Title: Enhancing Screen Readability
1Enhancing Screen Readability
- Michael Heavener, ABC
- heavener_at_heavenr.com
2Golden Rule
3The goal is readability.
- That means
- Instant comprehension
- Immediate recognition
- Improved response
4Anything that causes
- The eye to slow down
- Or the information stream
- To the brain to waver
- Will reduce readability
- By increasing eyestrain
- Or mental fatigue.
5Bottom line
- Participation
- Understanding
- Appreciation
- Enjoyment
- Will decline
- Thats a money back guarantee!
6Rule No. 1
- On a computer screen
- Or a display projection
- Is different than reading on paper.
8The way the eye reacts to
- Colors
- Speed
- Technology
- Is different
- The screen has less contrast
- So the eye responds slower
9Rule No. 2
10Dont be fancy
- If the text is song lyrics
- The goal is so people can sing along.
- Anything fancy
- WILL detract from readability.
- When showing lyrics
- Keep their eyes moving at the same rate
- Or slightly faster
- Than the song's rhythm.
11Heres a demonstration
- For the rest of this rules demo, you need to
display some fonts that may not be on your
computer - Please click each of these font links
- Allegro BT Amazone BT Symbol
- NOTE When you see a dialog like the following,
click OK - A display window will open for each
- Minimize these font windows but leave them open
- Then proceed to the next three slides
12Read this text quickly
- If the text is song lyrics
- The goal is so people can sing along.
- Anything fancy
- WILL detract from readability.
- When showing lyrics
- Keep their eyes moving at the same rate
- Or slightly faster
- Than the song's rhythm.
If the words above look like this line, please go
back and open the sample fonts.
13Perhaps this reads faster
- If the text is song lyrics
- The goal is so people can sing along.
- Anything fancy
- WILL detract from readability.
- When showing lyrics
- Keep their eyes moving at the same rate
- Or slightly faster
- Than the song's rhythm.
If the words above look like this line, please go
back and open the sample fonts.
14It might as well be Greek
- If the text is song lyrics
- The goal is so people can sing along.
- Anything fancy
- WILL detract from readability.
- When showing lyrics
- Keep their eyes moving at the same rate
- Or slightly faster
- Than the song's rhythm.
If the words above look like this line, please go
back and open the sample fonts.
- You can close those three font windows now.
16Rule No. 3
17Background must
- Take back seat to text
- If the content is important, people didn't come
to admire pictures.
18Rule No. 3
- In fact, if the background/text design is done
correctly - They won't even remember seeing it
- Or ... not seeing it
19But they will
- Remember the presentation.
20Is this easier to read?
- If the content is important, people didn't come
to admire pictures - In fact, if the background/text design is done
correctly, they won't even remember seeing
pictures - Or not seeing pictures
- But theyll remember the presentation
21Or this ?
- If the content is important, people didn't come
to admire pictures - In fact, if the background/text design is done
correctly, they won't even remember seeing
pictures - Or not seeing pictures
- But theyll remember the presentation
22Rule No. 4
23It is NOT always necessary
- To use a background.
- Variety and pacing are key elements to any good
production - Change up will give the eyes
- A chance to relax
- From one visually intense sequence
- Before starting another
24Rule No. 5
25Light or dark
- If using a very dark background
- Switch to light or white type
- If using a very light background
- Switch to dark or black type
26Can you even read this?
- If using a very dark background
- Switch to light or white type
- If using a very light background
- Switch to dark or black type
- Even boldfacing doesnt completely fix the
27Black type on light image
- If using a very dark background
- Switch to light or white type
- If using a very light background
- Switch to dark or black type
- Note how the boldfacing works better
28White type on dark image
- If using a very dark background
- Switch to light or white type
- If using a very light background
- Switch to dark or black type
- Again, boldface as needed
29It was the same text
- Different visual treatment based on background
- Dark type on light background
- Light type on dark background
- Which do YOU remember?
30Rule No. 6
31Text should be san serif
- Depending on
- Viewing angle of screen
- Amount of light in room
- And darkness of background
- Serifs have been known to disappear
- Rendering the type ...
- Unreadable
32Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Lucida Sans
- The san serif type can be any of those
- Arial is best if you move the slide show from one
computer to another - It will always be there for you.
- If you use a font that isnt on the other
computer - The text could show up as Courier New
- ... like this
- Or as Times New Roman
- ... like this
33Thats why
- You opened those fonts for the Rule 3 demo
- If you MUST use a font not installed by Windows
- Make sure you send the font with the slide show
file. - And ... remember to open the font before the show
34Font FYI
- Fonts are located in C\windows\fonts
- Only use a font that has a .TTF extensions
- Always COPY the font, never move it
- Youll hose up the originating computer
- Its always best to use Arial
- Unless you can guarantee
- They have Verdana, Tahoma, or Lucida Sans
- Call me if you have any questions
35Rule No. 7
36Consistency is the goal
- If more than one slide is needed for content
(like a song) - It is okay to leave the title off subsequent
37However ...
- The top left edge of the first line of lyrics
- Should remain the same
- Across all the song's slides
38Any use of
- Type
- Backgrounds
- Images
- Photographs
- Should also remain consistent
- Throughout the entire song
39Think about your reaction
- For the next two pairs of slides
- Jump back and forth quickly
- Using the UP and DOWN arrow keys
40Amazing Grace
- Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a
wretch like me! - I once was lost, but now am found was blind,
but now I see.
41- Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and
grace my fears relieved - How precious did that grace appear the hour I
first believed.
42If youre like me ...
- You noticed the vertical shift
- Some will wonder why
- Some people will give up
- And find other more interesting things in the
sanctuary - Teens will say the song is ... boring
- The slide drew attention to itself
- And away from the lyrics
- See how the next pair of slides look
- When you arrow UP and DOWN
44Amazing Grace
- Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a
wretch like me! - I once was lost, but now am found was blind,
but now I see.
45- Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and
grace my fears relieved - How precious did that grace appear the hour I
first believed.
46Time out
- Take a deep breath
- Were halfway there
47Rule No. 8
48There are legitimate times
- When you can center items
- Everything on slide is one line
- Everything on slide has same emphasis
- Only one item is on slide
- Visual background elements are strongly centered
49Collection of one-line items
- Tithing means ...
- Time
- Talent
- Treasure
50Equal emphasis
- But turn off bulleting when you center
- Be sure ...
- What is being said
- Doesnt impede comprehension
- And is the same type size
51Only one line
- Like a sermon title slide
- Even a multi-line
- sermon title should
- be done this way
52There are times
- When you should avoid centering items
- Items follow a progression
- Like lyrics of a song
- Lists
- Different items
- Have different emphasis
- Or ranking is important
- Text is a paragraph
- Like scriptures or Lords Prayer
53Song lyric
- Beautiful
- Beautiful, beautiful, Jesus is beautiful,
- And Jesus makes beautiful things of my life.
- Carefully touching me, causing my eyes to see,
- Jesus makes beautiful things of my life.
54Ranking is important
- Dont center text
- In a list
- Left flush works best
- Turn on bullets
- In a list
- With multiple items
- Indent
- In a list
- To show significance
55Paragraph text with no bullets
- The Lords Prayer
- Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your
kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is
in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive
us our debts, as we also have forgiven our
debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from the evil one. For thine is the
kingdom, and the glory, and the power, forever
and ever. Amen.
56When centering doesnt work
- It is hard to read centered text when a lot is
included and you expect people to read it at a
rapid pace, like in a song. - Or when several long lines of text are together
on a slide. - Or when the content is significant
- Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as
it is in heaven.
57Trying that one again
- It is hard to read centered text when a lot is
included and you expect people to read it at a
rapid pace, like in a song. - Or when several long lines of text are together
on a slide. - Or when the content is significant
- Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as
it is in heaven.
58Rule No. 9
59Always break lines
- In front of prepositions ...
- to, as, for, if, of, about, upon
- Preposition should always be at the start of the
second/subsequent line - Viewer's eye will look for it there even when it
60Always break lines
- In front of conjunctions ...
- and, or, but
- Nobody, but nobody I mean nobody, can break or
disregard this rule
61Always break lines
- In front of articles ...
- the, a
- Always think of your slides as poetry and use
the same grammatical rules.
62Which is preferable?
- If I ever had a chance to really dream of you as
my friend dear one, I would and that would make
me quite content. - If I ever had a chance to really dreamof you as
my friend dear one, I wouldand that would make
me quite content.
63Heres how
- Use soft return to force lines to indent
properly - Insert your cursor in front of the preposition
or conjunction - Hold down SHIFT key and press ENTER key
- That way you dont mess up any line spacing
64Rule No. 10
65Make text large
- Especially lyrics should be as large as the
screen will allow - Don't be afraid to use more than one slide when
necessary - If a lot of text MUST appear on one slide, slow
down the show's timing to give the eye time to
digest it all
66Can you read this in 5 seconds?
- Make text, especially lyrics, as large as the
screen will allow. Don't be afraid to use more
than one slide when appropriate. If a lot of text
MUST appear on one slide, slow down the show's
timing to give the eye time to digest it all.
Make text, especially lyrics, as large as the
screen will allow. Don't be afraid to use more
than one slide when appropriate. If a lot of text
MUST appear on one slide, slow down the show's
timing to give the eye time to digest it all.
Make text, especially lyrics, as large as the
screen will allow. Where does it repeat itself?
Don't be afraid to use more than one slide when
appropriate. If a lot of text MUST appear on one
slide, slow down the show's timing to give the
eye time to digest it all.
67Can you read this in 5 seconds?
- Make text, especially lyrics, as large as the
screen will allow. - Don't be afraid to use more than one slide when
appropriate. - If a lot of text MUST appear on one slide, slow
down the show's timing to give the eye time to
digest it all.
68Did you find the hidden question?
- In the first slide with all the mass of text ...
- Theres a question embedded in the text
- You probably didnt see it, did you?
- Your eyes were too tired to recognize it.
69Okay, here it is ...
- Make text, especially lyrics, as large as the
screen will allow. Don't be afraid to use more
than one slide when appropriate. If a lot of text
MUST appear on one slide, slow down the show's
timing to give the eye time to digest it all.
Make text, especially lyrics, as large as the
screen will allow. Don't be afraid to use more
than one slide when appropriate. If a lot of text
MUST appear on one slide, slow down the show's
timing to give the eye time to digest it all.
Make text, especially lyrics, as large as the
screen will allow. Where does it repeat itself?
Don't be afraid to use more than one slide when
appropriate. If a lot of text MUST appear on one
slide, slow down the show's timing to give the
eye time to digest it all.
70Rule No. 11
71Always spell everything out
- For example Repeat 2x is hard to digest
instantly. - This induces eyestrain and mental fatigue.
- If the line repeats, spell out repeated lines
even if it requires additional slides.
72How ... would kids sing this?
- Jesus loves me, this I know.
- Repeat 2x
- For the Bible tells me so.
73How ... would kids sing this?
- They would say the Repeat 2x part just like it
was written - Believe it or not, so would most adults,
especially when they are trying to keep up with
a fast-paced song
74Wouldnt this be better?
- Jesus loves me, this I know.
- Jesus loves me, this I know.
- Jesus loves me, this I know.
- For the Bible tells me so.
75Rule No. 12
76Type must contrast with background
- Use a light background if using colored type
- Use a light background if using colored type
- ... Or no background
- Use a light background if using colored type
- Use a light background if using colored type
- ... Or no background
77Type must contrast with background
- Or a solid black background if using pastel type
- Or a solid black background if using pastel type
- ... Or no background
- Or a solid black background if using pastel type
- Or a solid black background if using pastel type
- ... Or no background
78Rule No. 13
79Always create duplicate slides
- Repeat the chorus at the appropriate places in
the song - So the slide progression goes forward
- In the heat of worship service, you won't always
have time to hunt the chorus down - Dont leave ANYTHING to chance ...
- Remember, Murphys waiting for you
80Use the Slide Sorter view
- Select slide to be duplicated
- Press CTRL key
- Hold down left buttonon mouse
- Drag slide to new location
- Release mousebutton
- Verify that slidehas been duplicated
- heavener_at_heavenr.com
- 425 208-5130 or 425 885-0961
82(No Transcript)