Alternative representations: Semantic networks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Alternative representations: Semantic networks


Alternative representations: Semantic networks. A semantic net is a labeled ... mother-of father-of mother-of. wife-of father-of. husband-of. mother-of father-of. John ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Alternative representations: Semantic networks

Alternative representations Semantic networks
  • A semantic net is a labeled directed graph, where
    each node represents an
  • object (a proposition), and each link represents
    a relationship between two
  • objects.
  • Example

  • sister-of
  • wife-of

  • wife-of
  • husband-of
  • mother-of

  • wife-of

  • husband-of

  • mother-of
  • Note that only binary relationships can be
    represented in this model.

  • Semantic nets represent propositional
    information. Relations between propositions are
  • of primary interest because they provide the
    basic structure for organizing knowledge.
  • Some important relations are
  • IS-A (is an instance of). Refers to a member of
    a class, where a class is a group of objects
    with one or more common attributes (properties).
    For example, Tom IS-A bird.
  • A-KIND-OF. Relates one class to another, for
    example Birds are A-KIND-OF animals.
  • HAS-A. Relates attributes to objects, for
    example Mary HAS-A cat.
  • CAUSE. Expresses a causal relationship, for
    example Fire CAUSES smoke.
  • Note that semantic nets can be easily converted
    into a set of FOL formulas, and
  • vice versa. Semantic nets, however, have two
    important advantages
  • A very simple execution model.
  • Very readable representation, which makes it easy
    to visualize inference steps.

Inference in semantic networks.
  • The inference procedure in semantic nets is
    called inheritance, and it allows
  • one nodes characteristics to be duplicated by a
    descendent node.
  • Example Consider a class aircraft, and assume
    that balloons, propeller-driven objects and
    jets are subclasses of it, i.e.
  • Balloons are A-KIND-OF aircrafts
  • Propeller-driven objects are A-KIND-OF
    aircrafts, etc.
  • Assume that the following attributes are
    assigned to aircrafts Aircraft IS-A flying
    object, Aircraft HAS-A wings, Aircraft HAS-A
  • All properties assigned to the superclass,
    aircraft, will be inherited
  • by its subclasses, unless there is an
    exception link capturing a
  • non-monotonic inference relation.

Multiple inheritance may result in a conflicting
  • In some semantic networks, one class can inherit
    properties of more than one
  • superclass.
  • The Nixon diamond example It is widely
    accepted that Quakers tend to be pacifists, and
    Republicans tend not to be. Nixon is known to be
    both - a Quaker, and a Republican.
  • Not IS-A

  • IS-A IS-A
  • The resulting conflict can be resolved only if
    additional information stating a preference to
  • one of the conflicting inferences is provided.

Object-attribute-value triplets
  • One problem with semantic nets is that there is
    no standard definition of link
  • names. To avoid this ambiguity, we can restrict
    this formalism to a very simple
  • kind of a semantic network, which has only two
    types of links, HAS-A and
  • IS-A. Such a formalism is called
    Object-Attribute-Value (OAV) triplets, and it
  • is a widely used mode of knowledge representation
    (especially for representing
  • declarative knowledge). It is also the base of
    the Semantic Web KR model, called RDF.
  • Example Consider object airplane. Some of its
    attributes are
  • number of engines
  • type of engines
  • type of wing design.
  • Possible values of these attributes are
  • number of engines 2, 3, 4.
  • type of engines jet, propeller-driven.
  • type of wing design conventional, swept-back.

Object-attribute-value triples (example contd)
  • Object Attribute
  • Airplane NumberOfEngines
  • Airplane NumberOfEngines
  • Airplane NumberOfEngines
  • Airplane TypeOfEngines
  • Airplane TypeOfEngines
  • Airplane TypeOfWings
  • Airplane TypeOfWings
  • Or, as predicates
  • NumberOfEngines (Airplane, 2),
  • TypeOfEngines (Airline, Jet),
  • TypeOfWings (Airlines, Propeller),

Problems with semantic nets and OAV triplets
  • There is no standard definition of link and node
    names. This makes it difficult to understand the
    network, and whether or not it is designed in a
    consistent manner.
  • Inheritance is a combinatorially explosive
    search, especially if the response to a query is
    negative. Plus, it is the only inference
    mechanism built in semantic nets, which may be
    insufficient for some applications.
  • Initially, semantic nets were proposed as a model
    of human associative memory (Quinllian, 1968).
    But, are they an adequate model? It is believed
    that human brain contains about 1010 neurons,
    and 1015 links. Consider how long it takes for a
    human to answer NO to a query Are there trees
    on the moon? Obviously, humans process
    information in a very different way, not as
    suggested by the proponents of semantic networks.
  • Semantic nets are logically and heuristically
    very weak. Statements such as Some books are
    more interesting than others, No book is
    available on this subject, If a fiction book is
    requested, do not consider books on history,
    health and mathematics cannot be represented in
    a semantic network.

Frames (Minsky, 1975)
  • Semantic nets represent shallow knowledge,
    because all of the information must be
  • represented in terms of nodes and links which are
    propositions. What if the objects in
  • the domain are, in turn, complex structures? For
    example, consider object animal.
  • We may want to incorporate as part of the
    objects description all of the important
  • properties of this object.
  • Example AIMA (first edition), page 318, Figure
  • Note that frames comprising the nodes of
    this frame-based network represent typical
    examples or stereotypes of described objects.
    Such typical example are called concepts, and
    they are like data structures where data, in
    turn, contain data.
  • The underlying assumption of the frame theory is
    that when one encounters a
  • new situation (or a substantial change in ones
    view of the situation occurs),
  • one selects from his/her memory the frame
    representing a given concept and
  • changes it to reflect the new reality.
  • Note Case-based reasoning systems exclusively
    utilize frames as a knowledge
  • representation formalism.

Problems with Frames
  • Frames cannot represent exceptions. By
    definition, frames represent typical objects.
    But, consider Clyde, an elephant with 3 legs. Is
    he NOT an elephant?
  • Frames lack a well-defined semantics. Consider
    Sam, a bat. Is he a typical mammal?
  • It is difficult to incorporate heuristic
    information into the frame. For example, consider
    a medical ES which uses frames to represent a
    typical patient or a typical disease. It is
    difficult to represent how specific symptoms
    relate to each other and how they must be used in
    the diagnostic process.
  • In general, frames are good for representing
    class hierarchies to model domains where objects
    are well defined and the classification is clear

Description logics
  • Description logics are decidable fragments of FOL
    intended to represent categories
  • (classes/concepts), the relations between classes
    (roles) and individuals.
  • Example Consider category Student. One
    possible definition of this category is
  • Student ? And(takes-classes,
    does-homeworks, is-responsible)
  • Note that this definition can be translated
    into the following FOL sentence
  • ? x (Student(x) ltgt Takes-classes(x)

  • Is-responsible(x))
  • Example Consider category of men with at least
    three sons who are all unemployed and married to
    doctors, and at most two daughters who are all
    professors in physics or chemistry departments.
  • Man3SS2SD ? And(Man, At-Least(3, Son),
    At-Most(2, Daughter),
  • All(Son, And(Unemployed, Married,
    All(Spouse, Doctor))),
  • All(Daughter, And(Professor,
    Fills(Department, Physics, Chemistry)))).
  • DLs is a family of logics which defer by their
    expressivity depending on the
  • constructors employed to build complex
    descriptions from simple ones.

General Architecture of Description Logics
  • DL knowledge base consists of 3 parts
  • The TBox, which contains terminological knowledge
    (i.e. knowledge about concepts in a domain).
  • Examples Student ? Person ? ?
    takesCourse . Course
  • Student ? Person
  • The ABox, which contains assertion knowledge
    (i.e. knowledge about individuals).
  • Example Student (Bob), takesCourse (Bob,
  • The RBox, R, which contains role-centric
    knowledge (i.e. knowledge about interdependences
    between roles/properties)
  • Example teachesGradCourse ? teachesAtUniv
  • RBox is not required only more
    expressive DLs have constructors to handle
  • The smallest deductively complete DL is called
    ALC. It contains ?, ?, and ? constructors, and
    quantifiers restricting the domain and the range
    of roles, i.e. ? R . C and ? R . C
  • It also contains class inclusion axiom (ex.
    Student ? Person) and class equivalence axiom
    (ex. PhDThesis ? Dissertation)

ALC (Attributive Language with Complements)
  • ALC Atomic types
  • Concept names A, B, C,
  • Top and bottom concepts, ? and ?
  • Role names R, S,
  • ALC Constructors ?, ?, ?, ? R . C and ? R . C
  • Class inclusion and equivalence axioms ?, ?
  • Complex class relations are built from atomic
    types and ?, ?, ?
  • Example Instructor ? (Staff ? ?Professor) ?
  • In FOL ?x Instructor(x) ? (Staff(x) ?
    ?Professor(x)) ? Lecturer(x)
  • Quantifiers on Roles
  • Strict binding of the range of a role to a class.
    Example A thesis must be authored by a student,
    i.e. Thesis ? ? author . Student
  • In FOL ?x (Thesis(x) ? ?y(author(x, y) ?
  • Open binding of the range of a role to a class.
    Example Every student has at least one advisor,
    i.e. Student ? ? advisor . Professor
  • In FOL ?x (Student(x) ? ?y (advisor(x, y)
    ? Professor(y)))

ALC Formal Syntax
  • Production rules for creating classes in ALC
  • C, D A T ? ?C C ? D C ? D ? R .
    C ? R . C
  • where A is an atomic class, C and D are
    complex classes, and R
  • is a role.
  • An ALC TBox contains assertions of the forms C ?
    D and C ? D
  • An ALC ABox contains assertions of the form C(a)
    and R(a, b), where a and b are individuals.
  • An ALC Knowledge Base TBox, ABox.

ALC Semantics
  • An interpretation, I (?I, .I), is defined by
  • A domain of individuals, ?I
  • An interpretation function .I which maps
  • Individual names, a, to domain elements aI ? ?I
  • Class names, C, to a set of domain elements CI ?
  • Role names, R, to a set of pairs of domain
  • RI ? ?I ? ?I
  • An interpretation, I, for axioms
  • C(a) holds iff aI ? CI
  • R(a, b) holds iff (aI, bI) ? RI
  • C ? D holds iff CI ? DI
  • C ? D holds iff CI DI
  • An interpretation, I, for complex classes is
    defined as follows
  • TI ?I and ?I ?
  • (C ? D)I CI ? DI , (C ? D)I CI ? DI ,
    (? C)I ?I \ CI
  • ? R . C a ? ?I ( ? b ? ?I ) ((a, b) ? RI ?
    b ? CI )
  • ? R . C a ? ?I (?b ? ?I ) ((a, b) ? RI ? b
    ? CI )

More DL constructors that are beyond ALC
  • Number restrictions for roles. Example ? 20
  • Qualified number restrictions for roles. Example
  • ?6 hasStudent . Graduate
  • Nominals (definition by enumeration) CS151,
    CS152, CS253
  • Concrete domains (datatypes) hasStudent . (? 20)
  • Inverse roles hasChild- ? hasParent
  • Transitive roles has Ancestor ? has Ancestor
  • Role composition hasParent . hasBrother (uncle)
  • Constructors allowed define the specific DL.
  • S ALC Transitive roles
  • R Role constructors
  • O Nominals
  • I Inverse roles
  • Q Qualified number restrictions
  • (D) datatypes.
  • SROIQ(D) is the DL behind the latest version of
    OWL 2.

Questions DLs inference must address
  • Does the knowledge base make sense?
  • Are there empty classes?
  • Are two classes equivalent?
  • Does one class subsume another class?
  • Are two classes disjoined?
  • Is a given individual a member of a specified
  • Find all individuals of a given class.
  • The so-called tableaux algorithm (initially
    developed for FOL) is adapted to DLs to guarantee
    that these questions are answered in finite time.
    Tableaux algorithm proves unsatisfiability of a
    KB using the refutation method and transformation
    rules similar to Wangs algorithm (called here
    tableaux extension rules)

Tableaux algorithm PL example
  • Given an expression in disjunctive normal form,
    construct the tableaux / decision tree where each
    node is a logical formula, each path from the
    root note to a leaf note is a conjunction of
    formulas, and each branch of a path is a
    disjunction of formulas. To build the tree, we
    apply the following rules

  • -- ?-Rules (A
    B) gt A, B
  • Example

    ?(A ? B) gt ?A, ?B

  • ?(A ? B) gt A, ?B
  • (A B C) ? (D ?A) ? (B ?D)
    -- ?-Rules A
  • ?-rule

    A ? B

  • B
  • (A B C) (D ?A) ? (B ?D)
  • ?-rule ?-rule
    ?(A B)

  • ?B
  • A (D ?A) (B

  • A ? B
  • B D

  • -- Double
    negation rule ??A gt A
  • C ?A
    ?D -- ?True gt False,
    ?False gt True

Tableaux Algorithm for ALC
  • Step 1 Translate the DL KB to a negation normal
    form (NNF) using the following transformations
  • Substitute C ? D by C ? D and D ? C
  • Substitute C ? D by ?C ? D
  • Apply all possible NNF transformations to complex
  • NNF (? ?C) ? NNF (C)
  • NNF (C ? D) ? NNF (C) ? NNF (D)
  • NNF (C ? D) ? NNF (C) ? NNF (D)
  • NNF (?(C ? D)) ? NNF (?C) ? NNF (?D)
  • NNF (?(C ? D)) ? NNF (?C) ? NNF (?D)
  • NNF (? R . C) ? (? R) . NNF (C)
  • NNF (? R . C) ? (? R) . NNF (C)
  • NNF (?? R . C) ? (? R) . NNF (?C)
  • NNF (?? R . C) ? (? R) . NNF (?C)

Tableaux Algorithm for ALC (contd.)
  • Step 2 Apply the following tableaux expansion
    rules to derive new ABox facts until no more
    rules can be applied (in which case we say that
    the tableaux is fully expanded).
  • ? -Rule if (C ? D) (a) ? ABox and C(a), D(a)
    ? ABox,
  • then ABox Abox ? C(a),
  • ? -Rule if (C ? D) (a) ? ABox and C(a), D(a)
    ? ABox ?,
  • then ABox ABox ? C(a)
    and ABox ABox ? D(a)
  • ?-Rule if ? R . C(a) ? ABox and there is no
    b such that C(b) ? ABox and
  • R(a, b) ? ABox
  • then Abox Abox ? C(z),
    R(a, z) for a new individual z ? ABox
  • ?-Rule if ?R . C(a) ? ABox and R(a, b) ?
    Abox, but C(b) ?ABox
  • then Abox Abox ?
  • The algorithm returns TRUE if there is a
    clash-free tableaux and FALSE if the tableaux is
    closed. The tableaux is closed if all its paths
    are closed, where a path is closed if a formula
    and its negation occur along that path, or if
    false occurs. To prove X, we must obtain a closed
    tableaux for ?X.

  • Let TBox Professor ? (Person ? Staff) ?
    (Person ? ?Student)
  • Prove Professor ? Person
  • Step 1 Negate the conclusion you want to prove.
  • ? (Professor ? Person)
  • Step 2 Convert all formulas in the NNF
  • TBox ?Professor ? (Person ? Staff) ?
    (Person ? ?Student)
  • NNF (? (Professor ? Person)) NNF (?
    (?Professor ? Person))
  • NNF (Professor) ? NNF (? Person)
    Professor ? ? Person
  • Step 3 Apply the tableaux extension rules to
    derive new ABox facts from the TBox extended with
    the negated theorem.

Example step 3 (contd.)
  • Professor(a) ? ? Person(a) (Consider a
    new individual a for whom you are

  • disproving the theorem)
  • (2) Apply ?-rule to (1) Professor(a)
    closed path
  • Apply ?-rule to (1) ? Person(a)
  • ?Professor(a) ? (Person(a) ? Staff(a)) ?
    (Person(a) ? ?Student(a))
  • Apply ?-rule to (4) ?Professor(a)
  • (6) Apply ?-rule
    to (4) (Person(a) ? Staff(a)) ? (Person(a) ?
  • (7) Apply
    ?-rule to (6) (Person(a) ? Staff(a))

  • (8) Apply ?-rule to (6)
    (Person(a) ? ?Student(a))
  • closed path (9) Apply ?-rule to (7) Person(a)
  • (10) Apply ?-rule to (7)

  • (11) Apply ?-rule to (8) Person(a)

  • (12) Apply ?-rule to (8) ?Student(a)
  • No more rules can be applied the tableaux is
    fully expanded and closed. Therefore, the
    original theorem is proved.

Advantages and disadvantages of description logics
  • Advantages
  • The two inference tasks in DLs, subsumption (i.e.
    checking if one category is a subset of another
    based on their descriptions) and classification
    (i.e. checking if an object belongs to a
    category) have polynomial complexity. Some DLs
    may include also consistency checking, i.e.
    whether a category definition is satisfiable.
  • DLs have clear semantics, which makes them a good
    KR formalism for applications with large
    declarative component. The Semantic Web language
    OWL is build upon DLs.
  • Disadvantages
  • Polynomial inference is assured by the
    definitions of categories. If they are small and
    correctly defined, then the inference tasks are
    easy to carry out. But, if categories are hard to
    define in a concise manner, then their
    descriptions may become (exponentially) large.
  • Weak inference capabilities (to preserve
    decidability), which cannot handle imprecisely
    specified concepts and not fully enforced
    relations between them.

Subsumption example
  • Given the following KB
  • Woman ? Person ? Female
  • Man ? Person ? ?Woman
  • Mother ? Woman ? ?hasChild . Person
  • Father ? Man ? ?hasChild . Person
  • Parent ? Mother ? Father
  • Grandmother ? Woman ? ?hasChild .
  • Prove Grandmother ? Person.
  • 1. Negate the goal and add it to the KB,
    i.e. add (Grandmother ? ?Person).
  • 2. Translate the KB into the negation
    normal form
  • i.) substitute A ? B with A ? B and B ?
  • Woman ? Person ? Female
    Person ? Female ? Woman
  • Man ? Person ? ?Woman
    Person ? ?Woman ? Man
  • Mother ? Woman ? ?hasChild . Person
    Woman ? ?hasChild . Person ? Mother
  • Father ? Man ? ?hasChild . Person
    Man ? ?hasChild . Person ? Father
  • Parent ? Mother ? Father
    Mother ? Father ? Parent
  • Grandmother ? Woman ? ?hasChild.Parent Woman ?
    ?hasChild.Parent ? Grandmother

Subsumption example (contd.)
  • ii.) substitute A ? B with ?A ? B and then
    apply all possible transformations to
  • complex classes to bring negation down
    to atomic classes (see Lecture 7)
  • ?Woman ? (Person ? Female)
  • ?(Person ? Female) ? Woman ? ?Person ? ?Female ?
  • ?Man ? (Person ? ?Woman)
  • ? (Person ? ?Woman) ? Man ? ?Person ? Female ?
  • ?Mother ? (Woman ? ?hasChild . Person)
  • ? (Woman ? ?hasChild . Person) ? Mother ? ?Woman
    ? ?hasChild.Parent ? Mother
  • ?Father ? (Man ? ?hasChild . Person)
  • ? (Man ? ?hasChild . Person) ? Father ? ?Man ?
    ?hasChild.Parent ? Father
  • ?Parent ? (Mother ? Father) ? ?Parent ? Mother ?
  • ? (Mother ? Father) ? Parent ? (?Mother ?
    ?Father) ? Parent
  • ?Grandmother ? (Woman ? ?hasChild.Parent)
  • ?(Woman ? ?hasChild.Parent) ? Grandmother ?

  • ?Woman ? ?hasChild.Parent ?

The (beginning of the) proof
  • Grandmother(a) ? ?Person(a) An individual a
    for whom we are disproving the

  • theorem.
  • (2) Apply ?-rule to (1) Grandmother(a)
  • (3) Apply ?-rule to (1) ?Person(a)
    closed path
  • (4) ?Grandmother ? (Woman ? ?hasChild.Parent)
  • (5) Apply ?-rule to (4) ?Grandmother(a)
  • (6) Apply ?-rule to (4) Woman
    ? ?hasChild.Parent
  • (7) Apply ?-rule to (6)
  • (8) Apply ?-rule to (6)
  • (9) ?Woman ? (Person ? Female)
    closed path
  • (10) Apply ?-rule
    to (9) ?Woman(a)
  • (11) Apply ?-rule
    to (9) Person ? Female closed path
  • (12) Apply ?-rule
    to (11) Person(a)
  • (12) Apply ?-rule
    to (11) Female(a)
  • (13) ?Person ?
    ?Female ? Woman
    all three paths
  • (14)
    Apply ?-rule to (13) ?Person(a)
    are closed
  • (14)
    Apply ?-rule to (13) ?Female(a)
  • (14)
    Apply ?-rule to (13) Woman(a)

Other reasoning tasks
  • Note the tableau above is not fully expanded.
    There are more formulas that can be transformed
    by means of ?-rule, ?-rule, ?-rule and ?-rule. To
    prove the original goal, we must show that all
    paths of the fully expanded tableau are closed.
    Although fully mechanical, this process is very
    tedious for a human automated theorem provers
    like Pellet and Fact (both employed in Protégé)
    do a much better job.
  • The classification task can be reduced to
    inconsistency checking as well. To prove that
    individual x is a member of class A, we can
    prove that ?A(x) is inconsistent instead. To find
    all members of a class (task called instance
    generation/retrieval), we must show ?A(x) for all
  • To prove that a class A is inconsistent (i.e. has
    no members), we can add A(x) to the KB and show
    that the resulting set is inconsistent (i.e.
    assume that there is a member x ? A and proof a
  • To prove A ? B (class disjointness), we can prove
    that adding A ? B to the KB makes it

Inconsistency example
  • Consider the following KB
  • Bear ? Animal ? Omnivore
  • Omnivore ? ?eat . Animal
  • Panda ? Bear ? Vegetarian
  • Vegetarian ? ?eat . ?Animal
  • It is easy to see that this KB is inconsistent.
    Assume that there exists an individual x which is
    a member of the class Panda. Then
  • Panda(x) ? Bear(x) AND
  • Vegetarian(x) ? x does not
    eat animals
  • Bear(x) ? Animal(x) AND
    Omnivore(x) Contradiction,
  • Omnivore(x) ? x eats
    animals therefore

  • Panda must be empty.
  • Note reasoning over defined classes ONLY!
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