Title: 1' PMDB Inquiry
1 Core Lab July Staff Meeting
- 1. PMDB Inquiry
- 2. New JHCP Clinical Sites
- 3. Hopkins One
- 4. Accel Program
- 5. Fall Gathering
- 6. New Building Updates
2 - Patient Medical Data Base (PMDB)
- Most Up-to-Date Patient Location
- Information
- Patients Current Addresses / Phone
- Numbers
- Admitting Physicians
3What is the Patient Location on June 22?
3210803 - A
- D
LOC VISIT DISCH - ---- --- - -----
--- ------ ----- - 1 HODGES, FREDERICK 3210803 09/14/46
11535 06/22/06 06/22/06 - 2 HODGES, FREDERICK 3210803 09/14/46
101 06/21/06 06/21/06 - 3 HODGES, FREDERICK 3210803 09/14/46
101 06/21/06 06/21/06 - 4 HODGES, FREDERICK 3210803 09/14/46
101 06/21/06 06/21/06 - 5 HODGES, FREDERICK 3210803 09/14/46
CCP-5 06/21/06 06/24/06 - 6 HODGES, FREDERICK 3210803 09/14/46
101 06/21/06 06/21/06 - 7 HODGES, FREDERICK 3210803 09/14/46
146 06/14/06 06/14/06 - 8 HODGES, FREDERICK 3210803 09/14/46
146 04/12/06 04/14/06 - 9 HODGES, FREDERICK 3210803 09/14/46
146 03/14/06 03/16/06 - Enter 1 to 9 to select a name,
- 'D' to restart search with new first date of
interest, - '' to restart search with new History / Name,
- RETURN to continue gt
4PMDB (From Any Option Field)
- Looking for a patient in JHH Medical Records
files. - ( Enter BMC to switch to Bayview)
- Connecting to RPC Server...
- Enter History or Name 3210803
- JHH History 6-321-08-03
- SocSec 69386709
- Birth Date 09/14/1946
- Sex M
- Race B
- Mother's Name GARDEN,LETTIE
- Father's Name HODGES,FRED
- Demographics, Aliases, Visits or Quit Q
Select V
5What is the Patient Location on June 22?
- JHH Patient Encounter Information
99 Visits - Name.. HODGES,FREDERICK SocSec
.. 69386709 - JHH Hno... 6-321-08-03 DOB..
09/14/1946 Race.. B Sex.. M
- Admit DT Type Loc Serv Physician
Disch DT Patcomm - 99) 06/21/06 I CCP-5 INT Nidiry,Mary
Anne Joseph 06/24/06 205768153 - 98) 06/21/06 E 101 Carlin,Teresa
Mary 06/22/06 511346199 - 97) 06/21/06 O 146 Hefter,Gail B
06/21/06 857601199 - 96) 06/14/06 O 216F
06/14/06 857241897 - 95) 06/14/06 O 146 Hefter,Gail B
06/14/06 857378608 - 94) 04/24/06 O 186A
04/24/06 855697587 - 93) 04/12/06 O 146 Hefter,Gail B
04/12/06 855335287 - 92) 03/16/06 O 395 Post,Wendy
Susan 03/16/06 854470259 - 91) 03/14/06 O 146 Hefter,Gail B
03/14/06 854376241 - 90) 03/01/06 I HAL-5 CRD Sinha,Sunil
Kumar 03/02/06 205595622 - 89) 03/01/06 O 298A
03/01/06 853825842
6What is the Patient Location on June 22?
INPUT OF 3877417 - A
- D
LOC VISIT DISCH - ---- --- - -----
--- ------ ----- - 1 FARLEY, FRANK S 3877417 08/18/55
135 06/22/06 06/22/06 - 2 FARLEY, FRANK S 3877417 08/18/55
278A 06/22/06 06/22/06 - 3 FARLEY, FRANK S 3877417 08/18/55
NEL-7 06/22/06 06/29/06 - 4 FARLEY, FRANK S 3877417 08/18/55
135W 06/22/06 06/22/06 - 5 FARLEY, FRANK S 3877417 08/18/55
278A 06/12/06 06/12/06 - 6 FARLEY, FRANK S 3877417 08/18/55
NEL-7 05/23/06 06/02/06 - 7 FARLEY, FRANK S 3877417 08/18/55
101 05/22/06 05/22/06 - 8 FARLEY, FRANK S 3877417 08/18/55
278A 04/26/06 04/26/06 - 9 FARLEY, FRANK S 3877417 08/18/55
278A 04/26/06 04/26/06 - Enter 1 to 9 to select a name,
- 'D' to restart search with new first date of
interest, - '' to restart search with new History / Name,
7PMDB Look Up
- Select Query Patient Results Option pmdb
- 1 PMDB Gateway PMDB.MNU
- 2 PMDB Registration Check (Includes Alias
Lookup) INQ.RTN.PMDB LOOKUP - Type '' to stop, or choose a number from 1 to 2
2 PMDB Registration Check (In - cludes Alias Lookup)
- Good Morning, JUANITA.
- Looking for a patient in JHH Medical Records
files. - ( Enter BMC to switch to Bayview)
- Connecting to RPC Server...
- Enter History or Name 3877417
- JHH History 8-387-74-17
- SocSec 217687064
8What is the Patient Location on June 22?
- JHH Patient Encounter Information
29 Visits - Name.. FARLEY,FRANK S SocSec
.. 217687064 - JHH Hno... 8-387-74-17 DOB..
08/18/1955 Race.. W Sex.. M
- Admit DT Type Loc Serv Physician
Disch DT Patcomm - 29) 06/22/06 I NEL-7 TRA Melancon,Joseph
Keith 06/29/06 205758055 - 28) 06/14/06 O 278A Melancon,Joseph
Keith 06/14/06 857373369 - 27) 06/12/06 O 555
06/12/06 857299903 - 26) 06/12/06 O 278A Kraus,Edward S
06/12/06 857287684 - 25) 06/09/06 P TRA Melancon,Joseph
Keith 205744832 - 24) 05/30/06 O 204 Chan,David Yat
San 05/30/06 856847199 - 23) 05/23/06 I NEL-7 TRA Melancon,Joseph
Keith 06/02/06 205721335 - 22) 05/22/06 E 101 Carlin,Teresa
Mary 05/22/06 511267197 - 21) 05/18/06 O 204 Chan,David Yat
San 05/18/06 856524616 - 20) 05/16/06 O 204 Chan,David Yat
San 05/16/06 856420351 - 19) 05/15/06 O 278A Kraus,Edward S
05/15/06 856383658
9- The date on this Barcode Label is
- Patients date of birth
- Date the test was ordered
- Collection date
- Date the label was printed
- A date you should play the Lotto
10Date the Label was Printed
- Look in the computer for the collection date and
time - Labels can be up to five days old.
- Cancel only after you are certain the specimen
exceeds time criteria.
11 New JHCP Sites July 17th
- CPMON Montgomery Grove
- CPHAG Hager Park
- CPFRE Frederick
- 60 Patients per Day
- 800 P.M. Drop-Off
- 200 A.M. Drop-Off
12If you received a centrifuged Gel Tube that did
not completely separate, you should
- Remix tube and centrifuge.
- Do not mix tube. Just centrifuge.
- Pour over serum. Centrifuge aliquot.
- Send the specimen to the testing lab.
- Holiday Pay
- Work Requirements To receive holiday pay, an
employee must (a) work his/her last scheduled day
prior to the day the holiday is observed, and (b)
report to work on his/her first scheduled day
after the holiday is observed. An employee who
has an unscheduled absence prior to or following
a holiday is not eligible for holiday pay.
- Integrated JHH and JHU Business System
- Payroll (Nightingale Feeder)
- Accounting
- Purchasing
- January 1st Live Date
- Fall Training Programs
15POE Rollout
- Inpatient 52 Complete (980 Licensed Beds)
- Medicine/MICU (221 beds), Psychiatry (88), Rehab
(14), Neurology (80), OB/GYN (110 beds) - OB/GYN, Labor Delivery, Nursery (May 2006)
- Harriett Lane (July 11, 2006)
- Anesthesia, PACU (July 10, 2006)
- Future Timeline
- Surgery Urology - Marburg 2 and 3 (July 2006)
- Surgery General, Plastics - Weinberg A,C,D (Aug
2006) - Surgery Otol, Vascular, Transplant, Orthopedic
Nelson 6,7,8 (Sept 2006) - Surgery ICU, SICU Halsted 7 (Oct 2006)
- Ophthalmology Wilmer (Dec 2006)
- Oncology ( / 2007)
- Childrens ???
16Johns Hopkins HospitalDepartment of Pathology
- Clinical Laboratory Scientists
- (B.S. / A.A.) Career Ladder
17 Accel Philosophy
- Innovative Program
- Recognizes Performance
- Acknowledges Experience
- Consistent Across the Department
18Compensation Factors
- Education
- Certification
- Years Experience
- Skills
- Performance
19Certification Programs
- Certification programs recognized by the
Department of Pathology. - The employee must be able to document licensure
that can be validated by the accrediting agency. - ASCP (American Society of Clin. Pathologists) MT,
C, H, B, M, I - ASCP (American Society of Clinical Pathologists)
MLT - HEW (Health Education and Welfare) MT
- NCA (National Certification Agency)
- NRCC (National Registry of Certified Chemists)
- ASM (American Society of Microbiology) M
- AMT (American Medical Technologist) MT
- Other .
20New Pathology Structure
- Clinical Laboratory Scientist 1 CH Nonexempt
AA - Clinical Laboratory Scientist 2 CI
Exempt AA / BS - Clinical Laboratory Scientist 3 CJ
Exempt AA / BS - Clinical Laboratory Scientist 4 CK Exempt BS
- Lead Clinical Lab. Scientist (AA) CK Exempt
AA - Lead Clinical Lab. Scientist (BS) CL Exempt
BS - Lab Specialist (BS) CL Exempt BS
- QA Spec / Tech Spec (BS) CM Exempt - BS
21Exempt Status
- Four-Hour OT Rule
- Scheduling Flexibility
22Program Implementation July 9
- Base Rate for CLS 1 16.75/hr
- Base Rate for CLS 2 19.00/hr
- All AA MLTs moved to minimum start rate.
- All B.S. MTs moved to minimum start rate.
- Noncertified CLS 1 or CLS 2 increase 0.40/hr
- Certified CLS 2 or CLS 3 incr 0.80/hr
23 Starting Salaries
- Title HRate Pay Ranges
- CLS 1 AA 16.75 CH
- CLS 2 AA or BS 19.00 CI
- CLS 3 AA or BS 20.00 CJ
- CLS 4 BS 21.00 CK
- All ranges expanded at the upper end of the
Salary Scale.
24Clinical Laboratory Scientist (MLT-A.A.)
- CLS 1 AA MLT, or BS Science
- BS Science (courses relevant to Clinical
Laboratory) - CLS 2 AA MLT
- AA MLT Certification
- 2 Years Experience
- 2 or greater on Annual Performance
Evaluation - CLS 3 AA MLT
- AA MLT Certification
- 5 Years Experience
- Minimum of 1 Year JHH Experience
- Skills Criteria
- Selected by Departmental Panel
25Clinical Laboratory Scientist (MT B.S.)
- CLS 2 - BS MT
- CLS 3 - BS MT
- BS MT Certification
- 2 Years Experience
- 2 or greater on Annual Performance
Evaluation - CLS 4 - BS MT
- BS MT Certification
- 5 Years Experience
- Minimum of 1 Year JHH Experience
- Skills Criteria
- Selected by Departmental Panel
26CLS 3-AA / CLS 4-BS Advancement
- Criteria Still under Development
- Expected Skills
- - Technical Competency
- - Multi-Work Bench
- - Teaching/Training Experience
- - Charge Functions / Lab Leadership
- - Project Accomplishments
- Nominated by Supervisor
- Documentation by Employee
27Lead Clinical Laboratory Scientist
- Limited Number of Positions
- Bid Process
- Certification is Required
- Minimum 32 Hours/Week
28Certification Challenge
- 35 of Technical Staff Not Certified
- University of Maryland
- -- Review Courses
- -- Specialty Courses
- Employees Responsibility
29Pathology Fall Gathering!
- Crab Feast - Sunday, September 24 at
- Conrads Ruth Villa in Middle River.
- In addition to Steamed Crabs, therell be Beer,
Fried Chicken, Corn on the Cob, Watermelon and
more, as well as - Outdoor Games!
- More details later!
30New Building Update
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