Title: Future developments at the ESRF
1Future developments at the ESRF
- Outline
- Beam current increase
- Small aperture vacuum chambers
2Beam current increase (1)
Design current 1992 100 mA
1996 200 mA
2006 300 mA
- Main limitation HOM driven coupled-bunch
instabilities - Cured up to 200 mA by a precise control of
cavity temperature
- Solution for higher current fast multibunch
longitudinal feedback
3Beam current increase (2)
Longitudinal feedback based on fast digital
signal processing
- Feasibility study completed
- Detailed design and construction launched
- Longitudinal kicker based on SLS design
- Low level RF front ends under development
- Tenders for FPGA
First tests in November 2005
4Beam current increase (3)
Possible issues
Heatload on SR vacuum chamber and front-ends OK
Bremsstrahlung in the ID straight section OK
RF system transmitters OK number of
cavities OK power on windows OK
5Beam current increase (4)
- Multibunch feedback possibly sufficient
- HOM damped cavities
- - Superconducting cavities
- (SOLEIL, Cornell type)
- - Room temperature cavity
- (EU project)
6Small aperture vacuum chambers (1)
R D triggered by ESRF II
- Resistive wall impedance b3
- Replace stainless steel by aluminium (or
- Conductance b3
- Replace localised pumping by NEG coating
7Small aperture vacuum chambers (2)
Test new Al NEG coated CV3 chambers in the ID6
straight section January 2005 SOLEIL
type May 2005 30 x 20 mm
Start a reflection on long-term improvements of
the ESRF storage ring performances with keeping
untouched the existing tunnel and beamlines
9Lattice studies for ESRF II (1)
TBA optics Ultimate emittance for a 6 GeV, 32
cells lattice 0.66 nm
10Lattice studies for ESRF II (2)
11Lattice studies for ESRF II (3)
DBA optics with longitudinally varying dipole
Quadrupole matching sections to be optimised