Title: Neutrinos in Nuclear Physics
1Neutrinos in Nuclear Physics
Hamish Robertson, Santa Fe, Nov. 18, 2006
Saturday Nov. 18 830 Welcome Steve Elliott
840 Introduction Hamish Robertson 900 Round
Table meetings, Groups I and IV 1100 Lunch
break 1300 Round Table meetings, Groups II and
III 1500 Break 1600 Summary Group I
rapporteur Guido Drexlin 1630 Summary Group
IV rapporteur Gail McLaughlin 1700 Summary Gro
up II rapporteur Bruce Vogelaar 1730 Summary G
roup III rapporteur Bill Louis 1800 U/g
Lab Hamish Robertson 1820 Theory
overview George Fuller Sunday Nov. 19 830
Discussion, formulation of bullets and draft of
white paper (John Beacom, moderator) 1400 End
of meeting
1. Provide a forum in advance of the Chicago
meeting to identify existing and new directions
in neutrino physics. 2. Place the US plans in the
international context. 3. Identify problems and
issues for the field. 4. Begin preparation of a
white paper to serve as a basis for discussion at
Chicago and beyond.
4Working Groups
Group I Neutrino Mass, Charge Conjugation,
Lepton Flavor Violation Steve Elliott Guido
Drexlin Group II Solar Neutrinos Bruce
Vogelaar Josh Klein Group III Reactor and
Accelerator Neutrinos Bill Louis Yuri
Efremenko Group IV High-energy, supernova, and
relic neutrinos, and neutrino astrophysics Alan
Poon John Beacom Gail McLaughlin
5Organizing Committee
Neutrino Subcommittee
Group I 30 Group II 13 Group III 22 Group IV
21 TOTAL 51
Thanks for coming!
7The LRP Process
Nov. 18-19 Neutrino PTM (Santa Fe) Dec. 1 -
2 Education and Outreach (Brookhaven) Dec. 7 -
8 Neutrons and Fundamental Symmetries PTM
(Pasadena) Jan. 12 - 14 Quantum
Chromodynamics (Rutgers) Jan. 19 - 21 Nuclear
Astrophysics/Study of Nuclei (Chicago) Jan. 19 -
21 Neutrinos, Neutrons, Fundamental Symmetries
(Chicago) Jan. 19 - 21 American
Competitiveness (Chicago) March LRP Meeting --
Group of 50 Apr. 14- 17 APS Spring Meeting
(Jacksonville) October Long-Range Plan submitted
8Excerpts from the charge
9Excerpts from the charge
Scope of NP. Challenges. Progress. Impact.
What to do? What will it cost? What to build?
10Excerpts from the charge
Bad times now, better times ahead? Do the 2002
11Excerpts from the charge
International and Interagency coordination Synerg
ies with other disciplines
12Excerpts from the charge
Societal impact, education, outreach,
applications, security Diversity,
13Excerpts from the charge
Re-examine the metrics (separate report)
14Excerpts from the charge
Town Meetings, role of APS and ACS
15Excerpts from the charge
Hurry up
16Some problems
- Constrained funding the FY06 disaster
- Neutrino physics about 3 of the DOE NSF
program - How to decide what nuclear physics can/should own
- Dark matter
- Role of a DUSEL
- Competing globally
17Putting the Fun in Funding
18The process in Santa Fe
- Groups I and IV in parallel, then Groups II and
III. Convenors begin with a summary of the
subfield and abstracts. There should be time for
discussion around the slides shown by submitters. - Rapporteurs summarize the subfields in 4 plenary
talks this afternoon. U/G lab. - Sunday Building a bulleted list of the
accomplishments, next steps, needs, problems.