Title: Leszek Deja, Jerzy Dyczek, Stanislawa Szalucha and Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska
1- Leszek Deja, Jerzy Dyczek, Stanislawa Szalucha
and Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska - Country report
- Asbestos Issues in Poland
2- In Poland since 1997 import, production and
trading of asbestos and asbestos-containing
materials has been prohibited according to the
parliamentary - Act on the Ban of Use of Asbestos-Containing
Products of June 19th 1997
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
3- In Poland about 85 of asbestos is locatedin
constraction materials - The total quantity of asbestos-productsis
estimated to be approximately - 15.5 mln tonnes
- of which 14.9 mln - asbestoscement sheets
- 0.6 mln - pipes and other products
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
4Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
5Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
6Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
7Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
8Accumulation of asbestos containing products by
voivodships (in million tonnes)
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
9 Legal regulations
The issues on asbestos are placed in almost 20
different legal regulations, including
parliamentary bills and orders The most
important acts and orders regulating production,
import, disposalof hazardous waste, environment
and health effect of asbestos are
- Act on the Ban of Use of Asbestos and
Asbestos-containing Products (1997) - Waste Act (2001)
- Environmental Protection Act (2001)
- Order issued by the Minister of Health on
Occupational Carcinogensand Surveilance of
Health Status of Exposed Workers (1996) - Order issued by the Minister of Economy on Safe
Use and Utilizationof Asbestos-containing
Products (1998) - Order issued by the Ministry of Labour on Roules
and Trainingin Occupational Hygiene and Safety
during Removal of Asbestos-containing Products
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
10 Legal regulations
All EU Directives regarding asbestos have been
already implemented in Poland. The 18th Directive
is to be implemented until April 2006
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
11- Government Project on the
- Elimination of Asbestosand Asbestos-Containing
Products Used in Poland - 2002 - 2032
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
12The objectives of the Programme are following
- Elimination of asbestos products from all-Polish
territory - Diminishing adverse effects of asbestos
exposureon population health and adoption of
necessary preventive measures - Alleviation of the environmental impact of
asbestos - Providing conditions for compliance with EU
regulations regarding asbestos contained products
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
13The Programs tasks is designed to be carried out
on three levels
- Central level - the Cabinet, Minister for
Economic Affairs and Labour, and withinthe
ministry, the Chief Coordinatorof the Program - Voivodeship level - the voivodesand the
voivodeship self-governments - Local level - the local self-governmentsthe
county (powiat) and municipality (gmina)
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
14Major obstacles that may hinder project
- Low level of public awareness of asbestos hazard
and of conditions for safe handling of asbestos
containing materials - Low economic standard of the Polish society,
particularly of the owners of farmhouses with
asbestos containing materials in rural districts - Lack of logistic solutions and financial
resources to support the elimination of asbestos
products - Low accessibility of structural support from EU
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
15Directions of future activities
- organisation of training for the civil service
and local authorities - educational activities via public media and
distribution of printed materials - establishment of associations of the owners of
buildings containing asbestos materials - providing assistance with respect to applications
for fundingfrom national and external resources
for environmental protection, including
establishment of counseling offices at local
administration units - extension of crediting opportunities offered by
commercial banks - further development of health care for workers
exposed to asbestos and asbestos victims
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
16 Asbestos-induced occupational diseases in Poland
in 1990-2004
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
17Health protection for asbestos exposed workers
The health care covers the present and former
asbestos workers accordingto Labour Code
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
18The Amiantus Project
- The Minister of Health in 1999 year established a
program of prophylactic medical examinations
called the Amiantus Project - All the former workers of the 28 Polish
asbestos-processing plants specified in the Act
are entitled to periodic medical examinations and
complimentary medications designedto treat
asbestos-related diseases
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
19The main tasks of the Amiantus Project are as
- Implementation of a standardised method for
medical examinations, as well as providing
relevant training and consultancy - Monitoring adverse respiratory effects in workers
occupationally exposed to asbestos dust - Running a central register of workers exposedto
asbestos - Running a database on the results of prophylactic
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
20Asbestosis in Poland in 1979-2004
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
21Asbestos-induced lung cancer vs. all occupational
lung cancers in Poland in 1990-2004
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland
22- Thank you for your attention
Reference Centrefor Asbestos Exposure
HealthRisk Assessment
Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska, NIOM, Lodz, Poland