Title: Baikal, Amanda, IceCube
1 Baikal, Amanda, IceCube
Christian Spiering, ESC DESY, Sept.2003
2Lake Baikal now NT-200 - 2004 NT-200
- perspectively km3 ?South Pole now
Amanda II - from 2004/05 IceCube
construction -
2009/10 full IceCube
Still with DESY participation
31.The present detectors
Baikal and Amanda
4The Baikal Collaboration
Institute of Nuclear Research, Moscow Irkutsk
State University, Irkutsk DESY Zeuthen,
Zeuthen Moscow State University, Moscow Nishni
Novgorod State Technical University State Marine
Technical University, St.Petersburg Kurchatov
Institute, Moscow JINR, Dubna
since 1988
5Baikal History
93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04
36 36 72 96 144 192 192 192 192 192
first 2 neutrino candidates
Baikal will likely stay largest H.E. neutrino
telescope on northern hemisphere for another 2-3
years and nicely complement Amanda.
One of the first neutrino events recorded with
the 1996 four-string version of the Baikal
6Baikal Upgrade NT200
36 additional PMTs ? 4 times better sensitivity !
7The AMANDA Collaboration
- Bartol Research Institute
- UC Berkeley
- UC Iivine
- Pennsylvania State
- UW Madison
- UW River Falls
- LBL Berkeley
- U. Simón Bolivar, Caracas
- VUB, Brussel
- ULB-IHEE, Bruxelles
- U. de Mons-Hainaut
- Imperial College, London
- DESY, Zeuthen
- Mainz Universität
- Wuppertal Universität
- Stockholm Universitet
- Uppsala Universitet
- Kalmar Universitet
- South Pole Station
New Zealand
Venezuela (1)
USA (73)
Europe (101)
associated IceCube institutes in USA, Europe,
Japan, New Zealand
South Pole Air Shower Experiment
inner 10 strings Amanda-B10
19 strings 677 PMTs
optical module
construction 1996-2000
92. Selected Physics Results
- Search for point sources (AMANDA)
- Search for a diffuse extraterrestrial flux
(Amanda Baikal) - Indirect Search for Dark Matter (Amanda Baikal)
- Search for neutrinos coincident with Gamma Ray
Bursts - (Amanda Baikal)
- 5. Measurement of the spectrum of atmospheric
neutrinos - (Amanda)
- 6. Measurement of the spectral composition of
primary cosmic - rays (Spase/Amanda)
10Search for extraterrestrial point sources
697 events below horizon
below horizon mostly atmospheric ?s
above horizonmostly fake events
AMANDA-II 2000 data
Submitted to PRL
11Now analyzed 1997, 1999, 2000 Started 2001,
AMANDA-II 20 of 2001 data
- Planned until
- Summer 2004
- combined
- analysis 97-99
- combined
- analysis 00-03
12(No Transcript)
13Amanda-II, 2000 data Neutrino flux upper limit
(90 C.L.) in units of 10-7 cm-2 s-1 for an
assumed E? -2 spectrum, integrated above E? 10
14Selected point source flux limits
sensitivity ? flat above horizon - 4 times
better than B10 !
Sources declination 1997 2000
SS433 5.0o - 0.7
M87 12.4o 17.0 1.0
Crab 22.0o 4.2 2.4
Mkn 421 38.2o 11.2 3.5
Mkn 501 39.8o 9.5 1.8
Cyg. X-3 41.0o 4.9 3.5
Cas. A 58.8o 9.8 1.2
declination averaged sensitivity ??lim ?
0.2310-7 cm-2s-1 _at_90
upper limits _at_ 90 CL in units of 10-8cm-2s-1
published Ap. J, 582 (2003)
15Intrinsic source ? spectrum (corrected for IR
Measured ? spectrum
AMANDA average flux limit for two
assumed spectral indices ?, compared to the
average gamma flux of Markarian 501 as observed
in 1997 by HEGRA.
AMANDA-II has reached the sensitivity needed
to search from neutrino fluxes from TeV gamma
sources of similar strength to the instrinsic
gamma flux.
16Search for an diffuse excess of
extra-terrestrial high energy neutrinos
log E? /GeV
17... look also to cascades from electronand tau
neutrino interactions
Assuming ?e???? 120 at source ?e????
111 at Earth
factor 3 applied to ?? channel
AMANDA-II cascades
2000 ?? analysis will yield an all-flavour limit
close to the cascade limit
18Indirect Search for WIMPs
(a) Neutrinos from the Center of Earth
? ?
? b b
soft spectrum
? W W -
hard spectrum
19Upper limits on muon flux from neutralino
annihilations in center of Earth
Green dots Excluded by present direct
searches Blue crosses can be excluded by 10
times more sensitive direct searches
Baikal 98/99 data
20Indirect Search for WIMPs
(b) Neutrinos from the Sun
At South Pole the Sun sinks maximally 23 below
horizon. Therefore only Amanda-II with its
dramatically improved reconstruction capabilities
for horizontial tracks (compared to Amanda-B10)
can be used for solar WIMP search.
21Upper limits on muon flux from neutralino
annihilations in center of Sun
- AMANDA-II results
- based on 193 days
- of live time
- Exclusion sensitivity
- from analyzing the
- off-source bins
- ?Will un-blind data soon
- and look to the Sun.
ANTARES and ICECUBE MC-calculated sensitivities
223. IceCube
23 IceCube Collaboration
- Institutions 11 US, 10
European, 1 Japanese and 1 Venezuelan -
- Bartol Research Institute, University of Delaware
- BUGH Wuppertal, Germany
- Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
- CTSPS, Clark-Atlanta University, Atlanta, USA
- DESY-Zeuthen, Zeuthen, Germany
- Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley,
USA - Department of Physics, Southern University and
A\M College, Baton Rouge, LA, USA - Dept. of Physics, UC Berkeley, USA
- Institute of Physics, University of Mainz, Mainz,
Germany - University of Mons-Hainaut, Mons, Belgium
- Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA - Dept. of Astronomy, Dept. of Physics, SSEC,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA - Physics Department, University of Wisconsin,
River Falls, USA - Division of High Energy Physics, Uppsala
University, Uppsala, Sweden - Dept. of Physics, Stockholm University,
Stockholm, Sweden - Dept. of Physics, University of Alabama, USA
- - 80 Strings
- - 4800 PMT
- Instrumented volume 1 km3
- Installation
- 2004-2010
80.000 atm.? per year
03-04 drill equipment to Pole 04-05 first 5
strings (proof that 16/season are feasible)
05-06 12 strings 06-07 16 strings 07-08 16
strings 08-09 16 strings 09-10 remaining
264. DESY Tasks in IceCube
Simulation optimization IceCube ?
accepted by Astropart.Phys. Design of
Front-End-Electronics (Communication to Optical
Module) German production site for 1300 optical
modules (1/4 of all 5200 modules) IceCube lead
for Amanda-IceCube integration IceCube lead for
reconstruction German/European data processing
center RD wavelength shifter for optical
modules RD acoustic detection analysis search
for extraterrestrial diffuse and point-like
sources, relativistic magnetic monopoles, slowly
moving exotic particles
27DOR DOM Readout card
96V DOM Power
Quad Cable Con.
Power Switch
Comm. DAC
Clock Time String port
Comm. ADC
Comm. Rec.
Christian Spiering
- Traffic over 2 km
- twisted pair cable
- supply voltage
- slow control
- FADC output (up to 1 Mbit/sec)
- synchro-signals
- ( require 5 nsec accuracy)
29Production of 1300 Optical Modules
1-3/2004 4-9/2004 total
Germany 5 60 1300
Sweden 5 60 900
USA 60 300 3000
Includes 10 weeks test in Dark Freezer at -45 ºC
30Dark Freezer Lab
- 45 C
Up to 120 Optical Modules
31Enhancing the Sensitivity of IceCube Optical
Modules by Application of Wave Length Shifters
Elisa Resconi EU post-doc in DESY guest at
32Deep Sea Water
33Ice, in contrast to water, is UV trans- parent
down to 230 nm. The glass of the pressure
sphere absorbs most light below 350 nm.
Light lost
Light detected
Cherenkov Spectrum
34Application of Wavelength Shifters (WLS) Earlier
attempts indicated that an overall gain of 40
can be achieved. However, WLS layers deteriorated
in water and where mechanically unstable. Now, a
water-proof and mechanically stable WLS foil
35 THV granulate doped with PPO
Extrusion of transparent foil
Thermo-forming of cap
Will be optically coupled
with a very
thin layer of gel (less then 1mm)
and fixed at optical module
support. Effect 40 more light ? lower
threshold, better reconstruction ? next Tests
in Dark Freezer Room ? if success Test at 04/05
at Pole
36RD on acoustic detection 10-100 cubic
kilometer volume for extremely high energies ?
Particle cascade ? ionization
? heat
? pressure wave
Maximum of emission at 20 kHz
Attenuation length of cold ice at 15-30 kHz
2 km (light 100 meters) ? given a large
initial signal, huge detection volumes
can be achieved.
37Development and test of a variety of acoustic
sensors in Zeuthen
Rolf Nahnhauer et al.
38- tests with laser light dumped to ice and water
- tests with protons dumped into ice and water
- tests in open water
- development of hardware and software filters
Hearing 180 MeV protons dumped into ice
Threshold with present sensors EeV Expected
improved threshold 100 PeV
39Request for a test at South Pole in 2004/05
? Study ambient noise ? Measure absorption
See also talk in closed session
405. Summary
- Amanda-II produces new limits on point sources,
diffuse fluxes, GRB, WIMPs, and measures
atmospheric neutrino spectrum up to 100 TeV. - AMANDA-II has reached the sensitivity needed to
search from neutrino fluxes from TeV gamma
sources of similar strength to the instrinsic
gamma flux. - Next 2000-2003 data coherently processed
- Baikal produces new limits on diffuse flux,
WIMPs, and GRB and will stay largest neutrino
telescope on northern hemisphere for 2-3 years. - IceCube is established as MRE, 6 strings to be
produced in 2004. - DESY-Zeuthen ready for OM production
- New methods - WLS and acoustic may enhance
IceCube performance considerably. RD in Zeuthen.