SSD3 Unit 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SSD3 Unit 2


java FruitExample apple banana cherry // then the args array will be automatically ... The last array entry is: cherry. It is 6 characters long. 28. Questions? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SSD3 Unit 2

  • SSD3 - Unit 2
  • Java toString
  • Equals
  • Presentation 3.2.1
  • Class Website http//

Class Visibility
  • We have two choices with respect to the manner in
    which we declare class visibility
  • As public
  • public class Student
  • // Attributes and methods ...
  • With no explicit visibility
  • class Professor
  • // Attributes and methods
  • The implications of these two choices are
    illustrated on the diagrams that follow

Package A
Package B
public class W class X
public class Y class Z
Package A
Package B
public class W can create objects of
type W and X, but not of Y or Z class
X ditto
public class Y can create objects of
type Y and Z, but not of W or X class Z
ditto ...
Package A
Package B
import B. public class W can create
objects of type W, X, and Y, but still not
of Z class X ditto
public class Y can create objects of
type Y and Z, but still not of W or X
class Z ditto
Feature Visibility, Revisited
  • We learned about three types of feature
    visibility early on public, private, protected
  • We hadn't talked about class visibility or
    packages at that time, and so we oversimplified
    what these three forms of visibility really
    entail - we'll revisit that now

Feature Visibility, Cont.
  • Also, if the access type for a given feature is
    omitted entirely, as in the following example
  • public class Person
  • public String name
  • private String ssn
  • protected String address
  • int age
  • then the feature in question is said to have
    package visibility by default

Feature Visibility, Cont.
  • Here is the effective visibility for a given
    feature of public class 'A' with respect to a
    class 'B', depending on where the two classes

Feature Visibility, Cont.
hmmm ...
Feature Visibility, Cont.
hmmm ...
Feature Visibility, Cont.
(assuming import of Person)
Feature Visibility, cont.
  • For same-package classes, the bottom line is that
    if we dont explicitly declare something to be
    private, then it essentially becomes public
  • public class Person
  • // This first attribute is truly private.
  • private String ssn
  • // But, all the rest of these attributes are
  • // effectively public from the perspective of
  • // other classes in the same package.
  • public String name
  • protected String address
  • // Exception subclasses cannot see the next
  • int age

Determining the Class that an Object Belongs To
  • Another method that all classes inherit from the
    Object class is
  • Class getClass()
  • The Class class, in turn , has a method with
  • String getName()
  • Used in combination, we can use these two methods
    to interrogate an object to find out what class
    it belongs to

Determining the Class that an Object Belongs To,
  • Student s new Student()
  • Professor p new Professor()
  • Vector v new Vector()
  • v.add(s)
  • v.add(p)
  • for (int i 0 i lt v.size() i)
  • // Note that we are not casting the objects
  • // We're pulling them out as generic objects.
  • Object o v.elementAt(i)
  • System.out.println(o.getClass().getName())
  • This program produces as output
  • Student
  • Professor

Determining the Class that an Object Belongs To,
  • Another way to test whether a given object
    reference belongs to a particular class is via
    the instanceof operator
  • This is a boolean operator which allows us to
    determine if some reference variable X is an
    object/instance of class Y
  • Student x new Student()
  • if (x instanceof Professor) // will evaluate to
  • if (x instanceof Person) // will evaluate to
  • The classname should be the fully qualified name
    of the class if it belongs to a package, e.g.,

The toString() Method
  • We mentioned earlier that all Java classes are
    descended from the Object class
  • One of the features that all classes inherit from
    Object is a method with signature
  • public String toString()
  • As inherited, however, the method may not prove
    to be very useful, as the following example
    illustrates (cont.)

toString(), cont.
  • Student s1 new Student()
  • s1.setName("Harvey")
  • System.out.println(s1)
  • // Prints out an object ID not too useful!
  • Student_at_71f71130
  • It is a good idea to explicitly override the
    toString() method for any class that you invent
  • public String toString()
  • return getName()
  • // Prints "Fred" (or whatever).
  • System.out.println(s1)

Testing for Equality
  • We've seen the use of a double equal sign () to
    test for equality of two values e.g.,
  • int x 3
  • int y 4
  • if (x y) do something
  • We can also use to test the "equality" of two
  • Person p1 new Person("Joe")
  • Person p2 new Person("Mary")
  • if (p1 p2) do something ...
  • What does "equality" mean in the case of two
    object references?
  • As we saw from our discussion of String as
    objects, the operator tests to see if two
    references are referring to the same object

Testing for Equality, cont.
  • public class Person
  • private String name
  • // Constructor.
  • public Person(String n)
  • name n
  • // Client code
  • Person p1 new Person("Joe")
  • Person p2 p1 // Second handle on SAME object.
  • Person p3 new Person("Joe") // New object,
    same NAME.
  • if (p1 p2) System.out.println("p1 equals
  • if (p1 p3) System.out.println("p1 equals
  • Prints out p1 equals p2

The equals() Method
  • Another of the features that all classes inherit
    from Object is a method with signature
  • public boolean equals()
  • This method is used to test the "equality" of two
    objects in a different way namely, based on
    whatever criteria that we establish by overriding
    the method
  • Let's look at an example

The equals() method, cont.
  • public class Person
  • private String name
  • // Constructor.
  • public Person(String n)
  • name n
  • // Overridden from Object.
  • public boolean equals(Object o)
  • boolean answer false
  • try
  • Person p (Person) o // Note cast.
  • if (p.getName().equals(name)) answer true
  • else answer false
  • catch (ClassCastException e)
  • answer false

The equals() method, cont.
  • public String getName()
  • return name
  • // Client code.
  • Person p1 new Person("Joe")
  • Person p2 new Person("Mary")
  • Person p3 new Person("Joe") // Different
    object, same name.
  • Object o new Object()
  • System.out.println("Does p1 equal p2? "
  • System.out.println("Does p1 equal p3? "
  • System.out.println("Does p1 equal o? "
  • Produces as output Does p1 equal p2? false
  • Does p1 equal p3? true
  • Does p1 equal o? false

Reading from the Command Line
  • Now that weve learned about Java Strings and
    arrays, we can appreciate how to pass data into
    a Java program when invoking it from the command
  • When we invoke a program, we can type data after
    the name of the program on the command line e.g.
  • java Simple ABC 123

Command Line Input, cont.
  • Such data gets handed to the main() method as a
    String array called args (or whatever else we
    wish to name it), as indicated by the main()
    method's argument signature
  • public static void main(String args)
  • Inside the main() method, we can do with 'args'
    whatever wed do with any other array
  • E.g, determine its length, manipulate individual
    String items within the array, and so forth

Command Line Input, cont.
  • public class FruitExample
  • // If this program is run from the
  • // command line as follows
  • //
  • // java FruitExample apple banana cherry
  • //
  • // then the args array will be automatically
  • // initialized with THREE String values
  • // "apple", "banana", and "cherry", which
  • // will be stored in array 'cells' args0,
  • // args1, and args2, respectively.
  • public static void main(String args)
  • // Let's print out a few things.
  • System.out.println("The args array
    contains "
  • args.length " entries.")

Command Line Input, cont.
  • // Only execute this next block of code
  • // the array isn't empty.
  • if (args.length gt 0)
  • int i args.length - 1
  • System.out.println("The last entry
    is "
  • argsi)
  • System.out.println("It is"
  • argsi.length()
  • " characters long.")
  • // etc.

Command Line Input, cont.
  • When this program is run from the command line
  • java FruitExample apple banana cherry
  • it produces the following output
  • The args array contains 3 entries.
  • The last array entry is cherry
  • It is 6 characters long.

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