Title: Use of RCP for Instrument Control
1Use of RCP forInstrument Control
- Tony Lam
- 2006 Eclipse Meeting _at_ SLAC
- GumTree
- GumTree Demo
- GumTree Vista
- Scientific Eclipse
- Collaboration Issues
3Problem Domain Complex Instrument Ecosystem
Web Resource
Web Service
Proposal DB
Control System
Data Archive
Instrument Server
Device Server
Device Drivers
4Solution Integrated Scientific Experiment
Web Resource
Web Service
Proposal DB
Control System
Data Archive
Instrument Server
Device Server
Device Drivers
cf. IDE
5GumTree Project
- GumTree is a scientific workbench that manages
the complete experiment lifecycle for users - Integrated Scientific Experiment Environment
- Instrument Control Data Acquisition
- Online and Offline Data Analysis
- Electronic Laboratory Notebook Report (OLE,
BIRT) - proposed Collaborative environment for
multi-national experiment (ECF)
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9GumTree Vista
- GumTree has been built on a new architecture,
with codename Vista
10New Architecture
GumTree RCP GumTree RAP
Swing Based Diagnostic Tools
J2EE Web Interface
Instrument Model Server
Batch Server
Instrument model definition
Project Vista
Control System (SICS, EPICS, TANGO)
11GumTree Vista
- Motivation
- Data analysis team wants to access experiment
data via instrument component - Web interface for status monitoring
- Model / data flow driven development
- GumTree RCP remains its role as the integrated
scientific workbench - First prototype will be available on Jul 06
12New Features
- What can GumTree Vista offer
- Simplified API for adapting to other control
system - Stronger security in new layered architecture
- Validation of user request based on various
sources (eg current instrument status, database,
etc) - Multi-clients connectivity (independent of
technology choice)
13RCP Control System
- Controlling instrument via instrument model
(JaveBean data structure) - Instrument model server can produces a model
driven data set - Instrument model server can be adapted to other
control system
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15RCP Visualisation
- Visualisation component will be split into two
levels - General purpose SWT widget with no dependency on
the rest of GumTree system - Extension of GumTree (allows binding with
internal GumTree data for display)
GumTree VIS
Can be used by other SWT/RCP applications
16RCP Data
- Internal data format has been chosen to Extended
NeXus format - It describes the whole instrument model
- Strong linking to control system, experiment
setup (via wizard), monitoring, etc - NeXus format can be transformed to other data
format via XSLT (heavy commitment by ANSTOs data
analysis team) - Another possible GumTree internal data
representation EMF
17Data Analysis
Run algorithm remotely by RMI, TANGO, Web Service
(GRID), or PTP API??
18DANSE like simplified scientific workflow
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- Developed by Institut Laue-Langevin (France)
- To be deployed on 11 neutron beam instruments in
June - Based on SWT and OpenGL
- User interface components are generated by XML
definition (like XSWT) - Has a cool way to perform experiment!
- Collaboration? Well, its not open source.
- Joint collaboration between ESRF (France) and
Risø Institute (Denmark) - Scientific workbench for crystallography data
analysis with synchrotron data - Can be extended to acquire data from the
synchrotron beamline. - http//fable.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_P
- Share development experience
- Discussion
- Recommendations
- Do not duplicate our efforts
- Reusable code / plugin
- Manage existing open source projects
24Possible Collaboration Methods
- Scientific Plugin Library
- Every facility requires different system
architecture - Sharing codes in plugin level is more realistic
- SciForge.net??
- Eclipse based scientific community
- A community under Eclipse Foundation
- Benefits website space, mailing list, bugzilla,
newsgroup, gaining publicity in mainstream IT
industry - Drawback management is time consuming
25Case Study onEclipse Community Model
- A dedicated scientific eclipse project
- Example Parallel Tools Platform (PTP) Project
- Managing individual sub-projects under a
community - Example Generative Model Transformer (GMT)
Project - Promotion of Eclipse technology with almost no
software artefacts - Example Eclipse Community Education Project
26Case Study onEclipse Community Model
- Foundation Member Working Groups
- Example Japan Working Group
- Should we call ourselves Scientific Woking
Group?? - Initial subproject under existing Eclipse
Technology Project - Example NO
- Greg Watson (Los Alamos Cluster computing team)
from PTP has offered his help
- Increasing adoption of Eclipse Technology creates
opportunity for us to share codes - Question Are we on the same road?