The Gospel of Matthew - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Gospel of Matthew


Only then can we begin to understand these passages like first century believers. ... In order to fully understand His meaning, we must be familiar with the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Gospel of Matthew

The Gospel of Matthew
Knowing the Messiah
The Signs of the Return of Christ
  • Our Approach
  • Interpret Scripture by Scripture
  • First the physical then the spiritual
  • 1 Corinthians 1546
  • However, the spiritual is not first, but the
  • natural then the spiritual.
  • Principle Use the literal to interpret the

Model of Interpretation
  • First, we must approach the texts looking through
    the filter of first century Judaism. Only then
    can we begin to understand these passages like
    first century believers.
  • We must look at the verses of the New Testament
    which are obviously not meant to be taken
    figuratively. Then we can have a basis to form an
    understanding of what is symbolic and what is
  • Once we have the basic truths in hand, we can
    then look at what remains and interpret these
    ideas in the light of them.
  • Finally, we consistently apply the inherent
    Biblical meaning to symbols and names rather than
    redefining them through 20th century thought.

Common Mistakes
  • Determine the interpretation by the symbolic
  • Jesus teaching is the basis for all belief.
  • The Gospels give us direct accounts of Jesus
    teaching on this subject.
  • This is our basis
  • Many start with Johns Revelation and make their

Literal End Time Accounts in the New Testament
  • Matthew 24 (Whole chapter) Jesus discourse on
    end time events
  • Mark 13
  • Luke 1721
  • Luke 211-38
  • 1 Corinthians 1520-28, 51-58
  • 1 Thessalonians 4 and 5
  • 2 Thessalonians 1-12
  • Hebrews 1226
  • 2 Peter 21-4
  • 2 Peter 31-12
  • Jude verses 6,14, 15

Can We Understand? Yes!
  • In verse 4
  • Jesus tells His disciples, and us by extension,
    that it is His wish that His people be not
  • In order to keep them from being so, He begins to
    reveal to them some basic information regarding
    the events that are to come.
  • He does not give specifics as to times and dates,
    but rather lists events that lead up to times
  • The weight of His words indicate that the events
    described are imminent or at least meant to be
    perceived so.
  • He repeatedly encourages His disciples to be
    ready today.
  • Since Jesus desires us to not be deceived, it
    only stands to reason that He means for us to be
    able to understand coming eschatological events.
  • This is reinforced in the first chapter of Johns
    Revelation, where we are told that those who read
    and understand the words of the book would be

The Starting Point
  • Matthew 241-2
  • Jesus came out from the temple and was going away
    when His disciples came up to point out the
    temple buildings to Him. 2 And He said to them,
    "Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to
    you, not one stone here will be left upon
    another, which will not be torn down."

List of Chronological Events (Past)
  • Verse 5 Many come claiming to be Christ
  • Verse 6 Wars and rumors of war
  • Verse 7 Nation will rise against
  • Verse 9 Christians hated and persecuted
  • Verse 10 A great falling away of
    believers.betrayal and hatred within the Body of
  • Verse 11 Many false prophets and a great
  • Verse 12 increase in blatant wickednessdecrease
    in love among people.

List of Chronological Events (Future)
  • Verse 14 Gospel preached to the whole world
  • Verse 15 The Abomination of Desolation (spoke of
    by Daniel)in the Temple
  • Verse 16 Believing remnant flees into the
  • Verse 17 Great distress or tribulation
    unparalleled in history
  • Verse 24 Rise of false prophets with power to
    work wonders and miracles
  • Verse 27 His coming (visible to all nations)
  • Verse 29 Events immediately following
    tribulation (cut short for sake of elect)
  • Darkness
  • Stars fall from the sky
  • Universe will be shaken
  • Verse 30 Son of Man will be seen coming in the
    sky. Seen by all nations
  • Verse 31 Trumpets sound and elect gathered by
    the angels
  • Other information regarding the characteristics
    of the last days
  • Verse 37 Like the days of Noahpeople living
    oblivious to coming judgment
  • Verse 44 Jesus comes at a time unexpected and
    will catch the world unaware
  • Verse 51 When Jesus comes, He is coming to judge

The Picture-Wedding of the Lamb
  • Matthew 2510 adds that when Jesus comes, He is
    coming to take His bride to the wedding feast.
  • Parable of the Ten Virgins
  • Parable of the Wedding Guests
  • For those left out and not ready, there is
    weeping and gnashing of teeth in outer
  • Jewish wedding symbolism used by Jesus
  • At this point it is helpful to consider the
    wedding analogy that Jesus uses. The Church is
    called the Bride of Christ. Jesus often refers
    to Himself as the Bridegroom. In our culture,
    these ideas do not convey the meaning the Christ
    intended. In order to fully understand His
    meaning, we must be familiar with the Jewish
    wedding ceremony.
  • Jewish weddings have a specific methodology that
    is followed. The following points show the basic
    process in a chronological order. In other words,
    these events occur in succession.

Jewish Wedding
  • Pre-arrangement
  • Kittubah
  • Bridal Chamber preparation
  • The Bridegroom Comes
  • The wedding feast

  • In Hebrew culture, parents chose the bride for
    their son. In the same way, God has chosen us to
    be the bride of His son from the beginning of the
    world. This is a prearranged marriage.

  • This is an initiating ceremony in which the two
    parties are betrothed.
  • In this ceremony, the bride, groom, and their
    family and friends meet outside.
  • The bride and groom stand under a tent called a
    hoopa and sign a covenant (Kittubah).
  • This covenant agreement is legally binding and
    can only be broken by divorce. However, the full
    rights of marriage are not yet granted and the
    bride and groom still live separately.
  • This parallels the baptism of the believer.
    During this ceremony, we unite with Christ and
    indicate our commitment to His covenant with us,
    the New Covenant of Grace.
  • We are literally His bride, but are temporarily

Bridal Chamber Preparation
  • After the kittubah service, the groom returns to
    his fathers home to prepare a bridal chamber for
    he and his bride.
  • They will spend their first seven days together
    in this location. They will also live there for
    at least the first year of their marriage.
  • Jesus used this picture when he informed the
    disciples that He was going to His Fathers
    house to prepare a place for them so that they
    would be able to be where He is.
  • Jesus is preparing our dwelling in the Fathers
    house at the present time.

The Bridegroom Comes
  • After a designated period of time determined by
    the grooms father, the Groom gathers his
    entourage and proceeds to the home of the bride
    to bring her to His fathers house where the
    wedding feast will be celebrated.
  • The arrival of the groom is usually at the
    midnight hour and heralded by blast from trumpets
    (shofars-rams horns.)
  • The bride and her maids do not know when the
    groom is coming and they have to be ready with
    their lamps trimmed for his coming. The lamps are
    needed because he comes at midnight. Jesus uses
    this very illustration with His disciples.
  • He will return with the trumpets blast at the
    midnight hour with his host (entourage) to
    receive the Bride and take her to His Fathers
    house. He warns them through the parable of the
    ten virgins to be ready when He comes and have
    enough oil for our lamps so that we are able to
    navigate through the darkness of that time

The wedding feast
  • Once the procession arrives at the fathers
    house, the celebration begins.
  • The guests all have received wedding garments to
    be worn at the feast.
  • For seven days the guests feast.
  • During this seven days the bride and groom are
    not seen.
  • They spend these days in the wedding chamber.
  • Once the marriage has been consummated, the groom
    tells his best man, who waits by the door for his
  • The best man then relays the news to the guests.
  • After this, the bride and groom emerge to join
    the feast.
  • Jesus indicates that when we are received into
    His fathers house, the wedding will be
    consummated and the feasting will occur.
  • Each believer receives the pure white wedding
    garment washed in the blood of the Lamb.
  • The Church (Bride) and the Groom (Christ) will
    remain united for ever after. The two become
    one. What God joins together let no man break

Matthew 25 31-34
  • Verse 31
  • When Jesus comes with his entourage (Angelic
    host) judgment begins.
  • This is referred to as the settling of accounts
    in verse 19.
  • He will sit on His throne and judge the nations.
  • This is called the White throne judgment and is
    also referred to as the sheep judgment because
    all people will be separated like sheep.
  • Following the wedding analogies that Jesus uses,
    it is clear that this occurs before the sheep are
    taken to the Fathers house for the feast.
  • The goats are not welcome and so the separation
    is a prerequisite.
  • In addition, the celebration would not be full
    with the enemies of the Bride still seeking her
    demise. This is also pictured by the analogy of
    the wedding guests. Many were invited but did not
    come. So others were invited to take their place.
    In addition, some will attempt to enter into the
    feast but they will have not wedding clothes. In
    both cases, Jesus states that these people are to
    be cast out into outer darkness where there is
    weeping and gnashing of teeth. This is an obvious
    reference to judgment.
  • Verse 34 After the judgment, the sheep inherit
    the kingdom in its fullness.

Luke 21
  • Luke 21 parallels Matthew 24 quite closely.
  • There are a few additional pieces of information
  • We are told that Jerusalem is surrounded by
  • It is to be a time of punishment for the Jews who
    refused to accept Jesus.
  • Jesus stated that the current generation would
    not pass away until these things occurred.
  • Generation is 40 years.
  • Jesus resurrected and ascended in C. 30 AD
    (Ushers error of 4 years)
  • 70 AD-Temple generation.

The King Reigns
  • It is consistent with Scripture to see the
    thousand year reign as the present Church age in
    which Satans power is bound.
  • We are told that the Gates of Hell will not
    prevail against the Church. This also seems to be
    the case in view of other texts.
  • Consider Luke 1720-21 in which Jesus tells us
    that the Kingdom is present in His people. He
    further indicates that it WILL NOT come in
    visible way, but quietly within the believer.
  • Jesus also tells us that all authority on Heaven
    and Earth has been given to Him.
  • He is the King presently. He rules in the hearts
    of believers. This is imperative to understanding
    the way eschatological events will unfold.
  • 1 Corinthians 1525-27
  • 25 For He must reign until He has put all His
    enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy that
    will be abolished is death. 27 For HE HAS PUT ALL
  • Here we have an indication that Christ is
    reigning as King presently but that He has not
    subdued all of His enemies as of yet. Scripture
    tells us that He is in the process of making His
    enemies His footstool. When He returns, the
    resurrection of the dead occurs and all enemies
    will be overcome including death.

The Return
  • 1 Thessalonians 413 FF and 1 Thessalonians 5
  • When Christ returns the world will not expect it
    and the people will be going about their business
    as usual in what appears to be a time of peace.
    The only ones who will be ready are those who are
    in the bridal entourage whose lamps are trimmed
    and who are waiting for the arrival of the groom
    with the trumpet. He will overthrow His enemies
    and gather His bride, the dead are resurrected
    and the faithful are changed. They receive their
    immortal bodies and rise up to meet Jesus as he
    is coming.
  • (1 Corinthians 1551-58)

The Great Rebellion
  • 2 Thessalonians 11-12
  • He further tells us that there is to be a great
    rebellion in which the Man of Lawlessness
    appears. Paul then tells us of this person
  • He will spring suddenly upon the world as is
    indicated by the fact that he is revealed. His
    coming will be accompanied by signs and wonders.
  • He is doomed to destruction
  • He will oppose God openly
  • He will exalt himself as God
  • He will proclaim himself as God in the Temple of
  • A great delusion will come upon unbelievers so
    that they will believe a lie
  • His power through Satan will be held back and
    them loosed at some point
  • His power will continue until Christs return at
    which time he will be conquered with the breath
    or the spirit of Christ

The End
  • Hebrews
  • 1226 When Christ returns the earth and the
    heavens will be shaken
  • 2 Peter 2
  • Peter weighs in on end time events and we find
    that much of what he says is a repeat of what we
    find in Matthew 24.
  • V. 1-3 False teachers arise
  • V. 4 (Retroactive verse) refers to demons
    imprisoned or bound and who will be judged at the
    coming of Christ
  • Chapter 3 The Day of the Lord This is always a
    reference to judgment day in the Old Testament.
    Peter tells us that before this day, there will
    be the following individuals and their
    statements. This indicates that judgment does not
    come after a millennium but after this age. This
    describes the present time.
  • Scoffers come
  • They will say where is His coming?
  • V. 7 The present heavens and earth reserved for
    fire (judgment)
  • V.10 That day-the Day of the Lord- comes like a
    thief (Matt. 24)
  • Heavens disappear with a roar
  • Elements (earth) destroyed by fire and laid bare
  • V. 12- The heavens disappear in fire (as above)
  • The elements of earth (above) melt in the fire
  • At this time a new heaven and earth are
    fashioned for the saints to inhabit

The Conclusion
  • Jesus has been received all power in Heaven and
    in earth (Matthew 2819)
  • He will return when He is not expected
  • If we are not ready, we will find ourselves on
    the outside
  • He has given us the guide to follow
  • This is our motivation to go into all nations and
    make disciples (Matthew 2820)
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