Title: Business Dynamics Positioning through Messaging, Pricing and Packaging
1Business DynamicsPositioning through Messaging,
Pricing and Packaging
- With enough "ifs" we could put Paris into a
bottle. -
French Proverb
2SaaS Customer Needs
- Pay Less for More
- No upfront cost
- Pay as you go
- No need for expensive and complicated software
upgrades updates are included at no extra cost - Cut employee training costs in half
- Easily try before you buy
- Only pay for what you use
- Dont need for the application? Stop paying!
- Scale upward or downward as rapidly as your
needs demand - Lower staff support requirements
- Secure Highly Reliable
- Best in industry security
- Exceed compliance requirements
- More complete security than customers can
provide - Improved and consistent performance
- Less need to worry about budgeting for what is
always an unpredictable IT budget process - Shared risks and single source accountability
- Greater Usability and More Complete Access to
Needed Functionality - Bring applications into your business you
wouldnt otherwise be able to afford - Single sign-on
- Access Key Applications from a Single Portal
- Functional upgrades several times per year in
lieu of every other year . . . - Enterprise class functionality for your business
3Build Messaging Pillars
- Emotion/Pain
- Opportunity Drivers
- Hard hitting and compact
- Key Message
- Strong benefit message
- Supporting Messages
- These become the content of campaigns down the
- Every time someone leaves the office on a
service or sales call or works from home we lose
our ability to function.
5Opportunity Driver
6Key Message
- Access documents, appointments, contacts, and
company schedules and information from anywhere
with an internet connection.
7Supporting Messages
- Highly mobile employees (salespeople,
consultants) are dependent on the accurate and
timely exchange of information with co-workers
and customers. - Off-site employees need contact with the home
office for access to the latest documents and
materials. - Employees distributed in remote and home offices
need 24 hour access to company information.
8Peace of Mind
Pain Communication is important, but I cant
afford IT
Experience Operational Freedom
- You take care of your business, well take
care of your messaging system
9Map Messaging Pillars to Defined Industry Segments
- So What We have developed a hosting platform
to better meet your needs. - Better Organizations can now implement hosted
applications with no risk and no long term
commitment. - Best Be live in minutes with a free trial of
mobile email and access to schedules -- designed
specifically for financial services -- with zero
up front investment and no risk.
10Peace of Mind
- Most Value Attributed To
- Off-site, scheduled backup
- Threat protection and enhanced security
- Technical support
- High availability
- Freedom from having to do it all themselves!
- Features to emphasize
- 24x365 technical support and on-line knowledge
base - Anti-spam, anti-virus, other privacy/security
solutions - Depth of engineering expertise
- Data backup, recovery and storage capabilities
- Self-service control panel, simplified
11Anywhere Access
- Most Value Attributed To
- Ability to work from home
- Support for employees at client sites or branch
offices - Mobile device synchronization
- Access to information while traveling
- Features to emphasize
- Access from any location with an internet
connection - Incremental benefits of Hosted Exchange
- Synchronize mobile phones or PDAs
- Current hosting partners estimate 1/3 of leads
are for mobility - Too complex to do internally
- Too expensive to do internally
- No IT to support it
12Get More Done
- Most Value Attributed To
- Better ways to share and track files
- Check and share individual and corporate
calendars - Share ad-hoc company information
- Share customer information
- Features to emphasize
- Value add features of HMC
- Shared folders (contacts, tasks, mail) and
calendars - SharePoint features
- Instant Messenger for speedy communication
13Industries that Match Characteristics
14Business Challenges that Match Characteristics
15Case Studies Messaging and Positioning--
People want quarter-inch holes, not quarter-inch
- Scannet
- Product/Feature/technology focused messaging
- Zero flow
- Hosted Exchange ? Exchange Server 2003?
- No methods of contact
- Effectively implementing elements of Demand
Generation and Direct Selling but not bringing it
all together
16Case Studies Messaging and Positioning
- Cobweb
- Highly approachable
- Top level messaging
- Guaranteed! Save! Call!
- Mobility focus
- Emphasis on integrated archiving (packaging)
- What does the buyer need in order to feel
confident making the purchase decision? - Excellence, Industry Certified, Ensure
Compliance, Service Excellence, No Compromise,
Why Cobweb? - Top Five
17Persona Marketing
- Persona Marketing is, in itself, a competitive
advantage - Identify an ideal candidate for the defined
service - Representative of thousands of other users that
are reachable via the Web Driven Model - Personal Interview
- Demographic
- Psychographic
- Pain/Motivation
- Map to messaging
18Characteristics of Personas
End-User Packaging should be driven by Personas
that represent how the service is actually used
- Mobile Worker
- Needs access to email, files, calendar, contacts,
tasks while traveling - Office Worker
- Typically works in one location, needs to work on
behalf of others, plan and schedule - Delegate access, shared calendars and contacts
- Information Worker
- May work in or outside of office, needs to share
and have easy access to information - Public folders, shared contacts
19Hosted Exchange Office Worker Persona
- Behavior Characteristics
- Heavy Email User
- E-mail is always running on the desktop
- Being out of the office is the exception
- Would like to be able to easily check email from
home - Does not travel regularly for business
- Primarily a Desktop P.C. user, may have a laptop
but it rarely leaves the office
- Typical Roles
- Administrative Assistant
- Software Engineer
- Call-Center Customer Support Representative
- Accounting/Finance Users
- Distribution Manager
- Knowledge Worker
- Key Features Benefits
- Shared Calendaring Meeting Reminders
- Delegation of rights in Outlook
- Junk-Mail Filtering
- Public Folders
- Global Address List (GAL) for finding other
employees information - Task List
- Packaging Pricing Implications
- Required MAPI, but not Mobility
- Can be the bottom tier of a two-tiered model
where the top-tier includes mobility - Can be the middle tier of a three-tiered model
where the bottom tier is Basic OWA/POP
20Hosted Exchange Mobile Worker Persona
- Typical Roles
- Business Owner
- Senior Executive
- Sales Representative
- Sales Engineer
- Field Engineer
- Consultant
- Behavior Characteristics
- Email-Centric User Work revolves around email
- Being out of the office is the rule
- Frequently works from home
- Frequently doing business from airports, hotels,
etc. - Primarily a laptop user
- Rarely disconnected, responds immediately to
emails if possible
- Key Features Benefits
- Mobile access to email, calendar, contacts, and
tasks saves time and increases responsiveness to
internal external customers - Integration between contact list and telephony
functionality for easy dialing and caller
identification - Transparent Synchronization Capability
- Ability to Listen to Voicemails sent as sound
- Packaging Pricing Implications
- Required MAPI and full mobility features
- Is the top-tier of a two-tiered model where the
bottom tier provides MAPI but not mobility - Can be the only tier of a single-tier offering
that encourages the use of mobility features
21Packaging Pricing for Personas
Price Range USD
Value Proposition
Offering Components
- Core Offering
- OWA w/personal folders, pop3
- Tech support
- Anti-Spam, Anti-Virus
- Backup
- Self-service control panel
Office Worker (High Operational Efficiency)
- Quality tech support
- High availability
- Quality of Service
- Spam/Virus protection
- Offsite Backup
- Collaborative file sharing
- Shared calendars, contacts
- Shared information
- Instant messaging
- Core Offering
- Shared folders
- Integrated IM
- Core Offering
- Mobile device support
- Synchronization
- Email for remote workers
- Email while travelling
- Mobile Device Email and Synch
15 20
- Recommendation is for a 2 or 3 tier approach
22General Price Considerations
- Preserve low barriers to sale
- 2 or 3 price levels
- Contract that local market will bear (minimal)
- Consider discounts
- Long term commitment, large volume
- Reward existing customers for referrals
- Bundle popular services, small business in a
box ready offerings
23Positioning, Packaging PricingWorking Session
- How does your current packaging compare to the
best-practice recommendations? - Is your offer correctly positioned to avoid
feature-speak and focus on customer-benefits? - Is your current pricing a barrier to sale or an
24Background Materials
25Sample Exchange Offerings
26Cross-Selling with HMC Components
- Hosted Exchange lead
- SharePoint site for basic company intranet or
document storage (ie HR policies, forms) - Added value with solution-specific templates for
Project Management, CRM, etc. - Secure instant messaging and awareness with Live
Communications Server - Windows-based web hosting
- Other Windows-based hosting services