Title: Explaining Task Processing in Cognitive Assistants that Learn
1Explaining Task Processing in Cognitive
Assistants that Learn
- Deborah McGuinness1, Alyssa Glass1,2, Michael
Wolverton2, Paulo Pinheiro da Silva3 - 1Knowledge Systems, AI Laboratory
- Stanford University
- dlm glass _at_ksl.stanford.edu
- 2SRI International
- mjw_at_ai.sri.com
- 3University of Texas El Paso
- Work done while on staff at Stanford KSL
- paulo_at_utep.edu
- thanks to Li Ding, Cynthia Chang, Honglei Zeng,
Vasco Furtado, Jim Blythe, Karen Myers, Ken
Conley, David Morley
2General Motivation
Provide interoperable knowledge provenance
infrastructure that supports explanations of
sources, assumptions, learned information, and
answers as an enabler for trust.
- Interoperability as systems use varied sources
and multiple information manipulation engines,
they benefit more from encodings that are
shareable interoperable - Provenance if users (humans and agents) are to
use and integrate data from unknown, unreliable,
or evolving sources, they need provenance
metadata for evaluation - Explanation/Justification if information has
been manipulated (i.e., by sound deduction or by
heuristic processes), information manipulation
trace information should be available - Trust if some sources are more trustworthy than
others, representations should be available to
encode, propagate, combine, and (appropriately)
display trust values
3Inference Web Infrastructure primary
collaborators Ding, Chang, Zeng, Fikes
- Framework for explaining question answering tasks
by - abstracting, storing, exchanging,
- combining, annotating, filtering, segmenting,
- comparing, and rendering proofs and proof
fragments - provided by question answerers.
4ICEE Integrated Cognitive Explanation
- Improve Trust in Cognitive Assistants that learn
by providing transparency concerning  Â
provenance   information manipulation  Â
task processing   learning
5Task Management Framework
Activity Recognizer
Location Estimator
Process Models
Process Models
Execution Monitor
Execution Monitor
Task Explainer
Task Explainer
Tailor, LAPDOG,
6ICEE Architecture
Collaboration Agent
Task Manager (TM)
Explanation Dispatcher
TM Wrapper
TM Explainer
Justification Generator
7Task Explanation
- Ability to ask why at any point
Contextually relevant responses (using current
processing state and underlying provenance)
- Context appropriate follow-up questions are
presented - Explanations generated completely automatically
No additional work required by user to supply
8Explainer Strategy
- Present
- Query
- Answer
- Abstraction of justification (using PML
encodings) - Provide access to meta information
- Suggest context-appropriate drill down options
(also provide feedback options)
9Sample Introspective Predicates Provenance
- Author
- Modifications
- Algorithm
- Addition date/time
- Data used
- Collection time span for data
- Author comment
- Delta from previous version
- Link to original
Glass, A., and McGuinness, D.L. 2006.
Introspective Predicates for Explaining Task
Execution in CALO. Technical Report, KSL-06-04,
Knowledge Systems Lab., Stanford Univ.
10Task Action Schema
- Wrapper extracts portions of task intention
structure through introspective predicates - Store extracted information in action schema
- Designed to achieve three criteria
- Salience info relevant to information needs
- Reusability info usable by cognitive agent
activities like procedure learning or state
estimation - Generality conceptual model appropriate for
action reasoning in bdi, blackboard systems,
production systems, etc.
11User Trust Study
- Interviewed 10 Critical Learning Period (CLP)
participants - Programmers, researchers, administrators
- Focus of study
- Trust
- Failures, surprises, and other sources of
confusion - Desired questions to ask CALO
- Initial results
- Explanations are required in order to trust
agents that learn - To build trust, users want transparency and
provenance - Identified question types most important to CALO
users -- motivation for future work
12Selected Future Directions
- Broaden explanation of learning (and CALO
integration) - Explain learning by demonstration (integrating
initially with CALO component LAPDOG) - Explain preference learning (integrating
initially with CALO component PTIME) - Investigate explanation of conflicts/failures.
Explore this as feedback and a driver to initiate
learning procedure modifications or learning new
procedures. - Expand dialogue-based interaction and
presentation of explanations (expanding our
integration with Towel) - Use trust study results to prioritize provenance,
strategy, and dialogue work. - Exploit our work on IW Trust - a method for
representing, propagating, and presenting trust
within the CALO setting already have results in
intelligence analyst tools, integration with text
analytics, Wikipedia, likely to be used in IL,
13Advantages to ICEE Approach
- Unified framework for explaining task execution
and deductive reasoning, built on the Inference
Web infrastructure. - Architecture for reuse among many task execution
systems. - Introspective predicates and software wrapper
that extract explanation-relevant information
from task reasoner. - Reusable action schema for representing task
- Overview of ICEE
- Deborah McGuinness, Alyssa Glass, Michael
Wolverton and Paulo Pinheiro da Silva. Explaining
Task Processing in Cognitive Assistants That
Learn. In the proc. of the 20th International
FLAIRS Conference. Key, West, Florida, May 7-9,
2007. - Introspective predicates
- Glass, A., and McGuinness, D.L. Introspective
Predicates for Explaining Task Execution in CALO.
Technical Report, KSL-06-04, Knowledge Systems,
AI Lab., Stanford University, 2006. - Video demonstration of ICEE
- http//iw.stanford.edu/2006/10/ICEE.640.mov
- Explanation interfaces
- McGuinness, D.L., Ding, L., Glass, A., Chang, C.,
Zeng, H., and Furtado, V. Explanation Interfaces
for the Semantic Web Issues and Models. 3rd
International Semantic Web User Interaction
Workshop (SWUI06). Co-located with the
International Semantic Web Conference, Athens,
Georgia, 2006. - Inference Web (including above publications)
- http//iw.stanford.edu/
16SupportsTopLevelGoal(x) IntentionPreconditionMet
(x) TerminationConditionNotMet(x)
TopLevelGoal(y) Supports(x,y)
ParentOf (x,y) Supports(y,z) Supports (x,z)
ParentOf (x,y) Supports(y,z) Supports (x,z)
GS GetSignature BL BuyLaptop GA GetApproval
Supports (x,x)
17Explaining Learning by Demonstration
- General Motivation
- LAPDOG (Learning Assistant Procedures from
Demonstration, Observation, and Generalization)
generalizes the users demonstration to learn a
procedure - While LAPDOGs generalization process is designed
to produce reasonable procedures, it will
occasionally get it wrong - Specifically, it will occasionally over
generalize - Generalize the wrong variables, or too many
variables - Produce too general a procedure because of a
coarse-grained type hierarchy - ICEE needs to explain the relevant aspects of the
generalization process in a user-friendly format - To help the user identify and correct over
generalizations - To help the user understand and trust the learned
procedures - Specific elements of LAPDOG reasoning to explain
- Ontology-Based Parameter Generalization
- The variables (elements of the users
demonstration) that LAPDOG chooses to generalize - The type hierarchy on which the generalization is
based - Procedure Completion
- The knowledge-producing actions that were added
to the demonstration - The generalization done on those actions
- Background knowledge that biases the learning
- E.g., rich information about the email, calendar
events, files, web pages, and other objects upon
which it executes it actions - Primarily for future versions of LAPDOG
18Explaining Preferences
- General Motivation
- PLIANT (Preference Learning through Interactive
Advisable Non-intrusive Training) uses
user-elicited preferences and past choices to
learn user scheduling preferences for PTIME,
using a Support Vector Machine. - Inconsistent user preferences, over-constrained
schedules, and necessity of exploring the
preference space result in user confusion about
why a schedule is being presented. - Lack of user understanding of PLIANTs updates
creates confusion, mistrust, and the appearance
that preferences are being ignored. - ICEE needs to provide justifications of PLIANTs
schedule suggestions, in a user-friendly format,
without requiring the user to understand SVM
learning. - Providing Transparency into Preference Learning
- Augment PLIANT to gather additional
meta-information about the SVM itself - Support vectors identified by SVM
- Support vectors nearest to the query point
- Margin to the query point
- Average margin over all data points
- Non-support vectors nearest to the query point
- Kernel transformation used, if any
- Represent SVM learning and meta-information as
justification in PML, using added SVM rules - Design abstraction strategies for presenting
justification to user as a similarity-based
19During the demo, notice
- User can ask questions at any time
- Reponses are context-sensitive
- Dependant on current task processing state and on
provenance of underlying process - Explanations generated completely automatically
- No additional work required by user to supply
information - Follow-up questions provide additional detail at
users discretion - Avoids needless distraction
20 - Example Usage
- Live Demo and/or Video Clip
21Future Directions
- Broaden explanation of learning and CALO
integration - Explain learning by demonstration, integrating
initially with CALO component LAPDOG - Explain preference learning, integrating
initially with CALO component PTIME - Investigate explanation of conflicts. Explore
this as a driver to initiate learning procedure
modifications or learning new procedures. - Expand dialogue-based interaction and
presentation of explanations, expanding our
integration with Towel - Write up and distribute trust study (using our
interviews with 10 year 3 CLP subjects). - Use trust study results to prioritize provenance,
strategy, and dialogue work. - Potentially exploit our work on IW Trust - a
method for representing, propagating, and
presenting trust within the CALO setting
already have results in intelligence analyst
tools, integration with text analytics,
Wikipedia, likely to be used in IL, etc. - Continue discussions with
- Tom Garvey about transition opportunities to CPOF
- Tom Dietterich about explanation-directed
learning and provenance - Adam Cheyer about explaining parts of the OPIE
22How PML Works
Query fooquery1 structured query
Question fooquestion1 question
Justification Trace
NodeSet foons1 (hasConclusion )
NodeSet foons2 (hasConclusion )
23Future Directions
- We will leverage results from our trust study to
focus and prioritize our strategies explaining
cognitive assistants e.g., learning specific
provenance - We will expand our explanations of learning to
augment learning by instruction and design and
implement explanation of learning by
demonstration (initially focusing on LAPDOG). - We will expand our initial design of explaining
preferences in PTIME - Write up and distribute user trust study to CALO
participants - Consider using conflicts to drive learning and
explanations I have not finished because x
has not completed. - Advanced dialogues exploiting TOWEL and other
CALO components - Potentially exploit our work on IW Trust - a
method for representing, propagating, and
presenting trust within the CALO setting
already have results in intelligence analyst
tools, integration with text analytics,
Wikipedia, likely to be used in IL, etc.
24Sample Task HierarchyPurchase equipment
- Purchase equipment
- Collect requirements
- Get quotes
- Do research
- Choose set of quotes
- Pick single item
- Get approval
- Place order
25Sample Task HierarchyGet travel authorization
- Get travel authorization
- Collect requirements
- Get approval, if necessary
- Note this conditional step was added to the
original procedure through learning by
instruction - Submit travel paperwork
26PML in Swoop
27Explaining Extracted Entities
Source fbi_01.txt Source Usage span from 01 to
Same conclusion from multiple extractors
conflicting conclusion from one extractor
This extractor decided that Person_fbi-01.txt_46
is a Person and not Occupation