Academic Staff Professional Development Component - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Academic Staff Professional Development Component


To learn new rehearsal techniques for jazz ensemble so that I can improve my ... Improved ability as a jazz performer and educator through a greater ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Academic Staff Professional Development Component

Academic Staff Professional Development Component
  • Faculty Development Program
  • UW Oshkosh

May 23, 2002 Revised September, 2006
Purpose of Component
  • To facilitate professional development by
    supporting participation in activities which
  • Improve job performance by providing new or
    essential skills/knowledge required as a result
    of changing needs and roles
  • Enhance career goals
  • Maintain program quality and vitality
  • Assist the University to better fulfill its
    mission and goals

Who is eligible?
  • Instructional and non-instructional academic
    staff with at least a .50 FTE assignment for the
    academic year.
  • One semester only academic staff are not
  • Activities must occur during the applicants
    contract period to be eligible for support.
  • If a person will be under contract for Fall
    semester, they may receive support in the
    preceding summer.

Supported Activities
  • Attendance at conferences or workshops to acquire
    specific skills or knowledge.
  • Staff exchange or internship programs that
    require an extended period of involvement.
  • Participation in structured settings at other
    institutions or agencies.

Non-Supportable Activities/Expenses
  • Making a presentation at a professional meeting
  • A self-directed program of instruction
  • Supplies and expenses
  • Meal expenses
  • Taking a course as part of a degree or enrichment
  • Participation in international study tours or
    cultural exchange programs

Other Restrictions
  • Only up to three academic staff members from any
    department/unit may be funded to attend the same
    conference or workshop.
  • Each person must complete a separate proposal
  • Each person must describe why it is essential for
    her/him to attend
  • Each proposal will be evaluated on its merit
  • This component is not intended to supplant the
    primary responsibility that each unit/department
    has in supporting professional development

Submission Process
  • Find a GREAT conference/professional development
  • Determine why it is critical you attend this
    experience and what you expect to learn
  • Request funding from your department/unit
  • If money isnt available, request ASPD funding

Submission Process
  • Write proposal and complete coversheet
  • Submit 8 copies of the proposal (two copies with
    the coversheet) to your department/unit head
    and/or Dean for signature. (Supervisors office
    keeps one copy with coversheet, remaining copies
    with one signed cover sheet are forwarded to
    Office of Grants Faculty Development, Faculty
    Development Center, 738 High Avenue.)
  • Submit proposal at least 4 weeks before program
  • Proposal must include
  • Abstract (one page maximum)
  • Proposal narrative (2-4 single spaced pages)
  • Budget justification
  • Descriptive materials describing program
    including agenda

Review Process
  • FD Office logs in proposal
  • FD Office distributes proposals to ASPD Component
  • Subcommittee members review proposal based on
    published criteria
  • Proposals and evaluation forms are returned to FD
  • Evaluations are compiled
  • When votes are split, committee members meet or
    are contacted via email/phone for additional
    information and clarification of concerns
  • Recommendation is made to Provost/VC
  • Letters are sent to proposers

ASPD Component SubcommitteeMembers
  • 4 Academic Staff representatives, appointed by
    Academic Staff Senate
  • Chair of FDB
  • Director,Office of Grants Fac. Dev.

Review Process
  • If you were funded, GREAT!!
  • Attend your program
  • Complete outcomes/dissemination
  • Submit travel expenses (if in budget)
  • Complete final report
  • If you werent funded, BUMMER!!
  • Revise and resubmit if there is time
  • Proposals must be submitted before activity occurs

Evaluation Criteria
Goals Are project goals adequately described
(from proposers and/or units perspective)? Y/N
  • Goals specify what you intend to learn at the
    conference, internship, activity, etc.
  • Aquatic-based rehabilitation and training
  • Retention of minority students
  • French horn techniques
  • Solutions to the revolving door phenomena of
  • Link your goals to your job/teaching

Outcomes Are specific, tangible outcomes
identified? Y/N
  • Outcomes tell what you will do with the
    information once you return from the learning
  • Tangible outcomes are outcomes which others can
    physically observe.
  • Tell what you will develop as a result of
    participation in the learning activity. For
  • Course materials
  • Workshop materials
  • Brochures
  • An action plan to develop a new registration
  • Development of a proposal for a new registration

Dissemination Does proposer adequately describe
how new knowledge or skill will be disseminated
and implemented? Y/N
  • You know what you want/need to learn (goals) and
    how you will demonstrate that learning
    (outcomes), now tell how you will move the
    knowledge beyond you to the remainder of the
    campus (dissemination).
  • Include in Non-rational Numbers course
  • Present workshop to Advising Staff
  • Propose new registration process to supervisor
  • Distribute brochures in Health Center on Info

Specific Sessions Are specific sessions
identified and does the proposer adequately
explain how selected sessions relate to
proposers and/or units goals? Y/N
  • a. Are descriptive materials including agenda
    used to describe the program?
  • b. If program information is insufficient to
    clearly delineate the nature of the experience,
    has proposer contacted appropriate program
    persons for additional information? Is this
    information included in proposal?

Specific Sessions
  • Describe the specific sessions you intend to
  • Link the sessions to your goals.
  • Include program agenda highlighting sessions you
    intend to attend.
  • If agenda isnt available, contact program people
    for details (attach email with info)

Uniqueness of Program Is this program unique
from those previously attended? Y/N
  • Proposals for previously-attended programs wont
    be recommended unless proposers can demonstrate
    that the proposed program is different.
  • If the proposed program appears similar to
    previously-attended programs, has the proposer
    adequately explained why the proposed program is
  • Tell if you have been to this program/conference
  • Did you use ASPD funds?
  • Tell how this program is different than
    previously-attended programs.

Travel Is distant/international travel
justified? (Travel to distant/international
sites must justify why equivalent experience is
not available at a closer site. Participation in
study tours or cultural experiences is not
supported.) Y/N
  • Attend workshop conference in Hawaii --
  • This is the annual meeting of the people from
    across the nation involved in the education of
    clinical laboratory professionals. There is one
    annual meeting that is hosted by a state Medical
    Technology/Clinical Laboratory Science Society.
    The Hawaii Society for Clinical Laboratory
    Science is the state society that was selected by
    ASCLS to sponsor this years CLEC. The workshop,
    which is also part of this proposal, is sponsored
    each year by NAACLS (a separate organization) and
    is presented the day prior to the CLEC, wherever
    the conference happens to be located.

Budget Does proposer provide and adequately
justify the budget? Y/N
  • Justifications must list
  • budget items
  • amounts requested
  • basis for request
  • coverpage is insufficient
  • Proposers must present rationale for using ASPDC
    funding instead of department/units funds.
  • Maximum award is 1,500
  • Meals are not included

Exclusions/Unfundable Activities Is there
anything about this project which makes it
unfundable? Y/N
  • No more than 3 academic staff per department/
    unit per program
  • each proposer completes separate proposal
  • Unfundable activities include
  • Presentations at professional meetings
  • Self-directed programs of instruction
  • Supplies and expenses
  • Taking a course as part of a degree or enrichment

  • Committee Member Recommendation _____ Approve
    _____ Deny

  • I am an athletic trainer, supervise student
    athletic trainers, and will be teaching a new
    course in the fall entitled Therapeutic Exercise
    and Rehabilitation which is part of the new
    Strength and Conditioning Minor here at UW
    Oshkosh. I need to learn more about strength
    training and rehabilitation techniques to better
    assist coaches and athletes in developing their
    off-season and in-season strength programs. I
    also need to learn about ..

  • One of my goals for attending the AT Annual
    Conference is to further develop my knowledge
    base in the area of strength training and
    rehabilitation techniques so I may apply this
    knowledge in the training room and classroom with
    a long-range desire to reduce injuries among
  • A second goal is to .

  • To attain my goal of further developing my
    knowledge base in the area of strength training
    and rehabilitation techniques, I will be
    attending the following sessions (see program
    agenda, attached)
  • Advances in Strength Training, Instructor Dr.
    Whynot Getbetter Someplace University, (update on
    strength training research)
  • Medical Issues in the Athletic Training Room,
    Instructor John MacKnight, MD, University of
    Virginia (medical/rehabilitation issues critical
    to the running of an athletic training room will
    be discussed)
  • Motivation The Key to Improving Adherence to
    Exercise and Rehabilitation, Instructor Kenneth
    L. Cameron, MA, ATC, CSCS, United States Military
    Academy, West Point, NY (motivation tips to
    encourage people to stay with their
    rehabilitation program)

  • Outcomes from attending these sessions will be as
  • Development of a one hour training session for
    all coaches/assistant coaches and
    assistant/student trainers on strength training
    and rehabilitation techniques
  • Development of course materials on strength
    training and rehabilitation techniques to be used
    in my fall semester Therapeutic Exercise and
    Rehabilitation course which is part of the new
    Strength and Conditioning Minor here at UW

  • Dissemination of my learnings related to strength
    training and rehabilitation techniques will
    involve the following
  • Presentation of a one hour training session for
    all coaches/assistant coaches and
    assistant/student trainers on strength training
    and rehabilitation techniques at the beginning of
    fall semester.
  • Inclusion of the topic strength training and
    rehabilitation techniques in my Therapeutic
    Exercise and Rehabilitation course which is part
    of the new Strength and Conditioning Minor here
    at UW Oshkosh.

  • Copies of materials developed for the above
    training session and course will be included in
    my final report.

Music/Jazz Education
  • The mission of the International Association for
    Jazz Education is to assure the continued
    worldwide growth and development of jazz and jazz
    education. As a part of that mission, the
    Association initiates programs which nurture and
    promote the understanding and appreciation of
    jazz and heritage, provide leadership to
    educators regarding curricula and performance,
    .. The IAJE International Conference is the
    largest jazz conference in the world The
    program for the annual meeting will feature
    performances, seminars, clinics, master classes
    covering such areas as
  • Jazz Composition and Arranging
  • Latin Jazz Improvisation.

Music/Jazz Goals for the Project
  • To become familiar with new works for jazz
    ensemble for possible future performance by the
    UW Oshkosh Jazz Ensemble
  • To learn new rehearsal techniques for jazz
    ensemble so that I can improve my effectiveness
    as the director of the UW Oshkosh Jazz Ensemble
  • To gain a greater understanding of the history of
    jazz and as a result improve my understanding of
    jazz style, performance practice, and the
    contributions of musicians from the past. It is
    hoped that knowledge gained in this area will
    improve my teaching of the Evolution of Jazz
    course here at UW Oshkosh.

Music/Jazz Relationship to my Prof. Duties
  • The topics presented at this conference related
    directly to my position as trumpet instructor and
    jazz ensemble director in the following ways
  • Jazz Concerts Performances by professional
    soloists and jazz ensembles will provide
    first-hand knowledge of stylistic and technical
    elements of jazz performance necessray tin my
    professional development as an active performer.
    Knowledge gained from concert attendance
    concerning jazz style and literature will be very
    useful in my position as the director of the
    UWOshkosh Jazz Ensemble.
  • Performances by Univeristy and High School
    Groups . Hear first-hand new literature for
    possible performance by UWOshkosh Jazz Ensemble.

Music/Jazz outcomes
  • Through attendance at this conference I expect
    the following outcomes
  • Improved ability as a jazz performer and educator
    through a greater understanding and knowledge of
    improvisation techniques, performance practice,
    new literature, and jazz history. As tangible
    proof of these outcomes I will provide the
    following with the final report
  • Audio recording of jazz performance by myself
    incorporating new improvisation techniques
  • Handouts developed based on information acquired
    at the conference that will be used in
    presentations to jazz ensembles, the trumpet
    studio, and jazz history courses.
  • Audio recording of jazz ensemble performing new
    works discovered at the conference..

Music/Jazz Dissemination and Implementation of
New Knowledge
  • New knowledge acquired through attendance at this
    conference will be incorporated in jazz ensemble
    rehearsals, jazz history courses, trumpet
    lessons, and trumpet seminars. New approaches to
    jazz pedagogy will be applied to problems in jazz
    ensemble rehearsal and the development of
    improvisation skills by students and myself.
    Knowledge of new literature will be share through
    performances of these works by by students and

Music/Jazz Sessions to Attend
  • List of sessions
  • Program also attached
  • If session names dont clearly relate to prior
    narrative, give some description as to why you
    are selecting them.

Music/Jazz Need for Financial Support
  • Department funds allocated for this type of
    professional travel during the 200x-x school year
    have been exhausted.

Not adequate -- Tell if you received any of
these funds and how much. -- If not, why not.
What is the problem? -- If so, where did you go,
how did you use them?
Music/Jazz Budget
  • Registration 280
  • Airfare 375
  • Hotel 5nights_at_150 750
  • Meals 275
  • Total 1680

Which expenses arent allowed?
  • Budget justification needed
  • Must adhere to UW System Travel Regulations
  • We will pre-pay registration fees, airline ticket
  • Cost for travel is at lowest reasonable rate

Budget Problems
  • FD cant pay for meals
  • 1,500 maximum reimbursement
  • Registration 280
  • Airfare 375
  • Hotel 5nights_at_150 750
  • Meals 275
  • Total 1,680
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