Title: Famous American Women
1Famous American Women
- Bella Abzug said, "From kitchen tables to the
peace tables, women propose to turn the tables on
the status quo. - Sandra F. McLendon
- November 2001
2Famous American Women Reformers
- Jane Addams
- Susan B. Anthony
- Bertha Palmer
- Elizabeth Stanton
- Harriet Tubman
3To learn about these reformers we will read their
biographies and visit the Library of Congress
website and other Internet sites.
- We will learn about these women by studying
biographies of their lives - True story
- Account of a persons life
- Story written by another person
- Story about a real individual
- Real facts, events, and information
5Word MapReformer
6Jane AddamsSocial Reformer
- Jane Addams was a social reformer. She
started Hull House to help people who lived in
slum conditions.
7Susan Anthony and Elizabeth Stanton
- Susan Anthony and Elizabeth Stanton were
friends and worked together to promote womens
rights as suffragists.
8Concept Map--Suffragist
9Bertha Honore Palmer
- Bertha Honore Palmer was a very rich leader
in Chicago society. She worked with her husband
to influence womens rights.
10Harriet TubmanAbolitionist
- Harriet Tubman, known as Moses, was a
runaway slave who was an abolitionist. She
conducted slaves to freedom on the underground
11Word Map--Abolitionist
12Famous American Reformers
Many women worked to change and to promote change
in US history during this time period. We will
only study a few.
Gilded Age Time Line
13Credits Bertha Honore Palmer. c. 1890s.
Chicago History. http//www. chicagohs.org/AOTM/M
ar98/mar98artifact.html. (November 15,
2001) Gilded Age Picture. http//www.americaslib
rary.gov/cgi-bin/page.cgi/jb/1878-1889 (November
15, 2001). "Portrait of Harriet Tubman."
Courtesy of the Moorland-Spingarn Research
Center, Howard University. http//www.americaslib
rary.gov/ cgi-bin/page.cgi/aa/tubman (November
15, 2001). Reddy, Helen. I am woman. Capitol
Labels, 1972. http//www.geocities. com/
angelwolfheart5/ AngelsPlaceClassicRock.html
(November 15, 2001).
14"Susan Anthony Elizabeth Cady Stanton." 1870s.
American Treasures of the Library of Congress
REASON. http//www.americaslibrary.gov/ pages/
aa_stanton_ friends_1.html (November 15,
2001). Water, Ed. D., "Jane Addams,
head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left." 1907.
a/addams (November 15, 2001).