Title: Pentascope
1IST - Call 7 and 8 KA3 KA4
Thomas Skordas (Thomas.Skordas_at_cec.eu.int) DG
Information Society European Commission
2IST Programme 1999 - 20023.6 B Euro
Multimediacontent tools
New methods of working electronic commerce
Systems services for the citizen
547 MEuro
564 MEuro
646 MEuro
Essential technologies infrastructure
1363 MEuro
319 MEuro
Research networking
161 MEuro
3KA3 and KA47th Call at a Glance
- Call Nr
- Launch dates
- Deadlines
- Indicative budget
- (all KAs)
- Evaluation
- Contracts
- KA3
- KA4
7 15 June 2001 17 October 2001 450 M
Euro November 2001 March 2002 4 RTD 4
take-up 17 RTD 10 take-up
4KA3Multimedia Content and Tools
- Objectives
- Support Convergence of media production, access
delivery - Improve the interaction with, and preserve
knowledge and cultural heritage - Develop new educational services to fight skills
gap - Improve creativity and innovation potential of
SMEs in the content sector - More emphasis on timeframe beyond 5 years
- New AL dedicated to exploratory, high-risk
research - next-generation Learning and Digital Libraries
- New
- x-Content future
- Semantic web
- Competence building (IT/multimedia)
5KA3 Action Lines
63.1 Interactive Publishing3.3 Human Language
AL 3.1.1 Publishing Digital Content
- Objective To develop, validate and benchmark new
methods, services and tools to facilitate
creation, authoring, management, production and
delivery of digital content - Actions RTD, Trials (1 year duration), Thematic
AL 3.3.1 Multilingual Web
- Objective Realising the multilingual Internet
for individuals and enterprise knowledge
management across languages - Actions RTD
73.4 Information Access3.5 Work Spanning KA3
AL 3.4.1 Semantic Web Technologies
- Objective Develop semantic-based methods,
models, systems and tools for access, retrieval
and filtering of Web-based content - Actions RTD, thematic networks
AL 3.5.1 X-content Futures (RTD)
- Objective Experimental AL, addressing new
concepts and paradigms and providing
opportunities for breakthrough research / high
AL 3.5.2 Competence Building (Take-up)
- Objectives Multimedia skills acquisition -
Access to competence in multimedia
AL 3.5.3 KA3 Specific Support Measures (AM, no
- Objectives Assessing and disseminating results -
Impact analysis - spread of know-how
8KA4 Essential Technologies Infrastructures
94.2 Computing,Communications Networks
104.2 Computing,Communications Networks
AL 4.2.1 Real Time Distributed Systems
- Objectives
- Middleware supporting the development of
real-time distributed applications - Robust cognitive vision systems
- Novel strategies and platforms for real-time
control of complex systems in uncertain
environments - Actions RTD Demonstration Thematic Networks
Accompanying measures (no take-up)
AL 4.2.3 Terabit Optical Networks
- Objective Technologies and architectures for
end-to-end signal distribution and management in
optical networks - Actions RTD Demonstration Thematic Networks
Accompanying measures (no take-up)
114.3 Software,Systems Services
124.3 Software,Systems Services
AL 4.3.1 Software Architecture
- Objective Ensure at the architectural level that
required properties for the final sw systems will
be met - Action RD
AL 4.3.2 Funtionality Models and Building Blocks
for End User Services
- Objective Enable adaptive end user services on
mobile devices for information creation,
exchange, storage and access - Actions RTD Trials
AL 4.3.3 Free Software Development Towards
Critical Mass
- Objectives
- Foster a critical mass of development of free sw
released under GPL-compatible licenses - Make available support services for free sw
projects - Actions RTD Studies
134.4 Simulation Visualisation Technologies
144.4 Simulation Visualisation Technologies
AL 4.4.1 Simulation and Visualisation
- Objective Technologies to support highly complex
and dynamic information processing and telecom
infrastructures and services - Actions RTD
AL 4.4.2 Mixed Realities and New Imaging Frontiers
- Objective Imaging technologies for interaction
between people and information appliances - Actions RTD
AL 4.6.1 Advanced Displays and Sensors
- Objective Sensor and Display Technologies
contributing to more intuitive interactions with
systems - Actions RTD
AL 4.6.2 Interfaces and Buffers for Seamless end
to end Services
- Objectives
- Network independent platforms for interactive
services, including broadcasting - Improve the usability of these services
- Actions RTD
154.5 Mobile PersonalCommunications Systems
164.5 Mobile PersonalCommunications Systems
AL 4.5.1 Reconfigurable Radio Systems and Networks
- Objective To support evolution towards 4th
generation wireless systems heterogeneous radio
networks to inter-work and adjust adaptively to
traffic load characteristics, services and user
requirements, targeting dynamic spectrum sharing - Actions RTD
AL 4.5.2 Terrestrial Wireless Systems and Networks
- Objective Novel terrestrial wireless systems and
networks including fixed wireless access systems,
advanced public/private wireless LANs,
inter-working mobile/broadcasting systems
supporting the provision of broadband multimedia
services - Actions RTD
AL 4.5.3 Satellite Systems and Services
- Objective Technologies and architectures for the
support of multimedia services in the context of
advanced mobile systems and of next generation
interactive broadcasting systems - Actions RTD
174.7 Peripherals,Sub-Systems Microsystems
184.7 Peripherals,Sub-Systems Microsystems
AL 4.7.1 Subsystems
- Objective To develop the critical building
blocks (electronic multicomponent assemblies) of
future applications - Actions RD
AL 4.7.2 Microsystems
- Objective To develop multi-function intelligent
microsystems and to integrate and validate these
in real application systems - Actions RD
AL 4.7.3 Subsystems and Microsystems - Take-up
- Objective Take up of advanced microsystems,
subsystems and their underpinning technologies,
equipment and materials in new products and
processes and in manufacturing - Actions Take-up measures trials best practice
access assessment
194.8 Microelectronics -Optoelectronics
204.8 Microelectronics -Optoelectronics
AL4.8.1 MEL Design and Test Application
Specific MEL
- Objective Improve efficiency of design teams
Specific tools and reusable IP blocks - Actions RD trials AM (no take-up)
AL 4.8.2 MEL Technologies Processes, Equipment
and Devices
- Objective Increase data transfer rates of
communication systems and processing speed and
storage capacities of terminals - Actions RD trials access AM (no take-up)
concerted actions thematic networks
AL 4.8.3 Optical and Opto-electronic Technologies
- Objective Optical and opto-electronic functional
components - Long term all-optical networks, interconnection,
smart imaging - Shorter term with exploitation plans
(manufacturability, packaging, scalability) - Actions RD AM (no take-up) thematic networks
AL 4.8.4 Industrial MEL Technologies - Take-up
- Objective Semiconductor equipment assessment
- Actions Assessment actions
214.1 Work Spanning KA4
AL 4.1.1 Design of Networked Embedded Systems
- Objective To integrate and validate concurrent
design and validation tool frameworks for
resource constrained hw/sw systems embedded in
intelligent devices and their networking - Actions RTD Demonstration and combined projects
AL 4.1.3 Development of Skills in Micro- and
- Objective To address the shortage of highly
skilled staff - Actions AM (no take-up) Thematic Networks
22KA3 and KA4 8th Call
Call Nr Opening Closure Indicative budget
(all KAs)
8 15 November 2001? 15 February 2002? 330 M Euro
KA3 focus
- ALs that span across all KA3 topics
- Towards future research actions
KA4 focus
- Consolidating, completing and extending research
launched in previous phases - Concentrating on activities to be reinforced in
next Framework Programme
23Overview of KA32002 Action Lines
Indicative budget for KA3 45 M Euro
24Overview of KA42002 Action Lines
Action Lines for 2002
4.1 Computing, communications networks
- Cognitive vision systems
- Advanced control systems
- Networks for distributed services applications
- Take-up
4.2 Software, systems services
- Composability dynamic adaptability
4.3 Simulation visualisation technologies
- Simulation visualisation technologies
4.4 Mobile personal communications
- Towards 4G technologies, systems networks
- Validation of wireless mobile systems
4.5 Interfaces making use of various senses
- Networked audio visual systems services
4.6 Peripherals, sub-systems microsystems
- Microsystems and miniaturised subsystem modules
- Integration of sensors actuators
4.7 Microelectronics - Optoelectronics
- MELs design and IP re-use - technos, processes,
devices - Optical opto-electronic technologies
- Assessment actions and take-up
Indicative budget for KA4 110 M Euro
25For more information
http//www.cordis.lu/ist/ka3 http//www.cordis.lu/
Email ist_at_cec.eu.int Tel. (32-2) 29-68596 Fax.
(32-2) 29-68388