Title: Ian Winter
1London Joint Improvement Partnership (JIP)
09/10 Delivery Plan
- Ian Winter
- Deputy Regional Director Social Care
2London JIP Core Objectives
- Provide a strategic approach to improvement
activity, demonstrating regional improvement
against agreed national and regional priorities - Work collaboratively with London Boroughs key
partners on the implementation of Putting People
First, ensuring full participation of the entire
community - Support London Boroughs to achieve CSR07
efficiency targets - Building the workforce training staff in
independent sector agencies to deliver the best
services efficiently recognising the diverse,
multi-cultural and mobile population of London - Support dissemination and integration of key
policies eg. Safeguarding, MCA Dignity - Support collaborative project work involving
partner organisations with a focus on Strategic
Commissioning opportunities - Link social care improvement priorities with
those of the NHS regionally
3Introduction to the Work Plans
4Work Plan Index
- Work Stream 1 Improvement Performance
- Work Stream 2 Workforce Leadership
- Work Stream 3 Personalisation
- Work Stream 4 Efficiency Procurement
- Work Stream 5 Strategic Commissioning
- Work Stream 6 Dignity Safeguarding
5Improvement PerformanceWork Stream 1
- Lead Manager Elizabeth Lowe
- Lead Director Anne Bristow
6Improvement Performance Overview
- Purpose
- A programme which promotes the achievement of
better outcomes for Londoners through effective
transformation of adult social care and
improvement in practice delivering - A framework to identify where improvement is most
needed and the infrastructure to tackle the
challenges. - Focussing on the opportunity to enhance the
capacity of staff from Londons diverse
communities and from other minority groups -
- Example Projects
- Provide tailored packages of support to London
Boroughs requiring additional resources to
sustain improvement - Develop and implement Leadership Development
programme for Adult Social Care Managers - Create mechanisms to provide early warning for
the identification of performance challenges
7Workforce LeadershipWork Stream 2
- Lead Manager Maddy Thomson
- Lead Director John Nawrockyi
8Workforce Leadership Overview
- Purpose
- Delivering a programme of work to achieve
culture change for transformation
personalisation in the workforce of both
independent statutory sectors. - Example Projects
- Design and disseminate content for culture change
programme, to incorporate Personalisation,
Dignity Safeguarding Common Core Principles
for Self Care targeted at CQC registered
employers and their staff - Increase investment in social care apprenticeship
development - Identify disseminate information to support the
skills required from the workforce to support new
ways of working under Personalisation - Promote and interpret new Qualification Credit
Framework for London employers
9PersonalisationWork Stream 3
- Lead Managers Neil Nerva (Neil.Nerva_at_dh.gsi.gov.
uk) - Paul Kelly (Paul.Kelly_at_dh.gsi.gov.uk)
- Lead Director Terry Rich
10Personalisation Overview
- Purpose
- Work collaboratively across London through sub
regional network to support implementation of
Putting People First. Supporting London Boroughs
in developing a range of new systems and services
that will enable users and carers to access high
quality information, advice, early intervention
and personalisation of services and support. - Example Projects
- Support and enable new ways of working to improve
information and advice services to users carers - Support London boroughs in development of tools
and resources to support implementation of
Putting People First, eg Resource Allocation
Systems (RAS) brokerage - Communication/engagement/education programme
across statutory 3rd sectors across London - Support London Boroughs in engaging with users /
carers and developing ULOs and CILs - Co-ordinate the sub regional Personalisation
network which provides the key platform for
delivery of Personalisation work programme
network for delivery
11Efficiency Procurement Work Stream 4
- Lead Manager Sarah Hollingworth
(sarah.hollingworth_at_dh.gsi.gov.uk) - Lead Director Marian Harrington
12Efficiency Procurement Overview
- Purpose
- Support London Boroughs in achieving their
target of 3 cashable efficiency savings in Adult
Social Care, as required through CSR 07.
Focussing on collaborative opportunities that
drive prevention early intervention initiatives
and underpin delivering transformation
efficiently. - Example Projects
- Community Equipment Retail Model Simple Aids to
Daily Living transformation programme - Pan London support programme to implement
Homecare Re-ablement, to meet both prevention
efficiency targets - Increase take up and improve commissioning/procure
ment of Assistive Technology - Create call off contract for pan London use for
Residential Nursing Care
13Strategic CommissioningWork Stream 5
- Lead Natasha Cooper (natash.copper_at_dh.gsi.gov.uk)
- Lead Director Ray James
14Strategic Commissioning
- Purpose
- To improve joint working both across London
Boroughs and in conjunction with Health Partners
to support the implementation of the Social Care
Transformation agenda and driving early
intervention prevention agenda influenced by
care pathway approach - Example Projects
- Collaboration between ASC Healthcare for London
to develop commissioning pathways for Stroke,
Dementia LTC, ensuring effective integrations
of key agendas eg Safeguarding - Deliver 2 joint commissioning initiatives
investing in prevention and early intervention
with a view for wider roll out - Continued roll out of Commissioning Masters
Programme - Support sub regional network to develop
initiatives to support market shaping to support
15Dignity SafeguardingWork Stream 6
- Lead TBA
- Lead Director Adi Cooper
16Dignity Safeguarding Overview
- Purpose
- Provide support to London Boroughs, the NHS and
their partners to ensure alignment and
implementation of actions which Safeguard,
promote dignity implement the Mental Capacity
Act requirements. -
- Example Projects
- Implementation of pan London Safeguarding
procedures - Communication/engagement programme to educate
London Boroughs on the management of risks
associate between safeguarding personalisation - In conjunction with Strategic Commissioning
ensure CSPs, JSNA LSPs are safeguarding
sensitive compliant - Communication/engagement programme to promote
Dignity agenda - Publish Pan London assessment protocol on MCA