Title: Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution
1Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution
and streamlined air quality legislation
- CAFE team, DG Environment
2Thematic Strategy is a response to 6th EAP
- 6th EAP- Decision of Council EP of July 2002
- achieving levels of air quality that do not give
rise to significant negative impacts on and risks
to human health and the environment (Art 7.1.
of 6th EAP) - Integrated approach consistency with other
environmental policies exploit synergies - Better Regulation
- supported by thorough impact assessment
- new legislative proposal to streamline air
quality legislation
3Objective of Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) Programme
- Established in 2001 to provide the technical
input for the Thematic Strategy on air pollution - Best available science transparency
- Benchmark current and future air pollution with
regard to significant impacts - Define interim objectives up to 2020 based on
analysis of closing the gap between business as
usual and Maximum Technical Feasible improvement - Inform the review of air quality legislation
4How were these interim objectives defined?
- Peer-reviewed health (WHO) and scientific advice
- Assessment of the effect of current policies
- Peer-reviewed integrated assessment to develop
cost-effective solutions for both health and
environment - Peer-reviewed Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Macro-economic analysis
- Lisbon Strategy Competitiveness
- Stakeholder involvement and consultation
- Over 100 stakeholder meetings and over 10.000
responses to internet based consultation - Accompanied by comprehensive impact assessment
(170 pages)
5Summary of Business as Usual
- Emissions continue to decline
- But in 2020
- Premature deaths related to fine particulates
still 270,000 - Loss of statistical average life still 5 months
in the EU - Ozone premature mortality equal to 20,800 cases
- 119,000 km2 of forest at risk from acid rain
- 590,000 km2 of ecosystems at risk from nutrient
Nitrogen - 760,000 km2 of forest at risk from ozone
- Cost-effective improvements are possible
Ships will represent 125 and 101 of land based
SO2 and NOx emissions in 2020.
6The Strategy
7Improvement of health environment (improvement
relative to 2000)
8Summary of Strategy Costs Benefits
9Objectives of the Strategy
10Measures following the Strategy
- Euro 5 for cars and vans
- Euro 6 for Heavy Duty Engines
- Revision of the NECD consistent with objectives
identified in the Strategy - Small scale combustion
- Review of IPPC directive for larger sources
- Energy using Products directive for small sources
- Ship NOx engine standards (IMO or Community)
- Agriculture (NH3)
- N content of feedstuffs
- Review of IPPC directive for intensive
agriculture - Revise Air quality legislation
- http//europa.eu.int/comm/environment/air/cafe/ind
11NECPI working group
Revision of the National Emissions Ceilings
- Clean Air Transport Unit of DG Environment
12General Approach
- Series of NECPI meetings in 2006/7
- Dedicated to specific issues/questions e.g.
- Choice Meteorological years
- Choice of sensitivity scenarios
- Form and content of information from model runs
- legal issues / implementation mechanics
- Cooperation between Member States, relative
ceilings, etc.. - New pollutants
- Modelling results
13General Approach (2)
- Range of ambition levels already agreed
- Recalculate key TS policy scenarios with the
revised inputs (Baseline, MTFR, A, B, C, TS) - Select and run sensitivity cases (Commission
funded and Industry funded) - Select and run any required additional policy or
sensitivity runs (incorporate new information) - Formulate and bring together advice on other
issues (Cooperation, directives mechanics, etc.) - Commission initiates internal process to decide
upon precise content of legislative proposal
14Time frame
- Realistically, directive proposal not expected
until 1st half of 2007 - Modelling work unlikely to start until April/May
2006 (new baseline being developed) - Envisage 5 meetings of NECPI in 2006 Additional
meetings in 2007 will be decided later.
15Other Relevant Activities
- Revision of the NECD Reporting requirements
- Simplify and have greater coherence of reporting
requirements for Member States (Greenhouse gas,
NECD, CLRTAP) - CLRTAP is developing a prototype Inventory
Review process as requested by the Executive
Body - This will require a national inventory report to
explain justify national emissions inventories - Working Group on Implementation to address the
16Key questions of a New NEC Directive
- New pollutants (PM, CH4)?
- New approaches trading/cooperation between
Member States? - Relative ceilings rather than absolute caps?
- New obligations to support CLRTAP scientific
work? - Critical Loads reporting?
- Gridded emissions reporting?
- Monitoring?
- Revision of the reporting regime