Title: By Dolf Els
1Newsroom Trainers Conference, Poynter Institute
Slides in the Newsroom
PowerPoint as an aid in newsroom training
By Dolf Els Manager Editorial Development,
2Todays Agenda
In a nutshell session outline
- Why PowerPoint as a training aid?
- Five things to do (or to avoid)
- Examples of newsroom training slides
- How to build a basic design template
- Q A
- Create a new presentation / critique an
existing presentation
Why PowerPoint as a training aid?
- Show and Tell more effective
- Makes it easy to highlight points
- More professional, organized, credible
- Quick and easy to update your material
4Dos and Donts
Five things to do (or to avoid)
- Dont dump loads of information
- Take care in choosing display fonts
- Dont let the background steal (kill) the show
- Beware of all the bells and whistles
- Use visuals wisely
5Dos and Donts
Five things to do (or to avoid) 1
- Dont dump loads of information
- (Annoyance factor 47.8)
It can be information overload on oneslide
6Dos and Donts
Five things to do (or to avoid) 1
- Dont dump loads of information (Annoyance
factor 47.8) - Tips
- Break major points into separate slides not
more than 3 to 6 points per slide - Use headlines rather than headings like a
series of newspaper stories where only 3 things
matter headline, picture caption - Numbers are powerful devices to make lists
memorable - Comparisons help prove the point and illustrate
what not to do - Optimize display fonts (Annoyance factor 50.1)
- Tips
- Use large lettering on your slides Avoid using
text smaller than 24 pt because it is difficult
to read from across the room - Dont decrease point size in order to fit all the
text onto one slide - Use a sans-serif screen display font like Verdana
or Arial they project more clearly than serif
7Dos and Donts
Five things to do (or to avoid) 1
- Dont dump loads of information
- (Annoyance factor 47.8)
or it can be a complex chart with lots of
8Dos and Donts
University of Wisconsin-Madison
9Dos and Donts
- Dont dump loads of information
- Tips
- Major points go onto separate slides
- Headlines are better than headings
- Numbers make lists memorable
- Comparisons help prove the point
10Dos and Donts
Five things to do (or to avoid) 2
- Take care in choosing display fonts
- (Annoyance factor 50.1)
- Use a sans-serif screen display font like Verdana
or Arial - Use the largest type sizes possible
- Dont decrease point size to fit all the text on
one slide
11Dos and Donts
Take care in choosing display fonts
Sans Serif (36pt) Verdana Bold Arial Black Arial
Bold Avoid Arial Narrow
Serif Fonts (36 pt) Times Roman Bold Garamond
Bold Century Bold AvoidCourier
12Dos and Donts
Take care in choosing display fonts
San Serif (16 pt) Arial Bold Use large
lettering. Remember, people across the training
room should be able to read the text with ease.
Use the largest type sizes possible.
Serif Fonts (16 pt) Times New Roman Bold Use
large lettering. Remember, people across the
training room should be able to read the text
with ease. Use the largest type sizes possible.
13Dos and Donts
Five things to do (or to avoid) 3
Backgrounds should not steal (kill) the
show(Annoyance factor 37)
- Use one of two color schemes
- light text on a dark background, or
- dark text on a light background
14Dos and Donts
Dark text on a light background
15Dos and Donts
Never use light colors on a light background