Increasing Automation For Program Reasoning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Increasing Automation For Program Reasoning


... system: NuSPADE. NuSPADE Example. Results and Future Work ... Evaluate performance using example corpus supplied by Praxis Critical Systems. Future Work ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Increasing Automation For Program Reasoning

Increasing Automation For Program Reasoning
  • Bill J. Ellis
  • Dependable Systems Group
  • School of Mathematical Computer Sciences
  • Heriot-Watt University
  • Edinburgh

  • Investigate the role of proof planning within the
    SPARK approach to high integrity software
  • Funded by the EPSRC Critical Systems programme
    (GR/R24081) in collaboration with Praxis Critical
    Systems Ltd.

  • Introducing SPARK
  • Motivating Example
  • Automation Problem
  • Proof Planning
  • Program Analysis
  • Our system NuSPADE
  • NuSPADE Example
  • Results and Future Work
  • Conclusions

Introducing SPARK
SPARK Approach and programming language
  • SPARK Approach
  • Developed by Praxis Critical
  • Systems Ltd.
  • For building high integrity software
  • Safety, security and mission critical software
  • e.g. SHOLIS - UK MoD Def Standard 00-55
  • SPARK programming language
  • Defined as a subset of Ada
  • Analysed using the SPARK tools
  • Compiled using regular Ada compilers

Introducing SPARK
  • SPARK Examiner
  • Generates conjectures (Verification Conditions
    (VCs)) to prove a selected program property
  • Can generate VCs to prove
  • Partial correctness (correct if program
  • Exception freedom (no run time errors)
  • SPADE proof tools
  • SPADE Simplifier a special purpose theorem prover
  • SPADE Proof Checker an interactive theorem prover

Motivating Example
SPARK code
  • subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. 9
  • type D_Type is array (Index) of Integer
  • subtype R_Type is Integer
  • R0
  • For I in Index loop
  • if D(I) gt 0 and D(I) lt 100 then
  • R RD(I)
  • end if
  • end loop

Motivating Example
Exception freedom problem
  • subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. 9
  • type D_Type is array (Index) of Integer
  • subtype R_Type is Integer
  • R0
  • For I in Index loop
  • if D(I) gt 0 and D(I) lt 100 then
  • R RD(I)
  • end if
  • end loop

RD(I) ? Integerfirst RD(I) ? Integerlast
Motivating Example
Exception freedom VC
Given hypotheses
R0 For I in Index loop if D(I) gt 0 and
D(I) lt 100 then R RD(I) end
if end loop
Prove conclusions
Motivating Example
Tackle VCs using the Simplifier
  • Typically 95 of exception freedom VCs are
    discharged automatically by the Simplifier
  • But the remaining 5 still account for many VCs
  • In this case
  • The exception freedom VC is not proved

Motivating Example
Manually discover why the VC was not proved
Given hypotheses
R0 For I in Index loop if D(I) gt 0 and
D(I) lt 100 then R RD(I) end
if end loop
Prove conclusions
Motivating Example
Manually strengthen invariant
subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. 9 type
D_Type is array (Index) of Integer subtype
R_Type is Integer R0 For I in Index loop
-- assert R gt 0 and R lt I100 if D(I) gt
0 and D(I) lt 100 then R RD(I)
end if end loop
Motivating Example
Tackle VCs using the Simplifier (again)
  • In this case
  • The exception freedom VC is not proved
  • Because the Simplifier is not strong enough
  • The loop invariant VC is not proved
  • Because the Simplifier is not strong enough

Motivating Example
Manually prove VCs using the Proof Checker
  • Supply commands to the Proof Checker to prove the
    remaining VCs
  • The exception freedom VC
  • The loop invariant VC

newvc. yes. 6. consult './filter_s.rls'. consult
'../../gen_rules/fertilise.rul'. replace c2
integer__last by 32767 using filter_s_rules(4). ye
s. no. infer relement(d,loop__1__i)ltloop__1__i
100100 and loop__1__i100100lt32767 -gt
relement(d,loop__1__i)lt32767 using
inference(1). yes. yes. prove c1 by
implication. simplify. infer relement(d,loop__1_
_i)lt32767 using transitivity(1). done. done. inf
er relement(d,loop__1__i)ltloop__1__i100100
and loop__1__i100100lt32767 using
inference(1). yes. yes. infer rltloop__1__i100
and element(d,loop__1__i)lt100 and
loop__1__i100100lt32767 -gt relement(d,loop__1_
_i)ltloop__1__i100100 and loop__1__i100100lt3
2767 using inference(1). yes. yes. prove c1 by
implication. simplify. infer relement(d,loop__1_
_i)ltloop__1__i100100 using inequals(80). done.
done. infer rltloop__1__i100 and
element(d,loop__1__i)lt100 and
loop__1__i100100lt32767 using
inference(1). yes. yes. replace c1
rltloop__1__i100 by true using
fertilise(1). yes. no. replace c1
element(d,loop__1__i)lt100 by true using
fertilise(1). yes. no. replace c1 true and true
by true using logical_and(5). yes. no. replace
c1 true and loop__1__i100100lt32767 by
loop__1__i100100lt32767 using
logical_and(2). yes. no. infer i_type__last 9
using inference(1). yes. yes. replace c1
i_type__last by 9 using filter_s_rules(9). yes. no
. done. done. forwardchain h15. done. forwardchai
n h14. done.
newvc. yes. 3. consult '../../gen_rules/distribute
.rul'. consult '../../gen_rules/fertilise.rul'. re
place c2 (loop__1__i1)100 by
loop__1__i1001100 using distribute(1). yes. no.
replace c2 1100 by 100 using
arith(2). yes. no. infer rltloop__1__i100 and
element(d,loop__1__i)lt100 -gt
using inference(1). yes. yes. prove c1 by
implication. simplify. infer relement(d,loop__1_
_i)ltloop__1__i100100 using inequals(80). done.
done. infer rltloop__1__i100 and
element(d,loop__1__i)lt100 using
inference(1). yes. yes. replace c1
rltloop__1__i100 by true using
fertilise(1). yes. no. replace c1 true and
element(d,loop__1__i)lt100 by
element(d,loop__1__i)lt100 using
logical_and(2). yes. no. done. forwardchain
h17. done.
Motivating Example
Proof completed!
  • Now every VC has been proved
  • So the code is free from exceptions!

Automation Problem
  • User interaction that may be required
  • Determine why VCs are not proved
  • Patch failures by adding invariants
  • Find proof scripts to prove VCs
  • Automated program reasoning needs to integrate
  • Theorem proving (looking at the VCs)
  • Program analysis (looking at the code)

Proof Planning
Automated theorem proving
  • Proof planning is an artificial intelligence
    technique for automated theorem proving
  • Guides proof search at a high level
  • Demonstrated to be applicable for both inductive
    (loop) and non-inductive (non-loop) applications

Proof Planning
Flexible and constrained search
Proof planning (Method Critic heuristics)
Proof checking (Proof script)
Program Analysis
  • Program analysis automatically finds interesting
    properties about source code
  • Program analysis in practice
  • Flow analysis
  • Performance analysis
  • Discover code properties
  • invariant discovery

Strengthen Invariant
Found proof
Proof Script
Proof Planner
Program Analysis
NuSPADE Example
SPARK code
  • subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. 9
  • type D_Type is array (Index) of Integer
  • subtype R_Type is Integer
  • R0
  • For I in Index loop
  • if D(I) gt 0 and D(I) lt 100 then
  • R RD(I)
  • end if
  • end loop

NuSPADE Example
Exception freedom problem
  • subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. 9
  • type D_Type is array (Index) of Integer
  • subtype R_Type is Integer
  • R0
  • For I in Index loop
  • if D(I) gt 0 and D(I) lt 100 then
  • R RD(I)
  • end if
  • end loop

RD(I) ? Integerfirst RD(I) ? Integerlast
NuSPADE Example
Exception freedom VC
Given hypotheses
R0 For I in Index loop if D(I) gt 0 and
D(I) lt 100 then R RD(I) end
if end loop
Prove conclusions
NuSPADE Example
Tackle VCs in the proof planner
Given hypotheses
R0 For I in Index loop if D(I) gt 0 and
D(I) lt 100 then R RD(I) end
if end loop
Prove conclusions
  • Proof plan fails, as VC is not provable
  • Critic notices that information is missing on r

NuSPADE Example
Call program analysis
  • Critic calls program analysis
  • Asking for bounds on R (R ? ? And R ? ??)
  • Program analysis heuristics
  • Type
  • Bounds on variables
  • Non looping code
  • Looping code (recurrence relations)
  • Properties from loop exit

NuSPADE Example
Program analysis finds invariant
subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. 9 type
D_Type is array (Index) of Integer subtype
R_Type is Integer R0 For I in Index loop
-- assert R gt 0 and R lt I100 if D(I) gt
0 and D(I) lt 100 then R RD(I)
end if end loop
NuSPADE Example
Tackle VCs in the proof planner (again)
  • The exception freedom VC
  • Proof planing is now successful
  • The loop invariant VC
  • Proof planing is successful
  • Invariant proofs reuse the rippling methods
    developed at Edinburgh University

NuSPADE Example
Proof completed!
  • Now every VC has been proved
  • So the code is free from exceptions!

  • Prototype system
  • Integration partial
  • Development corpus
  • Programs with simple loops and conditionals
  • As typically seen in high integrity software!

Future Work
  • Exploit other automated theorem provers
  • Simplify (Note Simplify ? Simplifier)
  • Look at debugging
  • Detect false VCs that arise though buggy
    specification or implementation
  • Evaluate performance using example corpus
    supplied by Praxis Critical Systems

  • Although we focus on SPARK
  • Proof planning is generic
  • Program analysis is generic
  • NuSPADE is generic
  • NuSPADE A generic, integrated, approach to
    automated program reasoning
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