Title: What I Did On My Summer Vacation
1What I Did On My Summer Vacation
- UNC Bodleian Seminar
- Beth Hoffman, University of Arizona
- University of North Carolina School of Info.
Library Science - International Study Program They have seminars in
places other than Oxford, too. This year they
also had seminars in Prague and in Ljubljana,
Slovenia. - http//sils.unc.edu/programs/international/index.h
tml - Info for next year should be up on the site in
Jan. 2007
- Most Every Type of Library
- Mostly concentrated on Oxford University Library
System, but we also had presenters talk about
public, school, and special libraries. - Got to See How it's Done in the UK
- Geared Toward Management Info
- But Good Stuff for Everyone
4The Bodleian
5The Bodleian Oath
I hereby undertake not to remove from the
Library, or to mark, deface, or injure in any
way, any volume, document, or other object
belonging to it or in its custody not to bring
into the Library or kindle therein any fire or
flame, and not to smoke in the Library and I
promise to obey all rules of the Library.
7You Mean We Get Credit for This?
- Yes!
- 3 Credits for Attending a 2-Week Seminar
- But you also have to write a paper...
- Can also be taken for no credit.
- A lot of professionals do this - and a few places
view this as a professional development activity
on par with attending a conference.
8But What Does it Cost?
- Cost of the Seminar
- 4,000
- Cost of Transportation
- 1,000
- Cost of Souvenirs
- 500
- Getting to Spend Two Weeks at One of the Greatest
Libraries in the World - Priceless
9Yes, its Expensive, But
- Cost of the seminar covers everything but
transportation. - Facilities are top notch (and so's the food).
Much better than the average dorm room and dorm
food. - You get to meet some really amazing people.
- The organizers, the presenters, and my fellow
attendees were all great.
10Want to Know More?
- Day-by-day account at my blog
- http//www.adventuresinlibraryschool.com/category/
unc-oxford-seminar-06/ - My vacation photos on Flickr
- http//www.flickr.com/photos/adventuresinlibrarysc
hool/sets/72157594167946576/ - This presentation is online, just go to
- http//www.adventuresinlibraryschool.com/presentat
ions/ - and select "What I Did on My Summer Vacation UNC
Bodleian Seminar"