Types of Combustion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Types of Combustion


Nor can it draw in the necessary quantities of fresh air to sustain open burning. ... can again return to open flame if all the deep ... Diffusion Flames ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: combustion | draw | flames | how | to | types


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Types of Combustion

Types of Combustion
  • When the basic components for a fire, (fuel,
    oxygen and heat) are brought together in the
    right amount, an uninhibited chemical reaction
    (rapid oxidation process) occurs, which generates
    heat and sometimes light.
  • One of four possible processes has occurred.
  • These processes will be looked at in more detail
  • To examine why fire burns in different ways and,
  • Look at the differences in energy output and
    combustion products.

Types of Combustion
  • Four basic types of combustion
  • Spontaneous Heating and Combustion
  • Smoldering
  • Diffusion
  • Pre-mixed

Spontaneous Heating and Combustion
  • The process whereby a material increases in
    temperature without drawing heat from its
  • Most tests we conduct and simulate begin with an
    open flame.

Spontaneous Heating and Combustion
  • In the practice of investigation we become
    complacent with thinking that most fires start
    with an open flame.
  • Many fires may actually begin the combustion
    process several days, weeks and even months
    before they are actually discovered.
  • What they are doing at this time is self-heating.

Spontaneous Heating and Combustion
  • It stays hidden as long as its ideal conditions
    are present and only when some sensory sign is
    observed, is it noticed.
  • Examples of sensory signs include
  • Strange odors
  • Burning sensation on the eyes
  • Haze or light smoke seen.
  • Many times when the fire is discovered early, we
    find indicators that the self-heating process
    actually began at some time in the past until the
    conditions were present for the combustion
    process to occur.

Spontaneous Heating and Combustion
  • There are many terms that relate to the concept
    of self-heating and spontaneous combustion.
  • Several terms have evolved over the years as we
    learn more about the process.
  • Quintiere, J.G. Principles of Fire Behavior.
  • Spontaneous Combustion is a process by which
    combustion occurs after a self-incubation period
    between a fuel and oxidizer.
  • DeHaan, J.D. Kirks Fire Investigation 5th
  • The term Spontaneous chemical causation would be
    more accurate, for in such cases the mass of
    fuel, rather than igniting from one point or even
    one surface, ignites throughout its mass at very
    nearly the same time, while the heat has been
    accumulating not from some exterior source, but
    from chemical processes occurring within the fuel

Spontaneous Heating and Combustion
  • Even though these are different terms, all agree
    that it is a combustion process that begins with
    a slow oxidation of a fuel exposed to air.
  • This slow process is dependent on the fuels
    ability to retain heat.
  • If this heat cannot dissipate, the temperature of
    the fuel itself will increase causing a faster
    chemical reaction and may eventually evolve into
    smoldering or flaming combustion.
  • The time of this process, from the initial
    self-heating, until the final stages of
    combustion, may be a few hours to over many weeks.

Spontaneous Heating and Combustion
  • Spontaneous Combustion can occur in most organic
    and certain inorganic materials.
  • The key elements being
  • Presents of a drying oil (vegetable or animal in
  • A porous support medium such as a cotton cloth
  • Time for the reaction to occur.
  • Hydrocarbon oils and animal lard are not included
    in this phenomenon and spontaneous combustion of
    these products will not occur.

Spontaneous Heating and Combustion
  • Conditions required for the process
  • Three factors will control the combustion process
    once all of the previous elements are satisfied.
  • 1.      Rate of heat generation.
  • The overall process is slow, however the rate of
    heat generation by the material must be faster
    than the rate heat is transferred into its
    surroundings for it to cause ignition.
  • Since reaction rate doubles for every 10C
    increase in temperature, heat production must
    stay within a localized volume reacting material.

Spontaneous Heating and Combustion
  • Conditions required for the process
  • 2.      Effects of ventilation.
  • A quantity of air must be present to permit
    oxidation, but too much air will dissipate heat
    through convection.
  • 3. Insulating effects of the materials immediate
  • The objects or products that surround a material
    that is prone to spontaneous combustion must have
    an insulating effect to the material in order for
    it to retain heat.

Spontaneous Heating and Combustion
  • Other factors occur such as the higher the
    ambient temperature and higher the relative
    humidity, the faster the reaction and the larger
    the fuel array the more it is prone to
    spontaneously combust.
  • Example
  • Linseed oil in itself is not subject to
    spontaneous combustion or self-heating and
  • However, if a light coating is present on a
    cotton cloth, there will be enough surface area
    to promote oxidation and heating.

Spontaneous Heating and Combustion
  • Example
  • If the cloth were spread out over an object or
    hung on a line, the convective air would
    dissipate the heat and no ignition would occur.
  • If this same cloth were crumpled and put in a
    container with other materials, it would begin
    its self-heating process.
  • If the proper amount of air is present and the
    other materials insulated the cloth sufficiently,
    it would continue to heat until it reached the
    ignition temperature of the cloth or surrounding
    materials and ignite them.

  • Combustion without flame, usually with
    incandescence and smoke. 
  • Smoldering is a relatively slow combustion
    process that occurs between oxygen in the air and
    a solid fuel.
  • No flame is present, however the presence of very
    hot materials is on the surface of which
    combustion is proceeding.

  • The surface undergoes glowing and charring.
  • The glowing is indicative of a temperature in
    excess of 1000C.
  • A smoldering or glowing condition can occur at
    any point in the fire with the controlling factor
    being ventilation.

  • Smoldering during the initial stage of the fire
  • All structures, objects, and open areas for the
    most part, have a fuel and an oxygen source
    available, and in many locations within, the fuel
    and oxygen are in the ideal proportion to begin
  • Even though everything is ready, the combustion
    process cannot begin until some source of heat
    triggers the process.

  • Smoldering during the initial stage of the fire
  • Because this process is slow, not much air
    (oxygen) is required, even when the surrounding
    environment is at a relatively low temperature.
  • The hotter the environment, the less oxygen it
    takes to sustain smoldering.
  • The replacement of air takes place naturally as
    the air cycles.

  • Smoldering during the initial stage of the fire
  • During the smoldering process the oxygen and fuel
    are not in a balanced condition, thus its
    by-products are the result on incomplete burning.
  • High levels of carbon monoxide (CO) are produced.
  • More than 10 of the fuel mass is converted to CO.

  • Smoldering during the initial stage of the fire
  • The smoke from this type fire tends to condense
    on walls, windows and other cooler surfaces.
  • These deposits of pyrolysis products will be
    widely distributed and the colors vary in shades
    of brown.
  • The appearance can be sticky or wet, thick or
    dry, or dried and resinous.

  • Smoldering during and post fire
  • During a flaming fire, conditions may exist that
    decrease the oxygen level below 16.
  • This causes the combustion process to slow, the
    flames subside and the temperature begins to
  • Smoldering combustion will continue because of
    the very high temperatures at the oxidizing

  • Smoldering during and post fire
  • As long as these temperatures remain high, the
    process can continue even in an oxygen depleted
    atmospheres where the oxygen levels are as low as
    approximately 5.
  • Even in post-fire conditions, after the fire
    department extinguishes the fire with water,
    hidden areas where the water doesnt reach will
    still smolder until the water penetrates it or
    until it consumes the fuel source.

  • Smoldering during and post fire
  • In a room or structure where inadequate
    ventilation exists, the buildup of carbon
    monoxide and other fire gases resulting from
    incomplete combustion, cannot escape the confines
    of the area.
  • Nor can it draw in the necessary quantities of
    fresh air to sustain open burning.
  • When this occurs, the area is very vulnerable to
    a phenomenon known as a backdraft or flashback or
    smoke explosion.

  • Smoldering during and post fire
  • This occurs when a supply of fresh air is
    introduced to the area.
  • Examples of sources can be from
  • Windows falling out from the heat and/or pressure
  • Persons or firemen opening up doors or breaking
  • If this type condition exists it will return to a
    free burning fire unless extinguished.
  • Even after the fire has been suppressed and all
    visible flames have been extinguished, a
    deep-seated smoldering fire can again return to
    open flame if all the deep-seated areas where
    smoldering occurs are not uncovered and

Diffusion Flames
  • A DIFFUSION FLAME is a combustion process in
    which the fuel gas and oxygen are transported
    into the reaction zone due to concentration
  • The vast majority of un-wanted and un-controlled
    fires (i.e. the fires you investigate) are
    diffusion flames.
  • A fuel gas and the oxygen in air will move into
    the reaction area similar to the diffusion
    process in which a drop of food coloring does
    when put into a glass of water.

Diffusion Flames
Diffusion Flames
  • The combustion zone is where the fuel gas and
    oxygen are in correct proportion and it has heat
    to sustain the uninhibited chemical reaction
    which is emitting heat and light.
  • This zone is some distance from the fuel surface.
    The region between the fuel surface and the
    combustion zone is too fuel rich to burn.

Diffusion Flames
  • Oxygen diffuses toward the fuel surface and the
    fuel gas diffuses away from the fuel surface.
  • The resulting combustion products and heat
    diffuse away from the flame zone or area.

Diffusion Flames
Diffusion Flames
  • Once ignition occurs the rate of fuel generation
    needs to continue or increase in order to
    maintain the flame.
  • The rate of fuel generation will be maintained as
    long as the convective and radiative heat
    feedback continues to decompose the fuel
  • A laminar diffusion flame typically appears
    smooth and steady like a candle or match flame.

Diffusion Flames
  • Most fires have a larger base and a longer flame
    height than the match or the candle, as the hot
    gases rise pushing the denser cool air aside.
  • After the flame height grows 12 to 20 above the
    fuel surface, it begins to search for more fuel
    and oxidant.
  • It will become instable and wiggle randomly.

Diffusion Flames
  • When this occurs it is called a turbulent
    diffusion flame.
  • While a flame is considered in a laminar state,
    convective heat transfer from the flame to the
    solid fuel surface controls the burning rate.

Diffusion Flames
  • The oxidant travels toward the flame induced by
    the upward flow of the buoyant hot combustion
  • The forward heat transfer from the flame to the
    uninvolved fuel governs the spread rate.
  • When the flame becomes turbulent, radiation
    becomes the dominant form of heat transfer.

Diffusion Flames
Pre-Mixed Flames
  • PRE-MIXED FLAME - a flame for which the fuel and
    oxidizer are mixed prior to combustion, as in a
    laboratory Bunsen burner or a gas cooking range
    propagation of the flame is governed by the
    interaction between flow rate, transport
    processes and chemical reaction.
  • Other examples of pre-mixed flames are
  • An oxyacetylene torch
  • Methane leak, and
  • Gasoline engine

Pre-Mixed Flames
  • Every fuel gas has an upper (UFL) and lower (LFL)
    flammable limit concentration in which flame
    propagation can occur.
  • Most charts and tables of the various fuel gases
    and their flammable or explosive limits are
    calculated at 25C in air at a normal pressure.

Pre-Mixed Flames
  • These limits vary slightly with temperature
    changes as noted in the following figure.
  • The diagram shows that the temperature of the
    mixture increases until it reaches the
    auto-ignition temperature (AIT).

Pre-Mixed Flames
  • When the fuel to air ratio is ideal or
    stoichiometric and the temperature is near the
    point where the fuel will condense, a small
    energy source may initiate sustained propagation.

Pre-Mixed Flames
  • An example of a small energy source (less than
    1mJ) would be like a spark or electric discharge.
  • As the temperature rises toward the fuels
    autoignition temperature, the fuel to air mixture
    can ignite without any energy source.

Pre-Mixed Flames
  • While a fuel to air mixture is in this ideal
    concentration the speed of flame propagation can
    be less than 1 m/s and if it is in a confined
    space it will manifest itself as an explosion
    with a shock wave.
  • Combustion velocities can be faster than the
    speed of sound when in the middle of the
    flammable range.
  • When this occurs it is called a detonation.
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