Title: 4'1 Using Matrices to Represent Data
14.1 Using Matrices to Represent Data
2Essential Question How can we use matrices to
represent and transform data? Objectives
Represent mathematical and real-world data in a
matrix. Find sums and differences of matrices
and the scalar product of a number and a matrix.
3Glossary Terms Matrix (plural matrices)
rectangular array of numbers in square
brackets Dimensions number of rows by number of
vertical columns of a matrix Entry (or
element) each number of a matrix
4Glossary Terms Scalar multiplication a number
times each entry in a matrix Additive
inverse matrix opposite matrix, found by
scalar multiplication by -1 Pre-image original
figure prior to transformation Image
figure after transformation
5Rules and Properties Properties of Matrix
Addition For matrices A, B, and C, each with
dimensions of m x n Commutative A B B A
Associative (AB) C A (B C) Additive
Identity The m x n matrix having 0 as its entries
is the m x n identity matrix for
addition. Additive Inverse For every m x n
matrix A, the matrix whose entries are the
opposites of those in A is the additive inverse
of A.
6Key Skills Add and subtract matrices, and find
the scalar product of a number and a matrix.
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