Title: An analogy with biological evolution via natural selection
1An analogy with biological evolution via natural
- Recall journal article that outlined dichotomy
between non-scientific and scientific use of
concept of biological evolution by natural
selection. - This is a non-scientific use of the concept.
2Power of evolution via natural selection
Complexity of organs and organisms is testament
to power of evolution via natural selection
3The biological evolution two-step
- Biological evolution is a two-step process
variation and selection. - (Mayr distills it this way).
- Both are of extreme importance in producing the
well-adapted organisms we see.
4The analogy with thinking
- Likewise, both variation and selection are
important in thinking. - Dont be afraid to have new, different ideas.
- And dont be ashamed of having stupid ideas
- the open mind that allowed the stupid idea can
also allow for the brilliant one.
Part I Variation
5The Analogy with Thinking Part 2 Selection
- But also remember it is important to have the
selector. - Need to admit when an idea turns out to be
stupid, need to discard it.
Outside of Box
7How to assess?
- In some cases, by thinking it through or by
asking others. - Better yet, test it out yourself if you are
unsure. - e.g., Jerry Seinfeld and Jim Carrey.
8A good way to test
- Best to use same method of thinking that has
provided all the information in our course. - You can use the scientific method anytime,
anywhere in your daily life. - Key is to be honest and to try to make precise
observations that allow you to test (and exclude
some) hypotheses you have come up with.
9I guess thats not the best way to go down the
My spine!
10Evolution in a completely different sense
You can use these methods when being
introspective. -Dont be afraid to have new,
sometimes hard to accept, ideas about
yourself. -Be honest in your self-reflection
when assessing hypotheses about
yourself. -Then try to fix what needs
fixin. This allows for behavioral flexibility,
which allows you to mature and evolve
11Help in this maturation process
- Find solid mentors who provide advice or lead by
example. -
- Ive been fortunate to have many, but have 3 big
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13Hey, lets tell him its a good idea to drink
during lecture.
14Hope and more advice
- Hope that you come away from this course with a
better appreciation for your place on the Earth,
and in the Universe. -
- Look more carefully at what you see around you
--- think about the landscape and wildlife and
ask questions about them. - Think about why what you see is the way it is,
what it was like 1 million years ago, what it
will be like 1 million years into the future,
etc. - This will, for example, make your otherwise dull
drives to places like Vegas much more
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19Last bit of advice
Hey kid! Beer me!
- Children stay observant and dont give up on
your dreams you never know where/when they will
be realized
20GE 70 a retrospective
21In the year 650 Ma
22Cnidarians ruled the seas.
23In the year -543,234,421
24Higher invertebrate animals appeared with a bang.
25In the year 250 Ma
26God opens a can of whoop-ass on the planet.
27In the year 65 Ma
28Dinosaurs were wiped out by a giant meteorite (or
were they?)
Do you want to buy a fountain?
29Through the Phanerozoic
30Life diversified again and again!
Dad, is there something behind me?
31In the year 30,000 B.C.
32Humans opened a can of whoop-ass on the
diversity of life.
33In the year 10000000000000000000000000000000000000
35We will all be positronium.
Whats the point of living if Im only going to
become a bunch of positronium?
36But. . .in the year 2004
37The Field Trips were the best
38I mean, how many people get to see a modern
nuclear power plant so close to a lobster trap.
39And hour after hour of luxurious bus rides
Is this the bus for Reno?
40Some students had clearly been on roadtrips
Going our way?
41But some people dont seem to get out much
Im way too excited
42Im gonna eat your babies!
43And there were times of conflict, like when the
Evil geologists from Riverside showed up on our
Hey, only black vans are allowed on this
44And the night of terror with Dr. Larkin when we
learned to fear Betelgeuse
45And of course theres the time that Dr. Vendrasco
opened the can of whoop-ass
What dyou say? You talkin to me?
46I left one body way up there.
47Picking up another body
GE 70 again.
48Thats when everyone started staying clear of Dr.
Come on guys, I didnt mean to do it!
49But you cant forget about all of the extras
50Tony entranced the students with his hand
Thats just not right.
51We found cool stuff
I found fossils!
I wonder how much I can get for these. . .?
I found kids!
52We saw cool critters. . .
53Forced marches across the desert
54Unfortunately, not everyone made it
55Can I have his shoes?
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57Damn! We rollin on dubs!
Hell yeah!
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59GE 70 in da hizzouse!!!
One love. Peace!
60The photographers
61The writers
OhmyGod! Its the Stay Puff marshmallow man.
62The GE70 teaching team
63And finally. . .
I made it to Reno!!!