Title: Managing Perkins Funds: Questions and Answers Fall 2002 CCCAOE
1Managing Perkins FundsQuestions and
AnswersFall 2002 CCCAOE
- Presented by
- Mike Cuchna
- Dean of Instruction, Merced College
- Hazel Hill
- Dean of Instruction, San Joaquin Delta College
- Kimberly Perry
- Associate Dean of Instruction, Reedley College
2What are Todays Topics?
- How did we get here?
- Funds are allocated by what process?
- Which federal rules apply?
- What types of costs are eligible/ineligible?
- When are costs expended?
- What are the equipment/travel rules?
- Resources?
CCCAOE, October 10, 2002 Managing Perkins
3How did we get here?
- First Morrill Act July 1862
- Second Morrill Act -- August 30, 1890
- Smith-Hughes Act February 1917
- Vocational Education Act December 1963
- Perkins I (VEA) October 1984
- Perkins II (VATEA) September 1990
- Perkins III (VTEA) October 1997
CCCAOE, October 10, 2002 Managing Perkins
4Funds are allocated by what processes?
- Feds to States
- State population
- Between secondary and postsecondary
- Vocational education course enrollment (duplicate
count) - Within postsecondary (community colleges, adult
schools, ROC/P) - Economically disadvantaged, vocational education
CCCAOE, October 10, 2002 Managing Perkins
5What Federal Rules Apply to Perkins Funding?
- Perkins Act
- EDGAR (Education Department General
Administration Regulations) - OMB Circulars (Office of Management and Budget)
- Circular A-87 Cost Principals State and Local
- Circular A-21 Cost Principals Education
Institutions - Circular A-133 Single Audit Requirements
- Circular A-102 Grants and Cooperative Agreements
with State and Local Governments - Circular A-110 Uniform Administration
Requirements for Grants and Agreements with
Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and
Other Non-Profit Organizations
CCCAOE, October 10, 2002 Managing Perkins
6What Types of Costs can Generally be Considered
- Administrative Costs
- Personnel Services (time records)
- Operating Expenses
- Consultants
- Instructional Materials
- Instructional Equipment
- Advisory Committees
- Maintenance, Operations, Repair
- Publication/Printing
- Rent/Leases
- Training
- Travel
CCCAOE, October 10, 2002 Managing Perkins
7What Types of Costs are not Eligible?
- Expense that supplant
- Facilities and furniture
- General advertising
- Alcohol
- Fund raising
- Awards and memorabilia
- Student expenses or direct assistance to students
- College tuition, fees, books
- Entertainment
- Individual memberships
- Membership with orgs. that lobby
CCCAOE, October 10, 2002 Managing Perkins
8When are Funds Considered Obligated?
- Type of Cost
- Equip Supplies
- Work of Employees
- Contracted Services..
- Utilities.
- Rental..
- Travel..
- Conference Registration..
- Obligation Occurs
- Date of Purchase Order
- When Work is Done
- Date of Written Agreement
- When Used
- When Used
- When Travel is Taken
- When Fee is Paid
CCCAOE, October 10, 2002 Managing Perkins
9What are the Rules on Perkins Equipment Purchase
- Perkins
- Equipment is defined as having a purchase price
of 5,000 or more and a useful life of one year
or longer - Equipment shall be identified as been having
purchased with Perkins funds - State Funds
- Equipment is defined as having a purchase price
of 200 or more and a useful life of one year or
longer - Equipment shall be maintained in a trace
inventory system if the equipment is worth 1,000
or more and a useful life of one year or longer
CCCAOE, October 10, 2002 Managing Perkins
10What is Included in Equipment Records?
- Description
- Manufacturers serial number or other ID number
- Source, including the award number
- Title vested in the recipient or the Federal
government - Acquisition date
- Percentage of Federal participation in equipment
cost - Location and condition, date information was
recorded - Unit acquisition cost
- Date of last physical inventory
CCCAOE, October 10, 2002 Managing Perkins
11What are the Rules on Perkins Equipment Usage and
- May not be used to compete unfairly with business
- When no longer needed for original purpose or
other federal programs - Current fair market value of 5,000 or less, can
keep or dispose of with no strings attached - Current fair market value of more than 5,000
may retain or sell the equipment as long as the
Federal agency is provided compensation - Project Monitor must be notified when equipment
is being sold, traded or transferred from one
program to another.
CCCAOE, October 10, 2002 Managing Perkins
12What are the Rules on Using Perkins Funds for
- Current Federal per diem allowances
- Varies by location. For per diem current rates
- www.policyworks.gov
- 2002 Mileage Rate is . 365
- Current California per diem allowances
- Lodging costs with receipt, prior approval in
excess of 89.00 - Meals breakfast - 6.00 lunch - 10.00 dinner
- 18.00 34.00 - State Center per diem allowances
- Lodging costs with receipt
- Meals breakfast - 7.00 lunch - 9.00 dinner
19.00 35.00 - Mileage .365
CCCAOE, October 10, 2002 Managing Perkins
13Where Can I Find The Rules?
- State Budget and Accounting Manual (BAM)
- http//www.cccco.edu/divisions/fiscal/fiscal5Fser
5Fpage.htm - EDGAR
- www.ed.gov/offices/OCFO/grants/edgar.html
- OMB Circulars
- www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars
- Federal Register
- www.access.gpo.gov/su_doc/aces/aces140.html
- Federal Legislation
- http//thomas.loc.gov
- US Department of Education
- www.ed.gov
If A B and B C then A C
CCCAOE, October 10, 2002 Managing Perkins
14How to Engage Your Campus?
- The People Part Of Perkins
- Who is Required to be Involved
- Their Signature is Required
- Who Should be Involved
- Their Support is Critical
CCCAOE, October 10, 2002 Managing Perkins