Persons with Mental Retardation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Persons with Mental Retardation


Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests attempt to measure an ... Binet (1857-1911) and Simon created 1st IQ test in 1905. Theories and Tests of Intelligence ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Persons with Mental Retardation

Chapter 5
  • Persons with Mental Retardation

AAMR Definitions
  • Since 1876 the American Association on Mental
    Retardation has revised its definition of mental
    retardation eleven times
  • Revisions reflected change
  • Terminology
  • Classification
  • Expectations

AAMR Significantly Subaverage Intellectual
Normal Distribution
Normal Distribution
Bell Curve
Theories and Tests of Intelligence
  • IQ tests
  • Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests attempt to
    measure an individuals probable performance in
    school and similar settings.

Binet (1857-1911) and Simon created 1st IQ ?
test in 1905
Theories and Tests of Intelligence
  • The Stanford-Binet test
  • The Stanford-Binet test - V (2-85)
  • The mean or average IQ score for all age groups
    is designated as 100 15 (85-115).
  • Given individually

Individual Intelligence TestsThe Wechsler Scales
  • Overall IQ and also verbal and performance IQs.
  • (WPPSI-III) Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale
    of Intelligence-Revised. Ages 2 ½ to 7 years, 3
  • (WISC-IV) Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
    Children-Revised. Ages 6 to 16 years, 11 months
  • (WAIS-III) Wechsler Adult Intelligence
  • Ages 16-89

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
  • Word Reasoningmeasures reasoning with verbal
    material child identifies underlying concept
    given successive clues.
  • Matrix Reasoningmeasures fluid reasoning a
    (highly reliable subtest on WAIS III and
    WPPSIIII) child is presented with a partially
    filled grid and asked to select the item that
    properly completes the matrix.
  • Picture Conceptsmeasures fluid reasoning,
    perceptual organization, and categorization
    (requires categorical reasoning without a verbal
    response) from each of two or three rows of
    objects, child selects objects that go together
    based on an underlying concept.
  • Letter-Number Sequencingmeasures working memory
    (adapted from WAISIII) child is presented a
    mixed series of numbers and letters and repeats
    them numbers first (in numerical order), then
    letters (in alphabetical order).
  • Cancellationmeasures processing speed using
    random and structured animal target forms (foils
    are common non-animal objects).

Pitfalls of IQ Testing
  • There is a potential for cultural bias because of
    the highly verbal nature of the test and the
    reflection of middle-class Anglo standards
  • IQ is not static but capable of changing
  • Overemphasis on IQ scores as the sole indicator
    of a persons worth reduces the value of other
    factors such as adaptive skills

1992 AAMR Definition
  • Significantly subaverage intellectual ability
  • Exists concurrently with limitations in two or
    more adaptive skill areas
  • Manifests before age 18
  • Adaptive skill areas communication, self-care,
    home living, social skills, community use, self
    direction, health and safety, functional
    academics, leisure, and work

2002 AAMR Definition
  • Characterized by signification limitations both
    in intellectual functioning and in adaptive
  • Adaptive behavior expressed in conceptual,
    social, and practical adaptive skill
  • Disability originates before age 18

Five Assumptions of the 2002 AAMR Definition
  • Limitations occur within the community
    environment consider age, peers, and culture
  • Limitations often coexist with strengths
  • Limitation identification profiles need supports
  • Valid assessment considers differences in
    culture, language, as well as communication,
    sensory, motor, and behavioral factors
  • With appropriate personalized supports, the life
    functioning of an individual with mental
    retardation will generally improve

Adaptive Behavior
  • Measured by test instruments
  • AAMR Adaptive Behavior ScaleSchool
  • AAMR Adaptive Behavior ScaleResidential and
  • Vineland Social Maturity Scale
  • Assess areas of personal responsibility, daily
    living skills, social adaptations, and
    maladaptive behavior as they occur within the
    demands of everyday life

Classification Schemas
  • Etiological Perspective
  • Established by medical or biological causes
  • Intellectual Deficit
  • Determined by IQ testing
  • Educational Perspective
  • Based on anticipated educational accomplishments,
    educable or trainable
  • Levels of Support
  • Intermittent, limited, extensive, or pervasive
    natural or formal

The Dynamics of Intelligence
The History of Mental Retardation I
  • The Greek Empires
  • Sparta valued physical strength and intellectual
    ability infanticide, eugenics
  • Athens unwanted newborns placed into a jar at
    the temple doors eventually sold as slaves
  • The Roman Republic
  • During first 8 days of life infants were allowed
    to perish Columana Lactaria mutilated to
    heighten their value as future beggars

The History of Mental Retardation II
  • Middle Ages- a time of contrasts
  • Les Enfants du Bon Dieu valued as agrarian
    workers treasured as court jesters
  • King Henry II of England declared natural fools
    wards of the king
  • Superstition, witchcraft, demonic possession,
    imprisoned as a danger to society
  • Renaissance embraces humanism

The History of Mental Retardation III
  • Early Optimism
  • Esquirol (1782-1840) Amentia (without mind)
  • Imbeciles- mild mental retardation
  • Idiots- severe, profound mental retardation
  • Itard (1774-1838) Victor the wild man
  • Father of Special Education- individuals with
    mental retardation are capable of learning

The History of Mental Retardation IV
  • Early Optimism (continued)
  • Seguin (1812-1880) Paris school promoted
    physiological and moral education
  • Founded Association of Medical Officers of
    American Institutions for the Feeble-minded
    Persons, the forerunner to the AAMR
  • Howe (1801-1876) First residential school
    promoted reintegration and rehabilitation

The History of Mental Retardation V
  • Protection and Pessimism (1860-1960)
  • 1927 US Supreme Court (Buck v. Bell) upheld
    sterilization of genetic misfits
  • Institutions become permanent residences often
    with deplorable living conditions
  • Christmas in Purgatory by Blatt and Kaplan (1966)
  • The 1970s
  • Normalization
  • Deinstitutionalization

The History of Mental Retardation VI
  • Public Education
  • First school in Providence, Rhode Island (1890s)
  • By 1930, sixteen states offered special classes
    for children with mental retardation
  • By 1952, forty-six of the forty-eight states
  • Until late 1950s children with severe and
    profound mental retardation were excluded from
    public education

The History of Mental Retardation VII
  • Kennedy Era (1960s)
  • Presidents Panel on Mental Retardation
  • Introduced an era of national concern for the
    rights of individuals
  • Eventual increase in federal aid to education
  • Establishment of comprehensive community- based
  • Educational rights
  • Movement toward less restrictive and more
    integrated educational placements

Prevalence (US Department of Education, 2002)
  • Students classified as mentally retarded
  • Represent 11 of all pupils with a disability
  • 1 of student population
  • 612,978 individuals
  • Has decreased 37 since 1975
  • Changes in definition
  • Impact of legislation
  • Reluctance to identify children in minority
    groups as mentally retarded

Etiology of Mental Retardation
  • Prenatal occurring before birth
  • Perinatal occurring around the time of birth
  • Postnatal occurring after birth

Prenatal Factors
  • Chromosomal
  • Metabolic
  • Nutritional
  • Maternal Infections
  • Fragile X, Down syndrome
  • Tay-Sachs, Prader Willi syndrome
  • Phenyketonuria, galactosemia
  • Rubella, AIDS, syphillis, Rh factor, CMV

  • eye vision impairments Hyper-extensible joints
    (double jointed)
  • elongated face Large testicles (evident after
  • Flat feet Low muscle tone
  • High arched palate Autism and autistic-like
  • Prominent ears hand biting and hand-flapping
  • Mental Retardation Hyperactivity and short
    attention span

Trisomy 21
  • short stature and lack of ovarian development,
    webbed neck, arms that turn out slightly at the
    elbow, and a low hairline in the back of the head
    are sometimes seen in Turner syndrome patients

Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)
  • Physical Deformities

flattening of the back of the head slanting of
the eyelids short stubby limbs thick tongues)
Environmental Factors
  • Prenatal
  • Postnatal
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome
  • Drug use
  • Child abuse/neglect
  • Head trauma
  • Malnutrition
  • Environmental deprivation

Compromises in Brain Function
  • Prenatal
  • Postnatal
  • Anencephaly
  • Hydrocephaly
  • Microcephaly
  • Neurofribromatosis
  • Tuberous sclerosis

Perinatal Factors
  • Gestational disorders
  • Neonatal complications
  • Low birth weight
  • Prematurity
  • Hypoxia
  • Birth trauma
  • Seizures
  • Respiratory distress
  • Breech/prolonged delivery

Postnatal Factors
  • Intoxicants
  • Complications of childhood infections
  • Lead poisoning
  • Encephalitis
  • Mumps, measles
  • Meningitis
  • Mumps, measles, chicken pox

Prevention of Mental Retardation
  • Primary Prevention
  • Amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling,
    utlrasound, prenatal screening
  • Secondary Prevention
  • PKU and galactosemia screening following birth,
    shunts for hydrocephalus
  • Tertiary Prevention
  • Early intervention, community based services

Services for Young Children with Mental
  • Early intervention (birth to 5)
  • Family services and support rendered to children
    with disabilities or children who evidence risk
  • Established risk
  • Environmentally at risk
  • Aims to positively effect social, emotional,
    physical, and intellectual well being

Goals of Early Intervention
  • Consortium of services working together to
    minimize and if possible reverse the impact of
    delay or deficits in normal cognitive development
    on later school performance
  • Health care
  • Social services
  • Educational assistance
  • Family centered support

Areas that Influence Learning
  • Attention
  • Memory
  • Academic performance
  • Motivation
  • Language development

Social and Behavioral Characteristics
  • May exhibit poor interpersonal skills
  • May have difficulty in choosing the appropriate
    social interaction
  • Frequently encounter rejection by classmates and
  • Have difficulty maintaining friendships

Figure 5.5 Figure Represents Percentage of
Enrollment of Students with Mental Retardation
During the 1999-2000 School Year
Educational Programming
  • Functional curriculum
  • Life skills
  • Academic skills applied to everyday, practical
    life situations (making change, following
  • Functional academics
  • Personal hygiene, independent living skills,
    community resources
  • Community Based Instruction

Points to Ponder
  • Although a functional curriculum is seen as
    appropriate for many individuals with mental
    retardation, in many ways it runs counter to the
    basic tenets of the philosophy of full inclusion
    with its emphasis on age-grade- appropriate
    placement. (Garguilo)

Instructional Methodology
  • Instructional methodologies and accommodations
    that are used with pupils who are mentally
    retarded are the same ones that make learning
    successful for all students (Friend Bursuck,
  • Reasonable accommodation for students with
    special needs is within the capability of the
    general educator

Instructional Methodology
  • Task analysis
  • Cooperative learning
  • Unit approach
  • Scaffolding

INCLUDE (Friend Bursuck, 2002)
  • Identify classroom environment, curricular, and
    instructional demands
  • Note student learning strengths and needs
  • Check for potential areas of student success
  • Look for potential problem areas
  • Use information gathered to brainstorm
    instructional adaptations
  • Decide which adaptations to implement
  • Evaluate student progress

Task Analysis
  • Breaking of a complex task or behavior into its
    component parts
  • Select goals
  • Identify prerequisite skills and materials needed
    to perform the task
  • Identify specific components of the task and
    sequence component parts
  • Evaluate instruction and task mastery level
  • Seek to generalize skill to other settings

Cooperative Learning
  • Teacher structured activity
  • Small, heterogeneous groups
  • Active involvement in accomplishing goal
  • Individuals contribute according to ability
  • Pupils with disabilities may require special
    preparation for maximum participation
  • Recognition and rewards based on group
  • Individual success contributes to the whole

Unit Approach
  • Individual units designed to teach daily living
    skills are taught within the content areas
  • Language arts
  • Reading
  • Mathematics
  • Goals are adjusted for chronological age and
    developmental levels

  • Introduce concept
  • Present concept one step at a time using
    simplified situations and guided practice
  • Vary contexts for student practice
  • Employ constructive feedback and opportunity for
  • Increase student responsibility to use the
    strategies independently
  • Provide extensive opportunity for practice

Transition into Adulthood
  • Comprehensive and collaborative plan responsive
    to the adolescents goals and visions for
  • Educators
  • School personnel
  • Adult service providers
  • Family members
  • Transition services are part of PL 101-476 and
    must be in place no later than age 16

Supported Competitive Employment
  • Cost effective
  • Mutually beneficial to employee with a disability
    and employer
  • Job coaching enables adolescent to learn specific
    job requirements on site
  • Coaches match needs of employer to abilities of
    the student worker
  • Found to be more successful to promote
    competitive employment skills than the sheltered
    workshop model

Adults with Mental Retardation
  • Normalization
  • Maximizing personal control of life within the
    norms and patterns of mainstream society
  • Self-determination
  • Independent decision making
  • Self-advocacy
  • Assertively stating want, needs, and desires

Assistive Technology
  • Defined in IDEA
  • Any item, piece of equipment, or product
    systemacquired or commercialthat is used to
    increase, maintain, or improve functional
  • Compensates for the functional limitation of an
    individual and helps the person function in a
    natural environment

Areas for Technology
  • Activities of daily living
  • Hygiene, meal preparation, e-mail
  • Employment
  • Computer skills, mobility, correspondence
  • Sports and recreation
  • Participation in activity, access to events
  • Communication
  • Written and verbal interactions, voice

Trends, Issues, and Controversies
  • Increase in community-based activities
  • Increasing need for assistive technology
  • Assessment of quality of life and normalization
  • Existence of a growing geriatric population
  • Increase in inclusive educational placements
  • Fostering of self-advocacy and self-
  • Ethical issues and hopes for biomedical research
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