Title: Transitions in SchoolsSchools At the Tipping Point
1Transitions in Schools/Schools At the Tipping
- Terry Crane, Ed.D.,Senior Education Advisor,
Infotech Strategies (moderator) - C. Jackson Grayson, Jr., Chairman and CEO,
American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC) - Melendy Lovett, President, Education Technology,
Texas Instruments, Incorporated - Tom Vander Ark, President, X PRIZE Foundation
3- 1. Do you define a Tipping Point as
- a) a social epidemic
- b) change happening fast and unexpectedly
- c) ideas that are contagious
- d) all of the above
4True or False
- Process can aide transformative change.
5True or False
- The number of science and engineering degrees
awarded to US citizens is decreasing at a time
when job growth in these fields is predicted.
6The "Tipping Point" for the math and science
epidemic requires
a) more qualified teachers b) teachers with
better content knowledge c) fewer retiring
teachers in these fields d) all of the above
7High School Reform has moved to the top of the
education policy agenda for
a) federal government b) governors c) school
superintendents d) philanthropists e) the
general public f) all of the above
8Why is the public calling for high school change?
a) The students don't look and behave like High
School Musical 2 b) High dropout rates c)
Low academic achievement d) Problems
disproportionately affect disadvantaged young
people in African American and Hispanic
populations e) b-d are correct f) all of the
9Which will tip first?
a) Process change b) Improvements in math
and science c) High school reform d)
no change in the next decade e) a-c are