Title: Momentum Reconstruction and Triggering in the ATLAS Detector
1Momentum Reconstruction and Triggering in the
ATLAS Detector
- FermiLab, October 2000
- Erez Etzion1,
- Gideon Dror2, David Horn1, Halina Abramowicz1
- 1. Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- 2. The Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo, Tel
Aviv, Israel.
2LHC _at_ CERN
S.C Solenoid
Hadron Calorimeter
S.C Air core Toroids
Inner Detector
EM Calorimeters
Muon Detectors
4Typical ATLAS collision
4107 bunch crossing per second23 events per
bunch crossing1Mbyte per event Data rate 1015
5Experimental setup
beam pipe
6Trigger Chambers
- Trigger goal
- selecting 100 interesting events per second out
of 1000 million others
7LowPt High Pt trigger
8Network architecture
linear output
sigmoid hidden layers
parameters of straight track of muon
- Training is performed using Levenberg-Marquardt
method. - Early stopping methods are used (validation set /
bayesian regularization). - Architectures varying in the number of neurons in
first and second layers.
10Testing network performance
Training set 2500 events. In one octant. Test
set of 1829 events. Distribution of network
errors - approximately gaussian. compatible
with stochasticity of the data. charge is
discrete!!! 95.8 correct sign.
11Relative error of PT vs. pseudorapidity
Small pseudorapidity - larger widths. The effect
is due to smaller magnetic field and larger
12Network mean charge error
Larger errors in charge at high momentum
. (infinite momentum tracks do not curve!)
13Triggering by the network
Final task discriminate between background (PTlt6
GeV) and candidates for further processing (PTgt6
- by PT estimating network.
- by a network specifically trained for
14Triggering performance
Errors in event classification
PT estimating network
classification network
15New Developments
- New preprocessing, replacing the neural
networks/Hough transform with a simple (though
very efficient) heuristic simple straight line
LMS fitting. Omit Too far hits, and refit.
Tracks with too many omitted hits are rejected. - New training retrained with larger sample and
better over fitting control (Use standard early
stopping technique, using a validation set). - The results do not change significantly but they
are more robust.
16Summary discussion
- The network can successfully estimate the charge
and transverse momentum of the muon. - Classification (triggering) is most efficient by
specially trained network. - The data is intrinsically stochastic giving rise
to approximately gaussian errors. - The simplicity of the network enables very fast
hardware realization. (See presentation this
17Future work
- Further optimize the architecture.
- Calculate the lower bound for network errors
based on data stochasticity. - Calculate triggering efficiencies in realistic
environments. - Use further data (TGC station, data from 1st
level trigger). - Realize in hardware.