Title: FACET: Future Air Traffic Management Concepts Evaluation Tool
1FACETFuture Air Traffic Management Concepts
Evaluation Tool
Banavar Sridhar Shon Grabbe
First Annual Workshop NAS-Wide Simulation in
Support of NEXTGEN 10 December, 2008
- FACET Description
- FACET uses in NEXGEN analysis
- Tube Designs
- Optimization
- Network Analysis
- Issues
- Lack of methodology
- Simulation tools
- Integration of existing tools
3Future ATM Concepts Evaluation Tool (FACET)
- Environment for exploring advanced ATM concepts
- FACET design balances fidelity and flexibility
- Utilizes less complex models of aircraft
performance and terminal airspace - Enables zoom from national to regional to single
aircraft level - FACET architecture enables modeling of 15,000
aircraft trajectories at the national level in a
few seconds - Runs on a desktop computer (Linux, Solaris, Mac
OS X, Win XP) - Works with existing FAA systems on an enterprise
server - Accessible via Web to users of Flight Explorer,
Matlab, and Jython - 3 Operational Modes Playback, Simulation, Hybrid
- Used for visualization, off-line analysis and
real-time planning applications
4Animation A Day in the Life of Air Traffic
- Smithsonians National Air Space Museum is
using FACET in America by Air exhibit
5FACET Displays
6FACET Software Architecture
7Concept of Tube Network
- Dynamic airspace configuration is a key element
ofthe Next Generation Air Transportation System - Flexible airspace boundaries that are dynamically
configured - New airspace classes such as tube airspace
- Tube network connects regions with high traffic
volume - Network is dynamic tailored to demand, winds,
and weather - Tube airspace segregated from other airspace
classes - Tube traffic gets benefits, e.g., better routes
and arrival slots - Control mode inside tube may include self
spacing/merging - Concept of operations is not well defined at
present - Initial study to expose key research issues
- Develop a common analysis method
- Define and evaluate performance metrics
8Design of Tube Structures
- Implemented in Future ATM Concepts Evaluation
Tool by simulating traffic above 12,000 ft - Historical air traffic data from Aug. 24, 2005
used in four 6-hour blocks - Five designs based on different methods
- Jet routes
- Delaunay triangulation (Sridhar, et al.)
- Traffic density
- Hough transform (Xue, et al.)
- Network cost optimized (Gupta, et al.)
9Hough Transform
Network Cost Optimization
- 50 great circle tubes
- Maximize use by 5 additional travel distance
- Cost of each node, link and flight travel time
of the network optimized (67 links)
10Performance Metrics
- Instantaneous occupancy
- Utilization and activation/deactivation trigger
- Volume occupancy
- Capacity and duration
- Number of conflicts
- Communication and workload
- Frequency of tube crossings
- Communication and workload
- Encounter angles of tube crossings
- Communication and workload
11Number of Conflicts
- Number of conflicts with and without tubes
(simulation 5 nmi, 1000 ft)
Delaunay Triangles
Jet Routes
Conflict count
Cost Optimized
Traffic Density
Hough Transform
12Optimization-Simulation Environment
13Strategic Departure Control Model
- Objective function Minimize the total system
delay - Inputs
- Scheduled departure times and flight plans
- Sector and airport capacities
- Outputs departure delay assigned to each flight
- 2-hr Planning Horizon
- 4,500 flights, 949 airports and 987 sectors
- 600,000 variables and 650,000 constraints
Bertsimas and Stock-Patterson, 1998
14Strategic Weather Translation
- Active area of research
- Four reduced capacity scenarios considered (0,
20, 40, and 60) if Convective Weather
Avoidance Model (CWAM) 60 deviation probability
contours existed
15Tactical Weather Translation
Avoided Convective Weather Avoidance Model (CWAM)
60 deviation contours at FL300
16Rerouting vs Ground Holding Delays
Benefits of departure control model limited
without accounting for flow-based weather impacts
17Model Validation
18Additional viewgraphs
19US Air Traffic Network
- From current flight plan structure of one day,
Airport - and Airspace Network (AAN) has 8000 nodes
250G Node
- AAN has 225 nodes with gt 250 links (250G) and ten
Centers have more than ten 250G nodes each - There are 22 1000G nodes in the system today
20Future Traffic Scenarios
- Projected growth of tripling of passengers by
2025 along with increased air taxis and UAVs - Terminal Area Forecast (TAF) generated growth
rates used to create 3X current traffic - 3X AAN has 1443 250G nodes and all Centers have
more than forty 250G nodes - There are 262 1000G nodes in the future system
21Impact of Weather
- Convective weather related delay days of more
than 200,000 minutes are increasing - Weather is considered a disturbing agent, either
random or selective
- The density of 250G nodes is seen much higher in
some regions