Title: More on Limited Dependent Variables
1More on Limited Dependent Variables
2Interpreting the effect of binary response models
- We are often more interested in the partial
effect of Xi (the effect on the probability of
success) - The partial effect depends on X and can be easily
calculated for different values of X. - For example, when Xß0, the scaling factor is
approximately .4 for probit and .25 for logit. - Typically, we report the partial effect for the
sample averages of X. This can be easily obtained
using the dprobit command of Stata.
3Specification Issue 1 Neglected (omitted)
- Neglected (omitted) Heterogeneity
- Omitted variables are independent of the included
explanatory variables. - Consequence
- Parameters are inconsistent
- Partial effect for specific value of c would be
incorrect - Nevertheless, average partial effect (APE) for
the whole distribution of c can be still be
correctly estimated.
4Specification Issue 2 Continuous Endogenous
(Explanatory) Variables
- One possible solution is to estimate a linear
probability model using 2SLS. - Another solution is to estimate a probit model
use the Rivers-Vuong two-step approach.
5Rivers-Vuong two-step approach
- y1z1d1a1y2u1
- y11y1gt0
- y2z1d21z2d22v2 zd2v2
- v2 and u1 may be correlated.
- Assume v2 and u1 follow a joint normal
distribution, then u1?1v2e1. e1 is independent
of v2 - Step 1 Estimate v2
- Step 2 Use probit model to regress
- y1z1d1a1y2 ?1v2e1
6Unobserved Effects Probit Models under Strict
- P(yit1)F(xitßci)
- A fixed-effect approach that estimates ß and ci
(like linear fixed-effect model) is infeasible. - Solution 1 Estimate a random effect probit model
(i.e. c and x are independent) - Solution 2 (Chamberlains random effects probit
model) Assume - Solution 3 Estimate a fixed effects logit model
7On Heckman Selection Procedure with Endogenous
Explanatory variables
- y1z1d1a1y2u1
- y2 zd2v2
- y31zd3v3 gt0
- First estimate the selection equation to compute
the inverse Mills ratio - Estimate the first equation with the inverse
Mills ratio and z as instrument for y2. - At least two elements of z are not also in z1.
8Sample Selection in Linear Panel Data Models
- Two issues
- Endogenously unbalanced panel Units leave and
enter the sample over time based on factors
related to disturbance. - Incidental truncation Units covered by the
sample do not change but some variables are
unobserved for some time periods based on factors
related to disturbance.
9Fixed effects Estimation with Unbalanced Panels
- Sample selection is a problem for fixed effects
estimation when the selection is related to the
disturbances. - yitxitßciuit
- sit1 if (xit, yit) is observed
- Key assumption for consistency
- Error term is mean independent of si for all t (
E(uitxi,si,ci)0) - Estimates from unbalanced panel and the balanced
subsample are all consistent.
10Testing for Sample Selection Bias
- The Nijman and Verbeek approach
- Including the lagged or lead selection indicator
(e.g. si,t-1 or si,t1) to the fixed effects
model and test its significance. - Panel Heckmans test
- yit1xit1ß1ci1uit1
- sit21xi?t2vit2gt0
- Estimate the selection equation using pooled
probit and calculate the inverse Mills ratio. - Include the inverse Mills ratio to the fixed
effects model and test its significance.
11Correcting for sample selection bias Incidental
truncation with panel
- Chamberlains approach
- Key assumption
- ci1xip1ft1vit2
- With inverse Mills ratio, the following
regression can be estimated consistently - yit1xit1ß1xip1?t1?(xi?t2)eit
- Tobit selection equation
12Correcting for sample selection bias Attrition
- Focus on attrition in which units that leave the
sample do not reenter. - Approach Estimate the first-difference model
with probit selection equation - ?yit?xitß?uit
- sit1witdtvitgt0
- Key assumptions
- xit does not affect attrition once the elements
in wit have been controlled for - Strict exogeneity of xit (may be relaxed with IV)