Title: Neutrino Physics in PL (strength and weeknesses)
1Neutrino Physics in PL(strength and weeknesses)
Danuta Kielczewska
Warsaw University A.Soltan Institute of Nuclear
- Experiments we are involved ( including
theoretical - calculations closely connected to experiments)
- How many of us
- How we tried to unify our activities and
problems - weve incurred
2Involvement in Neutrino Experiments
(with PL affiliation)
Neutrino oscillations
- Atmospheric neutrinos
- Super-Kamiokande (1996 -
Warsaw University
16 14 3 1
140 authors
(Warsaw University)
- Discovery of oscillation of atmospheric
neutrinos (1998) - (the most often cited high energy experimental
paper - in the SLAC HEP database (gt2200 citations)
- First neutrino-graphy of the Sun
- Search for proton decays
- Search for Dark Matter (via neutralino
4Oscillation of atmospheric neutrinos in SK
Oscillation parameters
Evidence for oscillation
Oscillation Decay Decoherence
5Involvement in Neutrino Experiments
(with PL affiliation)
Neutrino oscillations
- Atmospheric neutrinos
- Super-Kamiokande (1996 -
Warsaw University
- Solar neutrinos
- Super-Kamiokande (1996 -
- Gallex/GNO (1997-2001)
- Borexino (in preparation from 1994-
Jagellonian University
6Deficit of solar neutrinos
(also with participation of PL groups)
Jagellonian University
Warsaw University
- To study Be solar neutrinos.
- in Gran Sasso Lab.
- 17 Institutions
- incl Jagellonian University (M. Wójcik)
- Selection of low radioactivity
- materials.
- - Radon permeability through nylon
- at different humidities
8Involvement in Neutrino Experiments
(with PL affiliation)
Neutrino oscillations
- Accelerator long-baseline experiments
- K2K (1998 2005) analyses are still going on
Warsaw University and Soltan Institute of Nuclear
9K2K - KEK to Kamioka
250 km
160 authors 36 institutions (2 from Pl
Wa U, IPJ)
A beam of nm of energy around 1 GeV Compared at
near detectors and at SK.
10Near Detectors at KEK
- PL contribution in
- Construction of SciFi
- Cher. light calibration
- Particle identification
- PhD student on site
- and acted as one of the
- experts of 1KT detector
- (J. Zalipska)
11Observation of nm oscillation in K2K
Final result
w/o oscill.
- A combination of
- oberved
- event deficit
- spectrum
12Involvement in Neutrino Experiments
(with PL affiliation)
Neutrino oscillations
- Accelerator long-baseline experiments
- K2K (1998 2005) analyses are still going on
- MINOS (2005
Warsaw University and Soltan Institute of Nuclear
Warsaw University (K. Grzelak)
13MINOS first results
D.A. Petyt, Fermilab, Mar. 30
14Involvement in Neutrino Experiments
(with PL affiliation)
Neutrino oscillations
- Accelerator long-baseline experiments
- K2K (1998 2005) analyses are still going on
- MINOS (2005
- Nona (RD)
Warsaw University and Soltan Institute of Nuclear
Warsaw University (K. Grzelak)
In an effort to form a large, strong group
involved in an innovating technology
Polish neutrino group (2000 -
participated in T600 tests in Pavia
15Polish neutrino group
Senior (18) Junior(21)
(incl PhD,MSc) Katowice
University of
Silesia US J. Kisiel, W. Zipper
2 Kraków Cracow University of
Technology H. Kuna-Ciskal, M.
Maslak Institute of Nuclear Physics IFJ
A. Dabrowska, J. W. Mietelski, 4
M. Szarska, A. Zalewska Jagellonian
University UJ M. Wójcik
2 Univ. of
Science and Technology AGH R.
Rumian 1 Warszawa Institute
for Nuclear Studies IPJ T.
Kozlowski, E. Rondio,
3 J. Stepaniak, M. Szeptycka Warsaw
University WaU W. Dominik, D. Kielczewska
4 Warsaw University of
Technology K. Zaremba 1 Wroclaw Wroclaw
University WrU J. Sobczyk
4 (Neutrino phenomenology)
16Polish participation in Icarus
- Test in Pavia
- One of the triggers was prepared by PL groups.
- Shifts
- Data analysis
- - study of the propagation of scintillation
light - - reconstruction of p0 events
- - reconstruction of muon energies
- - data compression
- (7 papers
published in 2003-2006) - Icarus in LNGS (examples)
- modification of the readout electronics
- neutrino interactions (analytical and MC)
- procedures for tau event selection
- a check of mechanical parameters for cryostats
Production of anode wires for next modules
17T600 analysis p0 mass reconstruction
Run 712 Evt 7 (Left Collection View)
51 p0 gg candidate events
Main vertex
E(g1) 182.522.2 MeV
q 40ş
comb. background in events with gt 2 showers
E(g2) 180.820.1 MeV
t0 12.4 ms, te 1.65 ms
Poland Pavia analysis
Mgg 150.611.8 MeV/c2
in agreement with expected e.m. resolution!
18Anode wires for T1200 - production in Poland
- Present status
- All the equipment has been constructed,
purchased or borrowed from Pavia with many
improvements as compared to the original Pavia
setup for the wire production of T600. - Common work of the experimental groups from
Warsaw, Katowice and Cracow, in close
collaboration with the Pavia group. - Laboratory in Cracow (12x5.5 m2) prepared for
P. Sala
19Involvement in Neutrino Experiments
(with PL affiliation)
Neutrino oscillations
However the road to additional ICARUS modules
appears to be a very rocky one.
Therefore we are using the acquired expertise in
LAr technique in simulations for T2K-LAr. We also
consider hardware contributions to T2K.
Future accelerator long-baseline experiment T2K
Polish neutrino group
20T2K (Tokai to Kamioka)
nm beam of lt1GeV
0.75 MW 50 (40) GeV PS
- nm? nx disappearance
- nm? ne appearance
- NC measurement
4MW 50GeV PS
Dec.2002 LOI submitted to J-PARC office signed
by 45 physicists from Japan, 110 physicists
from Canada, China, France, Italy, Korea,
Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, UK and USA
- CP violation
- proton decay
K. Nishikawa, Venice 2003
21T2K detectors
100 ton LAr TPC (together with other European
groups and coordinated by A. Rubbia)
LOI is now prepared with PL participation
- For precision
- measurement of
- cross sections
- beam contamination
22T2K Schedule
T2K construction
physics run
PS commisionning
SK full rebuild
Sensitivity to
down to 0.006
- Possible future upgrade
- 4MW Super-J-PARC
- Hyper-K (1Mt)
- CP violation in lepton sector
- Proton Decay
23Involvement in Neutrino Experiments (with PL
Jagellonian University
Warsaw University and Soltan Institute of Nuclear
24M. Wójcik M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics
Jagellonian University
Measurements of low background radio-activity
25On April 27-28 S. Jullian (NEMO-3 spokesman)
and D. Lalanne were in Warsaw to discuss a
possibility to join the collaborations.
was formed
see the presentation by Z. Janas this afternoon
26(No Transcript)
27Theoretical groups closely related to the
experimental activities
- Neutrino interactions with special attention
to nuclear effects for long- baseline
accelerator neutrinos. Preparation of MC
generator - - Wroclaw neutrino group (J. Sobczyk)
- Neutrino emission from pre-supernova
- Of great interest to Super-Kamiokande
Collaboration in connexion to a possible
upgrade adding Gd for neutron detection.
Purpose early warning for a SN gravitational
collapse - A. Odrzywolek, M. Misiaszek, M. Kutschera
(Kraków) - Astroparticle Physics 21 303
(2004) astro-ph/0511555 - Double beta decays W. Kaminski (Lublin)
see the presentation on WWW
28PhD theses (since 2002)
Completed gt6
Current gt10
MSc theses (since1998) Completed
Topical Neutrino conferences organized in PL
1. Nuclear effects in neutrino
interactions 20th Max Born Symposium, Dec. 7-10,
2005, Wroclaw, Poland 2. Cracow Epiphany
Conference on Neutrinos and Dark Matter, Cracow,
Poland, 5-8 January 2006.
29Funding (w/o institutes budgets)
PL funding (KBN) (in thousands of PL zl)
From foreign sources
TARI Transnational Access to major
Research Infrastructure EU PL-I PL-
Italian bilateral agreements
- Year SPUB Research
- (Icarus) grants
- 1996 10
- 1997 10
- 30
- 1999 65
- 2000 55
- 2001 85
- 2002 260
- 2003 181
- 2004 2 134 210
- 127
- --------
- 1033
- grants
exchange - (euros) (man-days in LNGS)
- 2001 7000
- 2002 4700 90
80 - 2003 210
80 - 280
40 - 2005 150
Participation in SK/K2K has been possible thanks
to constant support by University of Calif.,
SPUB special projects and equipment
Strength of experimental neutrino physics in PL
9 institutions, 39 physicists (18 senior 21
- We are involved in the most successful neutrino
experiments - Elsevier awarded its SCOPUS award for the most
cited science papers with Polish authors for
publications in neutrino physics - The groups (experimental and theoretical)
collaborate very closely - - with regular meetings/workshops in
Katowice, Kraków, - Warszawa or Wroclaw. This is very
helpful in sharing our - expertise in various fields.
Our Weakness my personal view
We are involved in too many different projects
and our initial plan to unify and to have
significant contribution in one attractive
experiment has not come to fruition yet.
To help that we organize a Polish Neutrino
Network this afternoon.
31Involvement in Neutrino Experiments (with PL
- No of PL
- participants
- Gallex/GNO 1997 - 2001
1 - Super- Kamiokande 1996 -
1-2 - K2K (KEK to Kamioka) 1998 2005
2 - Borexino 1994 - 2
- Icarus 2000 -
36 - Gerda
2004 - 1 - MINOS 2005 - 1
- Also considered
- T2K (T2K-LAr) LOI
- Super-NEMO
(some part-time)