Title: Exercise Design Workshop
1Exercise Design Workshop
Pandemic Influenza Preparation and Response Plan
- An Overview for Agency Telework Exercise Design
2(No Transcript)
- Exercise design strategy guidance
- Telework exercise design process
- Exercise Design Toolbox
4DOL Goals during a Pandemic
From the DOL PI Preparation and Response Plan
- Protect employees during a Pandemic
- Sustain essential functions during times of
significant absenteeism - Support overall federal response during a
pandemic - Communicate guidance to DOL stakeholders during a
5Exercise Design Strategy Guidance
6Benefits of an Exercise Program
- Improves personnel readiness
- Provides reassurance that we can continue
essential functions - Identifies weaknesses and areas for improvement
- Assures constant and continuous improvement
- Meets requirements of Presidents strategy
7PI Telework Exercise Objectives
- Ensure agency is prepared to sustain mission
functions - Test the capabilities of the agency to conduct
essential functions using telework - Adequately equip personnel so they can perform
mission functions via telework - Stress the agency IT system
8Exercise Planning Guidance
- First, determine essential functions
- Identify staff that performs essential functions
(2 or 3 deep) - Use an incremental strategy
- Start out with small groups
- Increase size of telework group, selecting
different employees - Incorporate randomness in the selection of
employees - Build to 40 absenteeism rate
9Exercise Planning Guidance (cont.)
- Incorporate functions/tasks to stress the IT
systems - Consider length of exercise 2 or more days may
provide better test - Include regional and field offices or ensure
these sites conduct their own exercises - Begin tests September 1
10Exercise Planning Guidance (cont.)
- Send status/reports to OASAM/HRC/OWLBP for
inclusion in updates to Deputy Secretary - Document and keep records of all exercises!
11Telework Exercise Evaluation
- Evaluate equipment, systems, processes and
procedures - Evaluate communication capabilities to all
employees, including guidance and direction - Evaluate ability to access current vital records,
systems, and data management software and
equipment - Evaluate the interoperability of communications
- Evaluate logistical support, infrastructure
systems, and services at the telework sites.
12Corrective Action Process
- Evaluate all areas of the exercise and develop
specific corrective actions - Conduct a debriefing (Hot Wash) and develop an
After Action Report after each exercise. - Identify systemic weaknesses and provide
recommendations for correction after each
exercise or event.
13Telework Exercise Design Process
14Exercise Design Process
- Assess telework needs
- Assign exercise responsibilities
- Develop strategy for incremental testing
- Prepare employees for the exercise
- Conduct telework exercises
- Consolidate and report results
- Address identified problems
- Begin process again with larger / different /
more random sample of employees
15Step 1 Assess Telework Needs
- Review current plans and procedures to determine
- Preparedness activities
- Response activities
- Required resources
- Personnel needs
- Execution of procedures
16Step 2 Assign Exercise Responsibilities
- Appoint overall Exercise Planner for Agency
- Identify Telework Coordinator on planning team
- Identify IT Coordinator on planning team
- Identify EMWG member
- Assign other members as appropriate to planning
17Step 2 (cont.)
- Agency exercise planner
- Lead for the entire planning process
- Prepares documentation
- Leads Hot Wash after exercise
- Telework Coordinator
- Ensures telework policies are in place
- Provides guidance on employee / supervisor
responsibilities during telework
18Step 2 (cont.)
- IT Coordinator
- Provides guidance on IT security considerations
- Assists agencies in identifying IT capabilities
- Provides IT support during the exercise
- EMWG rep
- Can provide guidance on exercise design and
19Step 3 Develop Strategy for Incremental Testing
- Keep in mind the overall objectives for the
exercise - Testing should be incremental
- Start small and build
- Add different groups (staff, management)
- Consider length of exercise
- Select staff at random
- Make sure you are learning from each exercise
20Step 3 (cont.)
- Give time between each exercise to address issues
before scheduling next one - Determine dates and schedule
- Try to stress the IT system
21Step 4 Prepare Employees for the Exercise
- Employees complete
- Work-at-Home Emergency Kit
- Telework Technology and Equipment Requirements
Checklist - Review telework policies
- Participant Instructions
- Forms
- Participant Questionnaire
- General Observation Form
22Step 5 Conduct Telework Exercise
- Designated employees telework from approved
location - Complete assignments and tasks from supervisor
- Use remote access capability
- Access all files, databases, records, etc.
- Use other communication means as necessary (fax,
cell phone, pager, satellite phone, etc.) - Document time and attendance
23Step 6 Consolidate and Report Results
- Conduct Hotwash session with participants to
obtain feedback - Collect all forms from the participants
- Participant Questionnaires
- General Observation Forms
- Other logs, notes
- IT Checklists
- Write After Action Report
- Brief Agency Head
- Submit copy to OASAM/HRC/OWLBP
24Step 7 Address Identified Problems
- Review and analyze all documentation from
exercise - Participant Questionnaires
- General Observation Forms
- IT Checklists
- Other notes
- Implement Corrective Action Program
25Step 8 Begin Process Again
- Identify another group of employees who are
essential - Increase randomness of selection
- Go through process again
26Exercise Design Toolbox
- Provide templates for agency planners to use for
planning and conducting their agency telework
exercises - Toolbox components are useful tools and all can
be modified or tailored to meet your agency needs
28Toolbox Components
- Exercise Planning Guide main document with
Attachments A M - Guide gives explanation of each tool or template
- Guide provides
- Exercise objectives
- General planning guidance
- Security info
- List of resources
- Templates
29Sequence of Tasks
Step 1
Step 8
Assess telework needs
Step 2
Identify other employees
Assign responsibilities
Step 7
Address identified problems
Develop strategy
Step 3
Consolidate and report results
Prepare employees
Conduct exercise
Step 6
Step 4
Step 5
30(No Transcript)
- HRC Jennifer Koh, 37625
- ITC Bill Dellamar, 34230
- EMC Mary Jo Hogan, 37504