Title: Nanometer Device Scaling in Subthreshold Circuits
1Nanometer Device Scaling in Subthreshold Circuits
- Scott Hanson, Mingoo Seok,
- Dennis Sylvester, David Blaauw
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2Exploring the Application Space
Reduce Vdd
Subthreshold Circuits
3Subthreshold Basics
Drain Current in an NFET Device
- VddltVth
- Reduced Ion/Ioff
- Exponential with
- Vdd
- Vth
- SS
- Key challenges
- Modest performance
- Variability
- Robust memory design
4Motivating Device Optimization
- Exponentially sensitive to device characteristics
- Subthreshold designers must be acutely aware of
device characteristics - Previous work
- Channel doping engineering (Paul, 2005)
- Drain/source underlap (Paul, 2006)
- Multi-gate devices (Kim, 2004) (Hanson, 2006)
- Use of RSCE (Kim, 2006) (Hanson, 2007)
- What will happen as device dimensions scale?
- Will conventional scaling be useful?
- Can scaling be re-optimized for subthreshold?
5An Investigation of Subthreshold Scaling
- Two key deliverables
- Implications of current scaling trends
onsubthreshold circuits - Understanding of device optimization opportunities
6Basic Device Modeling
- MEDICI model with four parameters Lpoly, Tox,
Nsub, Nhalo - All other dimensions proportional to Lpoly
- Halo/retrograde region modeled as Gaussian
7A Super-Vth Scaling Framework
- Goals
- Create 90nm 32nm baseline device models
- Closely mirror scaling of low standbypower
device - 30 reduction in Lpoly each generation
- 10 reduction in Tox each generation
- 100mV reduction in Vdd each generation
- Only used during optimization
- Affects SCE (and consequently halo implant)
- Nsub, Np,halo tuned to optimize delay subject to
leakage constraint
8Scaled Device Characteristics
9Scaled Device Characteristics
Ss and Ion/Ioff at Vdd250mV
- SS increases by 10mV/dec
- Ion/Ioff reduces by 60
- Problematic for SRAM
- Leads to 10 reduction in SNM
10Delay in Scaled Circuits
CMOS Inverter Delay
- Delay dominated by Vth, not Lpoly
- Sub-Vth design requires tight Vth control
11Energy in Scaled Circuits
Energy for a Chain of 30 Inverters
- Energy improves with scaling
- Ss plays a prominent role in energy, delay
12Opportunities for Improvement
Ss for a 45nm Device
- Key lessons
- SS is critical
- Lpoly scaling is not important
- Slow Tox scaling is important
- Opportunities
- Use increased Lpoly
- Use reduced doping
- Lets re-optimize our device
13Optimization for Subthreshold
Scaling Factors in a 45nm Device
A Comparison of Optimized and Unoptimized Devices
- 20-25 reduction in Lpoly per generation
- Optimized device has nearly constant SS80mV/dec
- 19 improvement in SNM at 32nm
14Revisiting Delay
CMOS Inverter Delay at Vdd250mV
- Comparison not strictly fair
- Re-optimization yields more gracefuldelay scaling
15Revisiting Energy
Energy for a Chain of 30 Inverters
- Vmin nearly constant for optimized device
- Energy improves by 23 at 32nm
16SNM in Scaled Subthreshold SRAM
17Variability in Subthreshold SRAM
- Skew cell to a corner
- Failure at read SNM of 6 of Vdd
- Confidence at failure normalized to s
1 generation improvement
18Read Current in Subthreshold SRAM
19Future Device Optimizations
FIELDAY Simulations of 3 Devices
- New devices may offer some help
- High-? gate dielectrics
- Superior Ss
- Multi-gate devices
- Superior Ss
- Better SCE
- Light body doping
Courtesy of X. Wang, A. Bryant, IBM Originally
appeared in S. Hanson, et al., ISLPED 06
20Some Final Thoughts
- Poor SS scaling (caused by slow Tox scaling)
leads to problems - Device scaling must be closely followed by
subthreshold designers - Vdd selection
- Delay optimization
- Memory design
- Simple modifications to doping and gate length
may offer help - Noise immunity
- Performance
- Energy consumption