is this rule to the recipient.
  • The encryption laws in the recipients
  • Does the recipient have client software or one of
    the available decryption clients in order to
    decrypt symmetrically encrypted messages.
  • Does the recipient have an X.509 certificate for
    S/MIME operations.
  • How will the recipient receive the encryption
    keys in an insecure channel.

  • The Encryption parameters are divided into two
    sections S/MIME and Symmetric. These options are
    valid only when the rules main action is
  • For each option, the rule can specify which
    action to take if and only if that action has not
    already been set to On or Off by a previous

  • Encrypt Using Recipients CertificatesCheck this
    option to send the message S/MIME encrypted using
    the recipients X.509 certificates.

  • Pack the entire message into a single encrypted
  • This option wraps the entire e-mail messages
    (including HTML and attachments) into a single
    packed encrypted file.
  • Encrypt Message TextCheck this option to encrypt
    the message text
  • Encrypt AttachmentsCheck this option to encrypt
    the message attachments
  • Encrypt Attachments as Self-ExecutablesCheck
    this option to convert the encrypted file/s to an
    EXE program that can be executed on the
    recipients Windows machine.

Do Not Encrypt - This assumes that the client has
selectively encrypted the confidential parts of
the message and has decided to leave the rest
clear. When VME Gateway recognizes that parts of
the message are encrypted the rest of the message
remains clear text. Encrypt All Clear Parts -
Messages transferred from the sender to the
recipient are encrypted, even when sent
completely clear. Partially encrypted messages
sent by the sender will be encrypted as
well. Encrypt Everything - All messages going
from the sender to the recipient will be. This is
used when the clients encryption may be
unreliable, and the administrator wishes to
safeguard e-mail using your official engine and
  • After completing the definition of the Action
    part, the rule action list may look something
    like this

End !!!
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