Title: Fundamental Theme Cube Project
1Fundamental Theme Cube Project
2Fundamental Theme Cube Project
Sub-Saharan Africa 5 Fundamental Themes Learning
Cube DUE Wednesday, February 21
Materials Needed Poster Board Information
from Research Pattern for Cube Maps,
Pictures, Art Supplies
You will choose a country from Sub-Saharan
Africa. Please use your text to see
list. Classes will then go to the library on Feb.
13-14-15 and use TEXTS to research their country
and find information on the 5 Fundamental Themes
as they apply to their chosen country.
3Fundamental Theme Cube Project
Using the information, each side of the cube will
be as follows Must have Fundamental Theme as
title of side! Each side must have fundamental
theme title. TITLE SQUARE Name of
country Student name LOCATION Absolute
Location Relative Location- in sentence
format PLACE 3 Physical Characteristics-
sentences- must say PHYSICAL 3 Human
Characteristics- sentences- must say
HUMAN REGIONS What region is your country in
and why? (W-E-S-Central) HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT
INTERACTION 3 ways people affect
environment 3 ways environment affects
people MOVEMENT Choose either how people have
moved to country or How goods, information,
ideas, people move about in country Be sure to
add detail, use almanac, information must be
factually backed up.
4Fundamental Theme Cube Project
- On a 5x8 white file card put this heading and
following information (can get one from Mrs.
Conti) - Country
- Your name
- You will then list your sources in MLA format and
in alphabetical order. - Direction sheets available in library for the
format. - This bibliography will be graded separately and
will be worth 20 points. - Must have a minimum of 3 references with only one
being an encyclopedia.
You may type, add picture, be creative! Cube
squares must be 6inches or 7 inches---No
smaller-No larger than 6-7 inches-choose one size.
Johnny Depp
Absolute Relative
Physical Characteristics 3
sentences Human Characteristics 3
What region is your country in and
why? W-E-S-Central
9Human Environment Interaction
3 ways people affect environment 3 ways the
environment affects people
Choose either how people have moved to country
or How goods, information, ideas, people move
about in country. Be sure to add detail, use
almanac, information must be factually backed up.
11South Africa Johnny Depp Bibliography 3 sources
in MLA format