Dealing in Disappointment: Ayn Rand, Anthem, and the Possibly Bitter Future - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dealing in Disappointment: Ayn Rand, Anthem, and the Possibly Bitter Future


A better world is more internationally united, less ... How can it be so incompetently run? How can Equality be the first to successfully resist it? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dealing in Disappointment: Ayn Rand, Anthem, and the Possibly Bitter Future

Dealing in Disappointment Ayn Rand, Anthem, and
the (Possibly) Bitter Future
  • Feraco
  • Myth to Science Fiction
  • 23 February 2009

The Curtain Rises
  • Your Building a Better World assignments
    indicate that the class has reached a consensus
  • A better world is more internationally united,
    less impoverished, and peaceful
  • Its stocked with people who both care and
    understand more about themselves and others
  • Its not hard to dream of such a world
  • It hews fairly closely to our classic utopian
  • but its incredibly hard to make that dream a
    reality (due to both internal and external forces)

The Wisdom of Top 40 Radio
  • None of you think that it will be easy to improve
    our world
  • All of you recognize that improvement and
    progress is still needed
  • Therefore, the class agrees that the world needs
  • Yet Anthem cautions us to essentially be careful
    what we wish for cause we just might get it.
  • What arises in the wake of our attempt to improve
    something that seems functional?

The Future Freaks Me Out!
  • The society Rand creates equates
  • independence with chaos
  • love with instability
  • privacy with sinfulness
  • mediocrity with perfection
  • Its a hypocritical culture, with ideas that
    dont even make sense when you examine them more

The Future is Incompetent?
  • The governing body is so terrified of
    individuality that theyve eliminated I from the
  • Yet pronouns remain!
  • We essentially equals I
  • If it functions the same way, you eliminated a
    letter instead of an idea (the truly dangerous
  • Language is a human invention
  • Why not eliminate all sense of possession,
    especially since no one seems to own anything?

Sin and Power
  • Moreover, after the Council eliminates I, it
    perplexingly gives citizens a powerful reminder
    of the possibility of individual action by
    defining sin (or at least defining individual
    actions as sinful).
  • If you can do the former, why contradict it by
    introducing the latter, especially when youve
    already eliminated religion?
  • What does sin mean to a non-believer?
  • Everyone is supposedly equal, yet there are
    hierarchies everywhere
  • Members of the Council of Vocations have more
    power to choose a mans profession than he does
  • Its hard to imagine a person who would prefer to
    be a street sweeper instead of a scholar if given
    the opportunity to choose between the two

When Good Ideas Go Bad
  • The ideas the civilization supposedly treasures
    seem utopian on the surface
  • Everyone gets the same educational experience
  • No one has to live in substandard housing
  • Everyone shares a unified system of values
  • No one needs to live in fear of outside violence
    or crime
  • On paper, this should be a peaceful, thriving
    society of enlightened and successful people
  • Instead, its a system thats been co-opted by
    the people charged with maintaining it
  • It now holds its citizens in bondage (via
    philosophical control, one of our dystopian
    hallmarks) in order to benefit an extremely small
    class of elites

The Darker Side of Revolution
  • If Rands message seems somewhat cynical, it is
  • Our brightest hopes and best intentions will
    ultimately be crippled by corruption,
    incompetence, laziness, and fear
  • Understand that her family was laid low in the
    wake of the Bolshevik Revolution
  • Fairly or not, the young Rand learned to
    associate the revolutionary desire for communal,
    equitable living with the ugliness shed seen
    perpetrated upon the people she loved most
  • In her eyes, agitators for fairness,
    self-sacrifice, and the strength of a community
    served only to steal from those who most deserved
    to succeed in order to coddle those who least
    deserved the help
  • She understands the Sheriff of Nottingham

The Function of Truth
  • Its easy, then, to understand why Rand creates
    this society in Anthem that seemingly runs so
    counter to her personal philosophy
  • It is, in part, the expression of an old pain
    that still haunts her
  • On the surface, she and the society she creates
    seem to stand for many of the same things
  • For example, both prize the power of truth to
    influence mens actions
  • But Rand treasures absolute truth and reason,
    whereas it (it being Anthems society) prizes
    stability through rewritten history and selective
  • For Rand, truth ultimately leads humans towards
    betterment, even if these truths disturb us at
  • For this society, all men must agree that
    something is truthful in order for it to be so
  • In other words, truth is less important than
    agreement, and its seen as harmful if it
    interferes with that harmony

The Authors Legacy
  • Rand condemns these types of perversions of
    principle and philosophy throughout her career.
  • She made a lot of money while trying to teach
    people to see the world her way.
  • An institute bearing her name continues to work
    in an effort to spread her ideas to new

Become What You Hate
  • Yet readers and critical thinkers must wonder
    whether Rand risks falling victim to the same
    trap that bedeviled Anthems society
  • After all, her philosophy advances the idea that
    theres only one correct way to think which is
    essentially philosophical control, albeit without
    the actual application
  • Objectivism specifically denies skepticism,
    denies faith, and denies altruism all attitudes
    that help distinguish our thought processes from
    one another
  • By devising a manifesto of thought that labels
    each of the above as worthless, isnt she trying
    to convince others to agree with not just her
    conclusions, but with her entire mode of

Become What You Hate, Part II
  • Is her ultimate goal to inspire a world of
    Objectivists and does she believe we can have a
    successful world where people still disagree with
  • Think of how she characterizes those who disagree
    with her (the Councilors) in Anthem
  • Objectivism, by design, seems to be incompatible
    with opinion itself
  • It states that truth is truth
  • Its our job to recognize truth rather than shape
    it through our interpretations
  • By taking this stance, is Rand unconsciously
    undermining the very principles to which Anthem
    owes its existence?
  • Is she any more accepting of alternative modes of
    thinking than Anthems Councils?

We Pause to Consider
  • These are tricky questions to consider, because
    Rands gone, and her defenders and proponents
    cant really stand in for her
  • But its critical to understand this text in the
    context of its authors philosophy and personal
    history, and these issues are key to
    understanding the philosophy thats being
  • After all, the text ultimately exists to teach a
    concept, which is why it was originally called
    Ego its been repurposed as an anthem (or ode)
    to mans self and his capacity to reason.

The Page as Mirror
  • Rand clearly fancies herself as a sort of
    literary Equality
  • In theory, she, like him
  • Possesses the intelligence (or genius, in his
    case) necessary to see through societys lies to
    discover the truth
  • Has the guts one needs to spread those
    uncomfortable truths for the good of society
    (rather than cower silently while staying safe)
  • Chooses to associate with those who agree with
  • As mentioned in your presentations, Rand sees
    Equality as the embodiment of all that were
    capable of as individuals
  • Hes able to throw off his fetters and achieve
    greatness with no help whatsoever

A Failing Helping Hand
  • But it must be noted that Equality does have help
  • The help of an incredibly poorly-executed
    society, the kind that builds a prison and
    somehow doesnt think to guard it
  • This, too, seems odd
  • This society supposedly has the power to rise up
    and unite the world, to erase history and I
    from our minds
  • How can it be so incompetently run?
  • How can Equality be the first to successfully
    resist it?
  • (The Transgressor was captured and killed)
  • This is actually another of Rands points that
    were easily conditioned to accept that which
    isnt true and isnt perfect, and that we deny or
    dismiss our instincts (as Solidarity and
    Fraternity do) in order to go through life more

Convince Yourself to Accept the 5
  • Picture the following hypothetical scenario
  • Our lives are rated on a scale ranging from 1 to
  • 1 representing a completely hopeless, joyless
  • 10 representing near-deification
  • Lets say youre a 5
  • I give you a choice You can continue living as a
    5 for the rest of your days, or you can take a
    risk and flip a coin
  • Heads means you win, and youll live an 8-rated
  • Tails means you lose, and youll live a 2-rated
  • Do you stay where you are, or do you flip the

Rolling the Die
  • Lets pursue a different hypothetical
  • Depending on the choices we make and the plans we
    form, we can build ourselves safety nets that
    make risks less dangerous
  • In this scenario, your plans have left you with
    more options so instead of a coin flip, you get
    to roll a four-sided die
  • The sides are marked 2, 4, 6, and 8
  • Do you roll the die, or do you remain a 5?
  • What if youre married?
  • What if youre a parent?

Why Roll the Die?
  • The more we have, the more risk-averse we tend to
  • No one wants to doom their child to a 2-rated
    life when they could have provided a 5
  • Equality takes the die and rolls it (by going
    into the tunnel), but thats because he has
    nothing to lose
  • Hes already a 2 at best and 1 at worst
  • He has nothing to make him happy (since he hasnt
    made contact with Liberty yet)
  • Hes working a job he hates as penance for a sin
    he doesnt really believe is wrong
  • He wakes up every morning knowing hes capable of
    more, yet feeling awful
  • The only thing worse than this existence is
    death, and one could argue that such an
    occurrence might actually be preferable for
  • So he rolls the diethen he rolls it again, and
    again, and againlucky for him, the die seems to
    favor him!

Into the Wild
  • Eventually, Equalitys choices leave him in the
    Uncharted Forest
  • The Forest initially represents confusion and
  • It turns out to be a refuge
  • Equality doesnt get lost in the Forest so much
    as he finds his way through his own thoughts once
    hes out from under societys thumb
  • He understands himself better in isolation, which
    is why he makes a home in the house he discovers
    in the trees
  • Hes away from society, and hes never been better

Blinded by Visions
  • Ultimately, Rand argues that this society doesnt
    work because it holds people like Equality down
    in order to settle for a uniform mediocrity
  • (It also drives them into the metaphorical
    Forest, but well concentrate on one area for
  • This is illustrated most clearly in the sequence
    where the Scholars reject the lightbulb Equality
  • Those in power choose expedience over advancement
    (why have bulbs when everyone has candles?)
  • It becomes clear that these people have
    stagnated, and that theyve been blinded by their
    utopian visions.

Forging the Stuff of Dreams
  • This points to the single biggest obstacle to
    utopian creation
  • Namely, its very easy to propose ideas, but much
    harder to shape the realities those ideas demand
  • Our actions have consequences, and even the ones
    we take with the best of intentions often have
    unexpected outcomes
  • Dystopias are chronicles of the unintended
    consequences of mans pursuit of perfection, the
    destructive ripples of his attempt to build a
    better world ?

Dont Let It Happen Today
  • Rand constructs a society that violates every
    principle it holds because its easy to see how
    this can happen
  • Again, due either to corruption, incompetence,
    laziness, or fear
  • It takes work to make this work
  • Yet if were going to achieve our potential as
    human beings something you feel we havent done
    yet, whether its from a technological or
    philosophical standpoint we have to put in the
  • Anthem proves that the stakes are too high for a
    society to dream big without planning for the
    practical implementation of that vision

Back to the Better World
  • We spoke in class about similarities between your
    better worlds and about how difficult itll be to
    create them
  • Many of you dream of a united world, but does
    this dream necessitate the death of religion,
    language, or even culture itself?
  • Think of the wars weve fought over cultural
    differences (with respect to values), let alone
    the innumerable conflicts between practitioners
    of different faiths
  • Take these away, and all well have left to fight
    over are resources
  • Its so easy to wish that things like war
    couldnt happen any morebut how heavy is the
    cost were willing to pay for peace?

Unintended Consequences
  • Many of you also dreamed of a restructured class
    system, but failed to explain how the state of
    living for the lower class would be improved
  • For example, how are you encouraging others to
    serve the needs of the poor better than they
    currently are?
  • Some of you posited different criteria for
    constructing classes not so much replacing the
    class system as reforming it
  • Yet stricter class divisions seem to carry
    unintended consequences as well
  • If its not simply a matter of accumulating
    wealth any more, does identity theft diminish
    or rise?
  • Finally, how do we deal with former prisoners
    the rehabilitated members of society?
  • Do we give them jobs at your parents expense to
    keep them from falling back into the cycles that
    landed them in jail to begin with?

When Schoolings a Luxury
  • Many of you made education mandatory, but failed
    to explain how we should begin to turn around our
    school system
  • How do we
  • Rebuild broken campuses?
  • Staff urban classrooms with competent
  • Perhaps most importantly, how do we convince
    people to be instructors to begin with,
    especially in fields like mathematics and science
    (where skilled thinkers can earn far more in the
    private sector without being forced to put up
    with students, particularly those who have no
    inclination to learn)?
  • For that matter, what do you do with
    home-schooled children?
  • How do we provide more stable funding for our

Dont Worry!
  • Im not saying this to be critical I promise
  • In fact, Im pointing out the opposite
  • Good ideas can come from anyone, and Im trying
    to encourage you to start thinking outside the
  • (If you do what youve always done, youll get
    what youve always gotten)
  • So I want you to start thinking about practical
    solutions to problems youve never seriously
    attacked before
  • After all, if the Reality Check proved anything,
    its that youll own these problems before you
    know it

In Closing
  • Ultimately, Anthem can be any number of things
  • It can serve as your introduction to Objectivism,
    a philosophical system you may enjoy or admire
  • Im trying to use it as a rallying cry for you to
    begin thinking about civic issues schools,
    labor, influence, health, rights, etc. in
    concrete terms, rather than as abstract things
    that youll get around to dealing with someday,
    or hoping to never need to deal with at all
  • Or it can just be a boring, oddly-written book
    written by a woman whos been dead for decades
  • (Dont let it become that last one.)

and Beyond
  • Were going to start debating civil issues the
    ones pertaining to the Equalities in our
  • Ultimately, were trying secure a better future
    for ourselves and our children without falling
    into the dystopian trap
  • The first one on the docket is near and dear to
    me education.
  • How should we deal with Equality as a student in
    our society?
  • Should we segregate him and place him on an
    Honors-level track, thus robbing him of
    experiences with a variety of other people the
    very people hell someday work with?
  • Do we hold him back, normalizing him with the
    rest of his class?
  • How should we treat our students as thinkers, as
    learners, and as human beings?
  • Should we take a unified or differentiated
  • Should we push you, or pull back and let you
    learn at your own pace?
  • Should we be strict or relaxed?
  • Should we have a narrow focus or use a survey
  • And how do we provide opportunities for everyone,
    instead of just for the gifted and beautiful?
  • (These are just a few of the questions well
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