Chapter 2 Database Systems Architecture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 2 Database Systems Architecture


Database Management System (DBMS) Database Communications ... The three levels not necessarily for a relational system ... Front ends. Back end. 25. Utilities ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 2 Database Systems Architecture

Chapter 2Database Systems Architecture
  • The Three Levels of the Architecture External,
    Conceptual, and Internal Levels
  • Mappings
  • Database Administrator (DBA)
  • Database Management System (DBMS)
  • Database Communications
  • Client/Server Architecture
  • Utilities
  • Distributed Processing

The Three levels of the Architecture
  • A general database concept proposed by ANSI/SPARC
  • The three levels not necessarily for a
    relational system
  • Internal level (storage level) closest to
    physical storage
  • Concerned with the way the data is stored inside
    the system
  • One/Implementation level
  • External level (individual user logical level)
    closest to users
  • Concerned with the way the data is seen by
    individual users
  • Many/Model level
  • Conceptual level (community logical level)
  • Indirection between the above two levels
  • One/Model level

The Three Levels of the Architecture
An Example of the Three Levels
Contain control information such as codes, flags,
or pointers
Note for the Example
  • The corresponding data items can have different
    names at different points/levels
  • The corresponding data items can have different
    types at different points/levels
  • The system must be aware of the correspondence ?

The Three-Level Architecture in Relational Systems
  • The conceptual level will definitely be
  • A given external view will typically be
    relational too, or something very close to it
  • PL/I and COBOL record declaration in the previous
    example might loosely be regarded as PL/I and
    COBOL analogs of the declaration of a relational
    table in a relational system
  • The internal level will not be relational
  • The objects at this level will not be just
    (stored) relational tables
  • Stored records, pointers, indexes, hashes

Detailed System Architecture
External Level
  • Individual user level
  • Each user has a (host) language at his or her
  • Data sublanguage (DSL) is a subset of the total
    language that is concerned specifically with
    database objects and operations
  • Data definition language (DDL) support the
    definition of DB objects
  • Data manipulation language (DML) support the
    processing of DB objects
  • SQL is one DSL
  • An external view is the content of the DB as seen
    by some particular user
  • To that user, the external view is the database
  • Different users will require different views

External Level (Cont.)
  • An external view consists of many occurrences of
    many types of external record (or logical record)
  • The users DSL is defined in terms of external
  • Each external view is defined by means of a
    external schema, which consists basically of
    definitions of each of the various record types
    in that external view
  • Written by the external DDL
  • Implemented via SQL views
  • May support single or groups of users
  • Data can be integrated, and shared

Conceptual Level
  • The abstract entire information content of the DB
  • Global logical representation, atemporal, and
    shared by all users
  • Consist of many occurrences of many types of
    conceptual record
  • Ideally should include security and integrity
    constraints, and many additional features
  • Described by conceptual schema, which is written
    by the conceptual DDL
  • Should provide physical data independence
  • Foundation for database design

Internal Level
  • Consist of many occurrences of many types of
    internal record (or stored record)
  • Stored DB internal view
  • Stored DB definition internal schema
  • One remove from the physical level (not deal with
    blocks, pages nor with any device-specific
  • Described by internal schema, which is written by
    the internal DDL
  • Various stored record types, indexes, how stored
    fields are represented, what physical sequence
    the stored records are in
  • Includes structures such as hash, heap, B-tree,

  • One conceptual/internal mapping and several
    external/conceptual mappings
  • Conceptual/internal mapping
  • Correspondence between the conceptual view and
    the stored DB
  • Example fields with different data types, fields
    and records with different names, combining
    several internal fields into one single
    conceptual field
  • Specifies how conceptual records and fields are
    presented at the internal level
  • If the structure of the stored DB is changed, the
    conceptual/internal mapping must be changed
    accordingly, so that the conceptual schema can
    remain invariant
  • The effects of such changes must be isolated
    below the conceptual level, in order to preserve
    physical data independence

Mappings (Cont.)
  • External/conceptual mapping
  • Correspondence between the conceptual view and a
    particular external view (similar to
    conceptual/internal mapping)
  • Key to providing logical data independence
  • Users and user programs are immune to changes in
    the logical structure of the DB (changes at the
    conceptual or community logical level)
  • If the structure of the conceptual DB is changed,
    the external/conceptual mapping must be changed
    accordingly, so that the external schema can
    remain invariant
  • External/external mapping
  • Define external views in terms of others

Database Administrator
  • The DBA is the person who provides the necessary
    technical support for implementing those decision
    made by the DA
  • Tasks of the DBA
  • Defining the conceptual schema
  • Participates in logical (conceptual) DB design
    (with the DA)
  • Determines how to implement conceptual schema
  • Defining the internal schema
  • Decides how the data is to be represented in the
    stored DB physical DB design
  • Having done the physical design, the DBA must
    then create the corresponding stored DB
    definition (i.e. the internal schema)
  • Defines the associated conceptual/internal
    mapping by conceptual DDL
  • Physical design should always be done after
    logical design

Database Administrator (Cont.)
  • Tasks of the DBA (Cont.)
  • Liaising with users
  • Ensures that the data user need is available and
    to write (or help the users write) the necessary
    external schemas
  • Defines the corresponding external/conceptual
    mappings by external DDL
  • Consult on application design, teach users
  • Defining security and integrity constraints
  • Part of the conceptual schema
  • Defining dump/restore schemas unload/reload
  • Monitoring performance and responding to changing
  • Performance tuning and reorganize the stored DB

Database Management System
  • DBMS handles all access to the database
  • The overall purpose of DBMS is to provide the
    user interface to the database system
  • Scenario
  • A user issues an access request, using some
    particular DSL (typically SQL)
  • The DBMS accepts that requests and analyzes it
  • The DBMS inspects, in turn, the external schema
    for that user, the corresponding
    external/conceptual mapping, the conceptual
    schema, the corresponding conceptual/internal
    mapping, and the stored database definition
  • The DBMS executes the necessary operations on the
    stored DB

Functions of DBMS
  • Data definition DDL processor / compiler
  • Data manipulation DML processor / compiler
  • Handle planned (scheduled) and unplanned (ad hoc)
  • DBA will probably have tuned the physical DB
    design in such a way as to guarantee good
    performance for planned requests
  • Optimization and execution
  • Optimizer determine an efficient way of
    implementing the request
  • The optimized requests are then executed under
    the control of the run-time manager
  • Data security and integrity
  • Performance

Functions of DBMS (Cont.)
  • Data recovery and concurrency
  • Transaction manager or TP monitor must enforce
    certain recovery and concurrency controls
  • Data dictionary or catalog
  • Contains definitions of other objects in the
  • All of the various schemas and mappings and all
    of the various security and integrity constraints
    will be kept in the dictionary
  • In addition, which program use which parts of the
    DB, which users require which reports, and so on
  • Data dictionary can be regarded as a DB in its
    own right
  • It is possible to query the dictionary like any
    other DB

Major DBMS Functions and Components
Data Communications
  • DB requests from an end user are actually
    transmitted from the users computer which
    might be physically remote from the DBMS to
    some online application, and thence to the DBMS,
    in the form of communication messages
  • Likewise, responses back from the DBMS and online
    application to the users computer are also
    transmitted in the form of such messages
  • All such message transmissions take place under
    the control of the data communication manager (DC

Client/Server Architecture
  • The overall purpose of a database system is to
    support the development and execution of database
  • Such a system can be regarded as a client-server
  • Server DBMS
  • Client various applications that run on top of
    the DBMS
  • User-written applications
  • Vendor-provided applications tools
  • Assist in the creation and execution of other

Client/Server Architecture
  • Vendor-provided tools
  • Query language processors
  • Report writers
  • Business graphics subsystems
  • Spreadsheets
  • Natural language processors
  • Statistical packages
  • Copy management or data extract tools
  • Application generators
  • CASE products
  • Data mining and visualization tools

Front ends
Back end
  • Programs designed to help the DBA with various
    administration tasks
  • Operate at the external or internal levels
  • Utility examples
  • Load create the initial database from regular
    data files
  • Unload/reload (or dump/restore) unload the
    database or portions to backup storage and to
    reload data from such backup copies
  • Reorganization rearrange the data in the stored
    database for various reasons (usually having to
    do with performance)
  • Statistical compute various performance
    statistics such as file sizes, value
    distributions, I/O counts, and so on
  • Analysis analyze the statistic just mentioned

Distributed Processing
  • Distributed processing means that distinct
    machines can be connected into a communication
    network such that a single data processing task
    can span several machines in the network
  • Communication among the various machines is
    handled by some kind of network management
    software, possibly an extension of the DC
    manager, more likely a separate software
  • Client(s) and Server running on different machines

Client(s) and Server running on different machines
Why Distributed Processing?
  • Response time and throughput should be improved
  • The server machine might be a custom-built
    machine that is tailored to the DBMS function and
    might thus provide better DBMS performance
  • The client machine might be tailored to the needs
    of the end user and thus able to provide better
    interface, high availability, faster responses,
    and overall improved ease of use to the user
  • Several different client machines might be able
    to access the same server machine (sharing)

One Server Machine, Many Client Machines
A single client machine might be able to access
several different server machines the converse
of this figure
Each Machine Runs both Client (s) and Server
Example a bank with several branches
Distributed Database System
  • Full distributed database support implies that a
    single application should be able to operate
    transparently on data that is spread across a
    variety of different databases, managed by a
    variety of different DBMSs, running on a variety
    of different machines, supported by a variety of
    different OSs, and connected by a variety of
    different communication networks
  • Transparency means that the application operates
    from a logical point of view as if the data were
    all managed by a single DBMS running on a single
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