Title: City of Corvallis
1City of Corvallis
- Academy for Lifelong Learning
Presented by City Manager Jon Nelson April 2009
2Presentation Overview
- Goals and Outlook
- Current Challenges
- Financial Status
- Citizen Expectations
- Public Process, Transparency and Growth
- City Council
- Departments 5 Year Outlook
42009-2010 Council Goals
55 Year OutlookGeneral
- Implement Council direction regarding community
sustainability - Address Council goal on homelessness
- Implement Communications Plan, Web Site Action
Plan, Career Development Plan, Diversity Action
Plans, Urban Forest Management Program, Library
Strategic Plan
65 Year OutlookGeneral
- Increase use of technology to improve service and
productivity - Personnel changes related to aging work force
- Update Comprehensive Plan and community vision
75 Year OutlookCommunity Development
- Development Services balance service levels with
revenues - Green building and development initiatives
- Support and facilitate affordable housing
development efforts of local non-profits such as
Willamette Neighborhood Housing Services and
Benton Habitat for Humanity
85 Year OutlookFinance
- Governmental Accounting Standards Board
pronouncements - City-wide Wi-Fi
- Electronic records management
- E-commerce
95 Year OutlookLibrary
- Adjust Library services for a changing population
(more Latinos, aging patrons, more tech savvy
young people) - Help raise the funds for building a new library
in Monroe
105 Year OutlookPolice and Fire
- Add 2 police officers and 4 public safety
dispatchers, plus grant application for 2
additional police officers - Replace patrol vehicles with more fuel efficient
models and replace non-patrol vehicles (e.g.
parking scooters) with hybrid-electric or all
electric models - Fire Department Drill Tower replacement
- Fire retirements 20 eligible in the next 5 years
- Fire/EMS standards, mandates, and statutes
changes may impact service delivery
115 Year OutlookParks and Recreation
- Playground upgrades including accessibility
improvements - System-wide community garden plan
- Feasibility of an additional gym
- Enhanced recreational services for those who have
disabilities - Programs to address youth obesity
- Outdoor recreation programs, connecting youth to
the outdoors
125 Year OutlookPublic Works
- Expand transit service and reduce fares
- Total Maximum Daily Load solution (wastewater
re-use) - Increase public education and outreach (e.g.
storm water)
13Current Challenges
14ChallengesHuman Resources
- Employee health care costs
- Layoffs
- Heavy employment application load
15ChallengesPublic Works
- Transportation funding
- Cost increases, especially volatile fuel prices
- Increased regulation of water and sewer systems
(TMDL) - Public acceptance of utility rate increases
- Increased use of Library for job searches, filing
unemployment, free kids programs, books and
movies - Fewer donations to Friends of the Library and the
Library Foundation - Increased number of people who appear to be
homeless and/or addicted who use the Library as a
gathering place
17ChallengesPolice and Fire
- Diminished Medicaid and Medicare revenues
- More fire/EMS calls for service, particularly
from under/un-insured patients - Aging infrastructure at Fire Stations 2 3
- Patrol overtime costs
- State revenue shortfalls for 911 budget causing
large cost share increases
18ChallengesParks and Recreation
- Increased demand for Natural Area access,
restoration and stewardship without additional
budget - Need updated technology for online class
registration to simplify recreating locally - Senior Center/Chintimini Park funding to address
aging facilities, park amenities, services and
space needs - Aquatic Center funding
19ChallengesCommunity Development
- Manage long-range planning projects and current
planning case load - Development Services and code enforcement
address community expectations within available
resources - Affordable housing and social service needs
- Timely collection of revenues
- Manage new financial reporting requirements
without increasing costs - Alternatives for capital project funding
21Financial Status
22Financial Status
- 117,000,000 City Budget
- 09-10 Proposed Budget includes 672,000 in
property tax funded enhancements, recommended by
the Budget Commission - Financial projections are for a stable future,
with capacity for service enhancements - Current financial plans project utility rate
increases generally under 4 per year Corvallis
rates remain competitive - City employment relatively stable
23Financial Status
Proposed General Obligation Bond Debt Refunding
- Refunding the 1999A Riverbank/Riverfront Bonds
and the 2001A Open Space Acquisition Bonds - Approximately 10.26 million total
- Pricing on May 12, 2009/Refunding date May 27,
2009 - Final maturity June 30, 2018 - Net Present Value of estimated savings 800,000
24Citizen Expectations
- Growing racial and ethnic diversity in population
and workplace, including multiple generations and
more minorities, especially Hispanic - Declining household and family sizes
- Fewer people in owner-occupied units more people
renting - Decrease in the very young
- Increase in the very old
262008 Citizen Survey Results
272008 Citizen Survey Results
282008 Citizen Survey Results
Corvallis scored above its national, western
region, and similar population comparators in
- Overall quality of life
- Ease of travel by bus, car, walking, and bicycle
- Availability of walking paths and trails
- City parks recreation programs and classes
- Public Library services
292008 Citizen Survey Results
Corvallis scored above its national, western
region, and similar population comparators in
- Corvallis as a place to work
- Neighborhood and Downtown safety
- Bus service
- Fire prevention and education
- Openness and acceptance toward people of diverse
302008 Citizen Survey Results
Excellent or Good
- Overall direction Corvallis is taking ? 60
- Services provided by the City ? 82
- Value of services for City taxes paid ? 63
- Job City does at listening to citizens ? 56
31Public ProcessTransparencyGrowth
32Growth Comparison with Comprehensive Plan
33Growth Survey Results
34City of Corvallis
- For more information, contact
City Managers Office at 766-6901 or