Title: Quality Audit Tool for Managing Social Performance
1Quality Audit Toolfor Managing Social
2Acronyms Used
- QAT Quality Audit Tool
- ECA region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia
- MFI microfinance institution (MF Banks,
non-banking financial institutions,
non-governmental organizations) - SP Social Performance
- SPM Social Performance Management
- SR social responsibility
- QAT Overview
- QAT Process
- QAT Attributes
- QAT vs. Other Tools
- QAT Implementation
- QAT Overview
- QAT Process
- QAT Attributes
- QAT vs. Other Tools
- QAT Implementation
5Rationale ECA Region Context
Market trends
Social Performance reality
- Since beginning in 1997 focus and pressure on
MFIs self-sustainability - Withdrawal of donors to less developed countries
- New comers commercial investors (i.e. Deutche
Bank, Raiffaisen Bank) - Post soviet negative connotation of social
for free
- Commercialization of MFIs
- Mission drift observed
- Still huge interest in impact, but no resources
to measure
- Difficulties in promoting Social Performance
- No commitment to social goals at the level of
operations - Interest in easy and effective tool bringing
quick measurable results
6QAT Purpose
in order to
QAT aims at
- Assessing status and effectiveness of systems in
managing SP - Helping MFI realize its strengths and weaknesses
in SPM - Helping MFI prioritize actions for improvement of
their SPM - Ensuring institution-wide understanding and buy-in
- To ensure MFI is on track how effective are
your systems in aiming at achieving your
mission? - To optimize resource investment build on what
you have and invest in what you really need - To prevent MFI from doing everything at once and
burn out shortly lets improve step by step
and look for quick wins - To create enabling environment for change to
prevent SPM be one person project
7QAT Target Markets
- MFIs concerned about their Social Performance and
quality of their management systems for SP - MFIs planning social rating exercise and willing
to prepare themselves - Donors / Investors / Partners willing to support
their partnering institutions in improving their
8SP Dimensions Assessed by QAT
Intent and design
SP information system
Management systems
9SPTF Dimensions in QAT
10QAT Uses for MFI Manager
- To check if an MFI is at right track towards
their mission achievement - To identify strengths supporting their SPM
- To identify weakness gaps and areas for
improving their SPM - To use prioritized initiatives for developing
action plan for improvement, allowing step by
step SPM institutionalization - To buy in staff at all levels to build
understanding SPM is overarching theme rather
than project or tool - To monitor progress in SPM institutionalization
(in case of repeated audit) - To prepare for social rating
11QAT Uses for MFI Manager - Examples
- Horizonti QAT lessons learnt
- This was very important for we did the audit
before implementing anything conducting the
audit we knew the gaps where we need to pay
more attention. - One of the outcomes we do know what we are
doing, we are targeting the right people and
doing a good job, but we need to work on systems
to support this. - We saw that the MIS cannot support performance,
so we will have a new one improved. - We collect a lot of information which can be used
for SP indicators. - ED, Horizonti, Macedonia
- Zene za Zene QAT next steps
- Define more specific objectives for better
understanding what it means for the terms of SP? - To experiment with MIS reports content
- To improve internal communication
- To measure drop-outs
- To use client satisfaction form across the
institution - SPM Champion, Zene za Zene, BH
12QAT Uses for Donor / Investor / Partner
- To help MFI improve in SPM through diagnosing
strengths and weaknesses and developing action
plan - To optimize its support through financing or
helping implement the initiatives from action
plan - To better understand the institution, its mission
orientation and rational behind its translation
to action - To monitor progress in SPM institutionalization
(in case of repeated audit)
13QAT Desired Impact MFI Level
- Outcome - setting the stage for change process
- Clearer operational understanding of SPM
- Clear understanding by staff of what needs to be
done to improve SPM - Internal champion and sponsor identified
infrastructure for change established - Better communication of social orientation and
required support to stakeholders - Quick wins implemented
- Short term impact
- Process of SPM improvement kick-off
- Consistent effort of MFI to improve SPM in a
manageable steps - There is on-going buy-in of staff, leadership of
champion and support of senior management and
board for implemented changes - Medium term impact
- Internal systems are improved to be better
aligned with double bottom line goals - Long term impact expected
- Institution gets all aligned to double bottom
line and results are improved
14QAT Impact Examples From MFIs
CARD, the Philippines
Gap description of the target group was vague
and mixed with eligibility criteria for the loan
Quick win through a series of half day workshops
defines what is meant by saying we want to reach
economically and socially challenged families
and comes up with the indicators based on housing
materials, asset base, etc.
Moznosti, Macedonia
Gap At fast growth, new staff dont understand
and commit to mission
Quick win re-design of training program for
newly hired staff to ensure mission perspective
Micro Development Fund, Serbia
Gap collects lot of information, which is not
used later on
Quick win review the new set of MIX SP
indicators to see which information they can
start using immediately
More examples of MFIs quick wins in MFC
Newsletter Issue 1/2008
15QAT Desired Impact
- Investor / Donor / Supporter level
- Increased number of partners refocus from
assessing SP to improving SPM ? more supportive
and longer term cooperation on SPM improvement - More informed partners make better decision in
selecting more likeminded partners - More efficient allocation of resources to
likeminded MFIs and activities that can bring
greatest value in improving SPM at MFI - Industry level
- More MFIs aware of their SPM status and
effectiveness - More MFIs improve in their SPM
- Less mission drift
- Better public image of Microfinance
16QAT Benefits for Various Stakeholders
- MFI Managers
- Clear current picture of SPM systems quality
- Good basis for effective implementation plan
- Efforts oriented on mission acknowledged
- Staff understands better and is bought-in through
discussion about SPM - Allows improving before future social rating
- MFI staff
- Better understanding of how their tasks fit into
social goals and strategy - Donors / investors / supporters
- Better understanding of MFIs commitment to
mission and its translation into practice - Assessment of MFIs SPM quality
- Effective identification of MFIs needs in terms
of supporting their SPM institutionalization
17QAT Uses Extracts from 5th SPM Working Group
Meeting Minutes
- In March 2008, the representatives of 10
organizations members of MFC facilitated SPM
Working Group, met in Warsaw to discuss lessons
learnt in SPM institutionalization. Among other
subjects they discussed QAT uses - It can be used before the process of SPM
implementation it is nice to have gaps - Could be used for process evaluation a good
diagnostic tool - Could be useful for taking on board those who
were not directly involved e.g. IT people - Gives an understanding where the gaps are and
what actions need to be taken - The format is very useful the SPM team might be
biased but through interviews one gets more
objective information - Could be used multiple times especially before
the strategic planning - Provides awareness of different opinions and
perceptions - Stimulates additional discussions at the
institutions on SPM - Gives better understanding of HR needs where
there are gaps in assumed and actual way the
processes work - Remind and refresh the mission and social
objectives - Reveals information flow bottlenecks
- QAT Overview
- QAT Process
- QAT Attributes
- QAT vs. Other Tools
- QAT Implementation
- QAT Overview
- QAT Process
- QAT Attributes
- QAT vs. Other Tools
- QAT Implementation
204 Steps in QAT
0,5 day
2 - 3 days
1-2 days
0,5 day
1 day
1 day
Gap analysis
Follow up interviews
Audit panel
Final report
Analysis draft report
- ED
- Senior management (Finance, Operations, HR,
Marketing, )
- Board
- Senior management
- Internal auditor
- MIS staff
- Research staff
- Regional level
- Branch level
- LO
- Clients
Staff participating
Total time from 6 up to 8 days
21External Internal Assessor
QAT is implemented by the team of two people
external and internal assessor
22QAT Implementation Steps (1)
- Gap analysis presents detailed questions which
are used to assess SPM sets up a base for more
in-depth follow-up - Source ED and senior management
- In-depth follow-up gathers more detailed
information to verify and better understand gap
analysis checks status and effectiveness of
systems - Source Interviews with senior management, staff
clients review of documents and internal
reports and information flows.
23QAT Implementation Steps (2)
- Analysis and draft report combine information
and draft report highlighting strengths and
weaknesses of issues in gap analysis it captures
perspectives of different stakeholders to be
discussed during audit panel. - Analysis include
- Qualitative data analysis using triangulation of
different information sources (interviews with
different staff, focus groups with clients,
review of written documents) - Tally sheet is used to identify common themes and
divergences around strengths and weaknesses of
MFI systems, notes from the interviews are
reviewed for evidence and rationale behind
emerging themes - Draft report is written addressing strengths,
weaknesses, evidence and issues to further
discuss/explore that serve as basis for
discussion with representatives of different
stakeholders during an audit panel.
24QAT Implementation Steps (3)
- Audit panel Presentation of findings to key
organizational stakeholders, including staff from
all levels of organization and clients, where
appropriate. - Audit panel allows for further verification of
the audit results and finalize the report - The initiatives for addressing gaps are
identified and prioritized in order to develop
action plan for SPM improvement - Final report finalized based on audit panel
discussion - Includes prioritized activities to be undertaken
by MFI in order to improve SPM by addressing the
identified gaps and by building on identified
25Source of Information and its Validation
26Data Collection Methodology
- Gap analysis questions basic set of questions
defining the framework of SPM assessment - i.e. do you seek to be socially responsible
organization in relation to your target clients? - Status questions questions validating the status
of SPM components their presence in the
institution - Asked to Loan Officer How do you communicate
interest rate to clients? How do you ensure they
understand? - Effectiveness questions
- Asked to clients How do you learn about interest
rate? How do you know what is it?
27QAT questions examples
Source QAT Handbook
28QAT Report Structure (1)
- Report is divided according to dimensions and/or
sub-dimensions - Each dimension / sub-dimension includes
- to be discussed during audit panel
- List of institutional strengths supported by
evidence - List of institutional weaknesses supported by
evidence - Points for discussion when there are different
and not coherent opinions and evidence, they can
be clarified and agreed during audit panel - after audit panel
- key elements of the action plan
29QAT Report Structure (2)
- QAT Overview
- QAT Process
- QAT Attributes
- QAT vs. Other Tools
- QAT Implementation
- QAT Overview
- QAT Process
- QAT Attributes
- QAT vs. Other Tools
- QAT Implementation
32QAT Attributes - Time
- Depends on skills and experience of assessor
- With external facilitator the process is more
intensive and shorter - Internal Assessor can adjust duration to the
internal dynamics
Process steps
- Preparation (documents review)
- Gap analysis
- Individual interviews
- Focus Group Discussions with Loan Officers and
Clients - Analysis
- Audit panel
- Final report
- 1 2 days
- 0,5 day
- 1,5 2 days
- 1 day
- 0,5 -1 day
- 0,5 days
- 1 day
TOTAL 6 8 days
33QAT Attributes Cost
- Staff time
- Internal Assessor
- Staff in interviews
- Staff in audit panel
- Travel to branches for FGDs
- Snacks for FGDs
- Includes
- 6 8 days
- 1,5 h per person
- 3 h per person
- Travel costs
- Costs of drinks and snacks
MFI costs
- External facilitator time
- Lodging
- Travel
- 6 days daily rate
- 6 nights daily allowance
- Cost of plane ticket
External facilitator
MFC estimated cost for external assessment 6000
USD staff time cost
34QAT Attributes Breadth of Functionality
35QAT Attributes Infrastructure and Resource
- Resources required
- Staff time
- Funding for external facilitator budget
- Infrastructure required
- Computer for assessors, recorder
- Separate room for conducting interviews
(preventing noise, securing proper concentration) - Convenient room for 2 FGDs (with Clients and Loan
Officers) - Transportation to branch (if needed)
- Conference room for holding audit panel
(including LCD projector, flipcharts, markers)
36QAT Attributes Ease of Use
- In case of external assessment
- MFI needs only to set up logistics and select
internal assessor - Additional benefit MFI is trained on how to
conduct the assessment to do it independently
next time - Challenge securing the funding
- In case of self-assessment
- Pre-assessment training is required
- Timing adjusted to the internal dynamics of MFI
- Challenge the selection of internal assessor
must be more careful -
37QAT Attributes Customer Satisfaction
- Assessing both strengths and weaknesses makes the
audience appreciate the objective assessment
they are motivated to improve as their up to date
efforts to achieve the mission are acknowledged - Involvement of many stakeholders into process and
allowing them commenting during audit panel make
them owe the findings in opposite to external
findings (external assessor becomes perceived
rather as facilitator) - Developed action plan reflects the real needs and
does not irrationally overburden staff - Clear and easy to follow structure of the report
makes it a handy document for further work
38QAT Attributes Customer Satisfaction in Citations
- I am pleasantly surprised how everything is now
clear the role and the goals of SPM - External assistance in the audit is very helpful.
I wonder whether to us people would say what the
external auditor found out. I have a feeling they
tell us what they think we want to hear. - It was good that loan officers and branch staff
were included in this audit. They gave a needed
perspective for the understanding of the issues
they face in their work. The fact that all staff
was included means we will have full support for
the changes - I am the SPM team member. During this week it
became clear that we did a lot of stuff,
discussed and decided on many points. I now see
what will be the result of the entire SPM effort.
- Social audit made me realize that we are already
working on many aspects of SP in our
organization, but have not given it the right
emphasis - I am now better aware of the importance of the
right loan for the client. I will pay more
attention to how I do my work, how the loan is
used and whether the client is advancing. This is
giving me an encouragement for my future work - Partner, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- In our case, this tool revealed many weak points
in the systems and management processes and
resulted in creating an institutional strategy
with a holistic approach - AgroInvest, Montenegro, Serbia
- QAT Overview
- QAT Process
- QAT Attributes
- QAT vs. Other Tools
- QAT Implementation
- QAT Overview
- QAT Process
- QAT Attributes
- QAT vs. Other Tools
- QAT Implementation
41QAT vs. Other Tools (1)
Compliance audits social accounting by Social
Audit Network (UK)
Social Performance Audit Tool (SPA) by USAID
42QAT vs. Other Tools (2)
Social Performance Indicators by CERISE
43MFIs Implementing QAT Worldwide
- ECA region
- AgroInvest and MDF, Serbia
- Aregak, Armenia
- FinDev, AzerCredit and Viator, Azerbaijan
- Horizonti and Moznosti, Macedonia
- Partner and Zene za Zene, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- The Philippines
- MENA Region
- Tamweelcom and DEF, Jordan
- Till end of 2008 ARDI and AMOS, Morocco
44Contact Details
- For more information on QAT, please contact
- Ewa Bankowska, Project Coordinator
- E-mail Ewa_at_mfc.org.pl
- Phone 48 22 622 34 65
- Skype bankowska